#ifndef _MOVIT_EFFECT_H #define _MOVIT_EFFECT_H 1 // Effect is the base class for every effect. It basically represents a single // GLSL function, with an optional set of user-settable parameters. // // A note on naming: Since all effects run in the same GLSL namespace, // you can't use any name you want for global variables (e.g. uniforms). // The framework assigns a prefix to you which will be unique for each // effect instance; use the macro PREFIX() around your identifiers to // automatically prepend that prefix. #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" namespace movit { class EffectChain; class Node; // Can alias on a float[2]. struct Point2D { Point2D(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {} float x, y; }; // Can alias on a float[3]. struct RGBTriplet { RGBTriplet(float r, float g, float b) : r(r), g(g), b(b) {} float r, g, b; }; // Can alias on a float[4]. struct RGBATuple { RGBATuple(float r, float g, float b, float a) : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) {} float r, g, b, a; }; class Effect { public: virtual ~Effect() {} // An identifier for this type of effect, mostly used for debug output // (but some special names, like "ColorspaceConversionEffect", holds special // meaning). Same as the class name is fine. virtual std::string effect_type_id() const = 0; // Whether this effects expects its input (and output) to be in // linear gamma, ie. without an applied gamma curve. Most effects // will want this, although the ones that never actually look at // the pixels, e.g. mirror, won't need to care, and can set this // to false. If so, the input gamma will be undefined. // // Also see the note on needs_texture_bounce(), below. virtual bool needs_linear_light() const { return true; } // Whether this effect expects its input to be in the sRGB // color space, ie. use the sRGB/Rec. 709 RGB primaries. // (If not, it would typically come in as some slightly different // set of RGB primaries; you would currently not get YCbCr // or something similar). // // Again, most effects will want this, but you can set it to false // if you process each channel independently, equally _and_ // in a linear fashion. virtual bool needs_srgb_primaries() const { return true; } // How this effect handles alpha, ie. what it outputs in its // alpha channel. The choices are basically blank (alpha is always 1.0), // premultiplied and postmultiplied. // // Premultiplied alpha is when the alpha value has been be multiplied // into the three color components, so e.g. 100% red at 50% alpha // would be (0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) instead of (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) // as it is stored in most image formats (postmultiplied alpha). // The multiplication is taken to have happened in linear light. // This is the most natural format for processing, and the default in // most of Movit (just like linear light is). // // If you set INPUT_AND_OUTPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA or // INPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA_KEEP_BLANK, all of your inputs // (if any) are guaranteed to also be in premultiplied alpha. // Otherwise, you can get postmultiplied or premultiplied alpha; // you won't know. If you have multiple inputs, you will get the same // (pre- or postmultiplied) for all inputs, although most likely, // you will want to combine them in a premultiplied fashion anyway // in that case. enum AlphaHandling { // Always outputs blank alpha (ie. alpha=1.0). Only appropriate // for inputs that do not output an alpha channel. // Blank alpha is special in that it can be treated as both // pre- and postmultiplied. OUTPUT_BLANK_ALPHA, // Always outputs postmultiplied alpha. Only appropriate for inputs. OUTPUT_POSTMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, // Always outputs premultiplied alpha. As noted above, // you will then also get all inputs in premultiplied alpha. // If you set this, you should also set needs_linear_light(). INPUT_AND_OUTPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, // Like INPUT_AND_OUTPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, but also guarantees // that if you get blank alpha in, you also keep blank alpha out. // This is a somewhat weaker guarantee than DONT_CARE_ALPHA_TYPE, // but is still useful in many situations, and appropriate when // e.g. you don't touch alpha at all. // // Does not make sense for inputs. INPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA_KEEP_BLANK, // Keeps the type of alpha (premultiplied, postmultiplied, blank) // unchanged from input to output. Usually appropriate if you // process all color channels in a linear fashion, do not change // alpha, and do not produce any new pixels thare have alpha != 1.0. // // Does not make sense for inputs. DONT_CARE_ALPHA_TYPE, }; virtual AlphaHandling alpha_handling() const { return INPUT_AND_OUTPUT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA; } // Whether this effect expects its input to come directly from // a texture. If this is true, the framework will not chain the // input from other effects, but will store the results of the // chain to a temporary (RGBA fp16) texture and let this effect // sample directly from that. // // There are two good reasons why you might want to set this: // // 1. You are sampling more than once from the input, // in which case computing all the previous steps might // be more expensive than going to a memory intermediate. // 2. You rely on previous effects, possibly including gamma // expansion, to happen pre-filtering instead of post-filtering. // (This is only relevant if you actually need the filtering; if // you sample 1:1 between pixels and texels, it makes no difference.) // // Note that in some cases, you might get post-filtered gamma expansion // even when setting this option. More specifically, if you are the // first effect in the chain, and the GPU is doing sRGB gamma // expansion, it is undefined (from OpenGL's side) whether expansion // happens pre- or post-filtering. For most uses, however, // either will be fine. virtual bool needs_texture_bounce() const { return false; } // Whether this effect expects mipmaps or not. If you set this to // true, you will be sampling with bilinear filtering; if not, // you could be sampling with simple linear filtering and no mipmaps // (although there is no guarantee; if a different effect in the chain // needs mipmaps, you will also get them). virtual bool needs_mipmaps() const { return false; } // Whether this effect wants to output to a different size than // its input(s) (see inform_input_size(), below). If you set this to // true, the output will be bounced to a texture (similarly to if the // next effect set needs_texture_bounce()). virtual bool changes_output_size() const { return false; } // Whether this effect is effectively sampling from a a single texture. // If so, it will override needs_texture_bounce(); however, there are also // two demands it needs to fulfill: // // 1. It needs to be an Input, ie. num_inputs() == 0. // 2. It needs to allocate exactly one sampler in set_gl_state(), // and allow dependent effects to change that sampler state. virtual bool is_single_texture() const { return false; } // If changes_output_size() is true, you must implement this to tell // the framework what output size you want. Also, you can set a // virtual width/height, which is the size the next effect (if any) // will _think_ your data is in. This is primarily useful if you are // relying on getting OpenGL's bilinear resizing for free; otherwise, // your virtual_width/virtual_height should be the same as width/height. // // Note that it is explicitly allowed to change width and height // from frame to frame; EffectChain will reallocate textures as needed. virtual void get_output_size(unsigned *width, unsigned *height, unsigned *virtual_width, unsigned *virtual_height) const { assert(false); } // Tells the effect the resolution of each of its input. // This will be called every frame, and always before get_output_size(), // so you can change your output size based on the input if so desired. // // Note that in some cases, an input might not have a single well-defined // resolution (for instance if you fade between two inputs with // different resolutions). In this case, you will get width=0 and height=0 // for that input. If you cannot handle that, you will need to set // needs_texture_bounce() to true, which will force a render to a single // given resolution before you get the input. virtual void inform_input_size(unsigned input_num, unsigned width, unsigned height) {} // How many inputs this effect will take (a fixed number). // If you have only one input, it will be called INPUT() in GLSL; // if you have several, they will be INPUT1(), INPUT2(), and so on. virtual unsigned num_inputs() const { return 1; } // Inform the effect that it has been just added to the EffectChain. // The primary use for this is to store the ResourcePool uesd by // the chain; for modifications to it, rewrite_graph() below // is probably a better fit. virtual void inform_added(EffectChain *chain) {} // Let the effect rewrite the effect chain as it sees fit. // Most effects won't need to do this, but this is very useful // if you have an effect that consists of multiple sub-effects // (for instance, two passes). The effect is given to its own // pointer, and it can add new ones (by using add_node() // and connect_node()) as it sees fit. This is called at // EffectChain::finalize() time, when the entire graph is known, // in the order that the effects were originally added. // // Note that if the effect wants to take itself entirely out // of the chain, it must set “disabled” to true and then disconnect // itself from all other effects. virtual void rewrite_graph(EffectChain *graph, Node *self) {} // Outputs one GLSL uniform declaration for each registered parameter // (see below), with the right prefix prepended to each uniform name. // If you do not want this behavior, you can override this function. virtual std::string output_convenience_uniforms() const; // Returns the GLSL fragment shader string for this effect. virtual std::string output_fragment_shader() = 0; // Set all OpenGL state that this effect needs before rendering. // The default implementation sets one uniform per registered parameter, // but no other state. // // is the first free texture sampler. If you want to use // textures, you can bind a texture to GL_TEXTURE0 + , // and then increment the number (so that the next effect in the chain // will use a different sampler). virtual void set_gl_state(GLuint glsl_program_num, const std::string& prefix, unsigned *sampler_num); // If you set any special OpenGL state in set_gl_state(), you can clear it // after rendering here. The default implementation does nothing. virtual void clear_gl_state(); // Set a parameter; intended to be called from user code. // Neither of these take ownership of the pointer. virtual bool set_int(const std::string&, int value) MUST_CHECK_RESULT; virtual bool set_float(const std::string &key, float value) MUST_CHECK_RESULT; virtual bool set_vec2(const std::string &key, const float *values) MUST_CHECK_RESULT; virtual bool set_vec3(const std::string &key, const float *values) MUST_CHECK_RESULT; virtual bool set_vec4(const std::string &key, const float *values) MUST_CHECK_RESULT; protected: // Register a parameter. Whenever set_*() is called with the same key, // it will update the value in the given pointer (typically a pointer // to some private member variable in your effect). // // Neither of these take ownership of the pointer. // int is special since GLSL pre-1.30 doesn't have integer uniforms. // Thus, ints that you register will _not_ be converted to GLSL uniforms. void register_int(const std::string &key, int *value); // These correspond directly to float/vec2/vec3/vec4 in GLSL. void register_float(const std::string &key, float *value); void register_vec2(const std::string &key, float *values); void register_vec3(const std::string &key, float *values); void register_vec4(const std::string &key, float *values); private: std::map params_int; std::map params_float; std::map params_vec2; std::map params_vec3; std::map params_vec4; }; } // namespace movit #endif // !defined(_MOVIT_EFFECT_H)