/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Ping Identity Corporation * All rights reserved. * * For further information please contact: * * Ping Identity Corporation * 1099 18th St Suite 2950 * Denver, CO 80202 * 303.468.2900 * http://www.pingidentity.com * * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: * * THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY; INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, NONINFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NOR ARE THERE ANY * WARRANTIES CREATED BY A COURSE OR DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR TRADE * USAGE. FURTHERMORE, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET * YOUR NEEDS OR BE FREE FROM ERRORS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE * WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Initially based on mod_auth_cas.c: * https://github.com/Jasig/mod_auth_cas * * Other code copied/borrowed/adapted: * AES crypto: http://saju.net.in/code/misc/openssl_aes.c.txt * session handling: Apache 2.4 mod_session.c * session handling backport: http://contribsoft.caixamagica.pt/browser/internals/2012/apachecc/trunk/mod_session-port/src/util_port_compat.c * shared memory caching: mod_auth_mellon * * @Author: Hans Zandbelt - hzandbelt@pingidentity.com * **************************************************************************/ #include "apr_hash.h" #include "apr_strings.h" #include "ap_config.h" #include "ap_provider.h" #include "apr_lib.h" #include "apr_file_io.h" #include "apr_sha1.h" #include "apr_base64.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "http_request.h" #include "mod_auth_openidc.h" // TODO: improve JSON handling // TODO: improve redirect_uri = content handling // TODO: harmonize user facing error handling // TODO: sort out oidc_cfg vs. oidc_dir_cfg stuff // TODO: rigid input checking on discovery responses and authorization responses // TODO: check self-issued support // TODO: README.quickstart // TODO: use oidc_get_current_url + configured RedirectURIPath to determine the RedirectURI more dynamically // TODO: do we always want to refresh keys when signature does not validate? (risking DOS attacks, or does the nonce help against that?) // do we now still want to refresh jkws once per hour (it helps to reduce the number of failed verifications, at the cost of too-many-downloads overhead) // refresh metadata once-per too? (for non-signing key changes) // TODO: check the Apache 2.4 compilation/#defines extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA auth_openidc_module; /* * clean any suspicious headers in the HTTP request sent by the user agent */ static void oidc_scrub_request_headers(request_rec *r, const char *claim_prefix, const char *authn_header) { const int prefix_len = claim_prefix ? strlen(claim_prefix) : 0; /* get an array representation of the incoming HTTP headers */ const apr_array_header_t * const h = apr_table_elts(r->headers_in); /* table to keep the non-suspicious headers */ apr_table_t *clean_headers = apr_table_make(r->pool, h->nelts); /* loop over the incoming HTTP headers */ const apr_table_entry_t * const e = (const apr_table_entry_t *) h->elts; int i; for (i = 0; i < h->nelts; i++) { const char * const k = e[i].key; /* is this header's name equivalent to the header that mod_auth_openidc would set for the authenticated user? */ const int authn_header_matches = (k != NULL) && authn_header && (oidc_strnenvcmp(k, authn_header, -1) == 0); /* * would this header be interpreted as a mod_auth_openidc attribute? Note * that prefix_len will be zero if no attr_prefix is defined, * so this will always be false. Also note that we do not * scrub headers if the prefix is empty because every header * would match. */ const int prefix_matches = (k != NULL) && prefix_len && (oidc_strnenvcmp(k, claim_prefix, prefix_len) == 0); /* add to the clean_headers if non-suspicious, skip and report otherwise */ if (!prefix_matches && !authn_header_matches) { apr_table_addn(clean_headers, k, e[i].val); } else { oidc_warn(r, "scrubbed suspicious request header (%s: %.32s)", k, e[i].val); } } /* overwrite the incoming headers with the cleaned result */ r->headers_in = clean_headers; } /* * calculates a hash value based on request fingerprint plus a provided nonce string. */ static char *oidc_get_browser_state_hash(request_rec *r, const char *nonce) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); /* helper to hold to header values */ const char *value = NULL; /* the hash context */ apr_sha1_ctx_t sha1; /* Initialize the hash context */ apr_sha1_init(&sha1); /* get the X_FORWARDED_FOR header value */ value = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); /* if we have a value for this header, concat it to the hash input */ if (value != NULL) apr_sha1_update(&sha1, value, strlen(value)); /* get the USER_AGENT header value */ value = (char *) apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "USER_AGENT"); /* if we have a value for this header, concat it to the hash input */ if (value != NULL) apr_sha1_update(&sha1, value, strlen(value)); /* get the remote client IP address or host name */ /* int remotehost_is_ip; value = ap_get_remote_host(r->connection, r->per_dir_config, REMOTE_NOLOOKUP, &remotehost_is_ip); apr_sha1_update(&sha1, value, strlen(value)); */ /* concat the nonce parameter to the hash input */ apr_sha1_update(&sha1, nonce, strlen(nonce)); /* finalize the hash input and calculate the resulting hash output */ const int sha1_len = 20; unsigned char hash[sha1_len]; apr_sha1_final(hash, &sha1); /* base64url-encode the resulting hash and return it */ char *result = NULL; oidc_base64url_encode(r, &result, (const char *) hash, sha1_len, TRUE); return result; } /* * return the name for the state cookie */ static char *oidc_get_state_cookie_name(request_rec *r, const char *state) { return apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s%s", OIDCStateCookiePrefix, state); } /* * return the static provider configuration, i.e. from a metadata URL or configuration primitives */ static apr_byte_t oidc_provider_static_config(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, oidc_provider_t **provider) { json_t *j_provider = NULL; const char *s_json = NULL; /* see if we should configure a static provider based on external (cached) metadata */ if ((c->metadata_dir != NULL) || (c->provider.metadata_url == NULL)) { *provider = &c->provider; return TRUE; } c->cache->get(r, OIDC_CACHE_SECTION_PROVIDER, c->provider.metadata_url, &s_json); if (s_json == NULL) { if (oidc_metadata_provider_retrieve(r, c, NULL, c->provider.metadata_url, &j_provider, &s_json) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "could not retrieve metadata from url: %s", c->provider.metadata_url); return FALSE; } // TODO: make the expiry configurable c->cache->set(r, OIDC_CACHE_SECTION_PROVIDER, c->provider.metadata_url, s_json, apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(OIDC_CACHE_PROVIDER_METADATA_EXPIRY_DEFAULT)); } else { /* correct parsing and validation was already done when it was put in the cache */ j_provider = json_loads(s_json, 0, 0); } *provider = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(oidc_provider_t)); memcpy(*provider, &c->provider, sizeof(oidc_provider_t)); if (oidc_metadata_provider_parse(r, j_provider, *provider) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "could not parse metadata from url: %s", c->provider.metadata_url); if (j_provider) json_decref(j_provider); return FALSE; } json_decref(j_provider); return TRUE; } /* * return the oidc_provider_t struct for the specified issuer */ static oidc_provider_t *oidc_get_provider_for_issuer(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, const char *issuer) { /* by default we'll assume that we're dealing with a single statically configured OP */ oidc_provider_t *provider = NULL; if (oidc_provider_static_config(r, c, &provider) == FALSE) return NULL; /* unless a metadata directory was configured, so we'll try and get the provider settings from there */ if (c->metadata_dir != NULL) { /* try and get metadata from the metadata directory for the OP that sent this response */ if ((oidc_metadata_get(r, c, issuer, &provider) == FALSE) || (provider == NULL)) { /* don't know nothing about this OP/issuer */ oidc_error(r, "no provider metadata found for issuer \"%s\"", issuer); return NULL; } } return provider; } /* * parse state that was sent to us by the issuer */ static apr_byte_t oidc_unsolicited_proto_state(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, const char *state, oidc_proto_state **proto_state) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); apr_jwt_t *jwt = NULL; if (apr_jwt_parse(r->pool, state, &jwt, c->private_keys, c->provider.client_secret) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "could not parse JWT from state: invalid unsolicited response"); return FALSE; } oidc_debug(r, "successfully parsed JWT from state"); if (jwt->payload.iss == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "no \"iss\" could be retrieved from JWT state, aborting"); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } oidc_provider_t *provider = oidc_get_provider_for_issuer(r, c, jwt->payload.iss); if (provider == NULL) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } char *rfp = NULL; apr_jwt_get_string(r->pool, &jwt->payload.value, "rfp", &rfp); if (rfp == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "no \"rfp\" claim could be retrieved from JWT state, aborting"); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } if (strcmp(rfp, "iss") != 0) { oidc_error(r, "\"rfp\" (%s) does not match \"iss\", aborting", rfp); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } char *target_link_uri = NULL; apr_jwt_get_string(r->pool, &jwt->payload.value, "target_uri", &target_link_uri); if (target_link_uri == NULL) { if (c->default_sso_url == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "no \"target_uri\" claim could be retrieved from JWT state and no OIDCDefaultURL is set, aborting"); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } target_link_uri = c->default_sso_url; } if (c->metadata_dir != NULL) { if ((oidc_metadata_get(r, c, jwt->payload.iss, &provider) == FALSE) || (provider == NULL)) { oidc_error(r, "no provider metadata found for provider \"%s\"", jwt->payload.iss); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } } if ((jwt->payload.exp != APR_JWT_CLAIM_TIME_EMPTY) && (oidc_proto_validate_exp(r, jwt) == FALSE)) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } if ((jwt->payload.iat != APR_JWT_CLAIM_TIME_EMPTY) && (oidc_proto_validate_iat(r, provider, jwt) == FALSE)) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } char *jti = NULL; apr_jwt_get_string(r->pool, &jwt->payload.value, "jti", &jti); if (jti == NULL) { apr_jwt_base64url_encode(r->pool, &jti, (const char *) jwt->signature.bytes, jwt->signature.length, 0); } const char *replay = NULL; c->cache->get(r, OIDC_CACHE_SECTION_JTI, jti, &replay); if (replay != NULL) { oidc_error(r, "the jti value (%s) passed in the browser state was found in the cache already; possible replay attack!?", jti); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } /* jti cache duration is the configured replay prevention window for token issuance plus 10 seconds for safety */ apr_time_t jti_cache_duration = apr_time_from_sec( provider->idtoken_iat_slack * 2 + 10); /* store it in the cache for the calculated duration */ c->cache->set(r, OIDC_CACHE_SECTION_JTI, jti, jti, apr_time_now() + jti_cache_duration); oidc_debug(r, "jti \"%s\" validated successfully and is now cached for %" APR_TIME_T_FMT " seconds", jti, apr_time_sec(jti_cache_duration)); /* * TODO: pass in 'code' if code flow (no c_hash or at_hash required for) * TODO: John: now "code" *requires* c_hash?? */ /* char *c_hash = NULL; apr_jwt_get_string(r->pool, &jwt->payload.value, "c_hash", &c_hash); if (c_hash != NULL) { apr_array_header_t *required_for_flows = apr_array_make(r->pool, 2, sizeof(const char*)); *(const char**) apr_array_push(required_for_flows) = "code"; if (oidc_proto_validate_hash_value(r, provider, jwt, "code", code, "c_hash", required_for_flows) == FALSE) return FALSE; } */ // TODO: perhaps support encrypted state using shared secret? (issuer for encrypted JWTs must be in JWT header?) // (now we always use the statically configured provider client_secret...) // TODO: check c_hash unless implicit (no at_hash because oidc > oauth, right?) // TODO: move this code somehow to jose/ ? apr_byte_t refresh = FALSE; if (oidc_proto_idtoken_verify_signature(r, c, provider, jwt, &refresh) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "state JWT signature could not be validated, aborting"); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return FALSE; } oidc_debug(r, "successfully verified state JWT"); *proto_state = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(oidc_proto_state)); oidc_proto_state *res = *proto_state; res->issuer = jwt->payload.iss; res->nonce = NULL; // TODO: seems a bit hacky, but "" serves as "unspecified" right now res->original_method = ""; res->original_url = target_link_uri; res->response_mode = provider->response_mode; res->response_type = provider->response_type; res->prompt = NULL; res->timestamp = apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return TRUE; } /* * restore the state that was maintained between authorization request and response in an encrypted cookie */ static apr_byte_t oidc_restore_proto_state(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, const char *state, oidc_proto_state **proto_state) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); const char *cookieName = oidc_get_state_cookie_name(r, state); /* get the state cookie value first */ char *cookieValue = oidc_util_get_cookie(r, cookieName); if (cookieValue == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "no \"%s\" state cookie found", cookieName); return oidc_unsolicited_proto_state(r, c, state, proto_state); } /* clear state cookie because we don't need it anymore */ oidc_util_set_cookie(r, cookieName, "", 0); /* decrypt the state obtained from the cookie */ char *svalue = NULL; if (oidc_base64url_decode_decrypt_string(r, &svalue, cookieValue) <= 0) return FALSE; oidc_debug(r, "restored JSON state cookie value: %s", svalue); *proto_state = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(oidc_proto_state)); oidc_proto_state *res = *proto_state; json_error_t json_error; json_t *v, *json = json_loads(svalue, 0, &json_error); if (json == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "parsing JSON (json_loads) failed: %s", json_error.text); return FALSE; } v = json_object_get(json, "nonce"); res->nonce = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)); /* calculate the hash of the browser fingerprint concatenated with the nonce */ char *calc = oidc_get_browser_state_hash(r, res->nonce); /* compare the calculated hash with the value provided in the authorization response */ if (apr_strnatcmp(calc, state) != 0) { oidc_error(r, "calculated state from cookie does not match state parameter passed back in URL: \"%s\" != \"%s\"", state, calc); json_decref(json); return FALSE; } v = json_object_get(json, "original_url"); res->original_url = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)); v = json_object_get(json, "original_method"); res->original_method = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)); v = json_object_get(json, "issuer"); res->issuer = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)); v = json_object_get(json, "response_type"); res->response_type = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)); v = json_object_get(json, "response_mode"); res->response_mode = (strcmp(json_string_value(v), "") != 0) ? apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)) : NULL; v = json_object_get(json, "prompt"); res->prompt = (strcmp(json_string_value(v), "") != 0) ? apr_pstrdup(r->pool, json_string_value(v)) : NULL; v = json_object_get(json, "timestamp"); res->timestamp = json_integer_value(v); /* check that the timestamp is not beyond the valid interval */ apr_time_t now = apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()); if (now > res->timestamp + c->state_timeout) { oidc_error(r, "state has expired"); json_decref(json); return FALSE; } oidc_debug(r, "restored state: nonce=\"%s\", original_url=\"%s\", original_method=\"%s\", issuer=\"%s\", response_type=\%s\", response_mode=\"%s\", timestamp=%" APR_TIME_T_FMT, res->nonce, res->original_url, res->original_method, res->issuer, res->response_type, res->response_mode, res->timestamp); json_decref(json); /* we've made it */ return TRUE; } /* * set the state that is maintained between an authorization request and an authorization response * in a cookie in the browser that is cryptographically bound to that state */ static apr_byte_t oidc_authorization_request_set_cookie(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, const char *state, oidc_proto_state *proto_state) { /* * create a cookie consisting of 8 elements: * random value, original URL, original method, issuer, response_type, response_mod, prompt and timestamp * encoded as JSON */ char *plainText = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "{" "\"nonce\": \"%s\"," "\"original_url\": \"%s\"," "\"original_method\": \"%s\"," "\"issuer\": \"%s\"," "\"response_type\": \"%s\"," "\"response_mode\": \"%s\"," "\"prompt\": \"%s\"," "\"timestamp\": %" APR_TIME_T_FMT "}", proto_state->nonce, proto_state->original_url, proto_state->original_method, proto_state->issuer, proto_state->response_type, proto_state->response_mode ? proto_state->response_mode : "", proto_state->prompt ? proto_state->prompt : "", proto_state->timestamp); /* encrypt the resulting JSON value */ char *cookieValue = NULL; if (oidc_encrypt_base64url_encode_string(r, &cookieValue, plainText) <= 0) { oidc_error(r, "oidc_encrypt_base64url_encode_string failed"); return FALSE; } /* assemble the cookie name for the state cookie */ const char *cookieName = oidc_get_state_cookie_name(r, state); /* set it as a cookie */ oidc_util_set_cookie(r, cookieName, cookieValue, apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(c->state_timeout)); return TRUE; } /* * get the mod_auth_openidc related context from the (userdata in the) request * (used for passing state between various Apache request processing stages and hook callbacks) */ static apr_table_t *oidc_request_state(request_rec *rr) { /* our state is always stored in the main request */ request_rec *r = (rr->main != NULL) ? rr->main : rr; /* our state is a table, get it */ apr_table_t *state = NULL; apr_pool_userdata_get((void **) &state, OIDC_USERDATA_KEY, r->pool); /* if it does not exist, we'll create a new table */ if (state == NULL) { state = apr_table_make(r->pool, 5); apr_pool_userdata_set(state, OIDC_USERDATA_KEY, NULL, r->pool); } /* return the resulting table, always non-null now */ return state; } /* * set a name/value pair in the mod_auth_openidc-specific request context * (used for passing state between various Apache request processing stages and hook callbacks) */ void oidc_request_state_set(request_rec *r, const char *key, const char *value) { /* get a handle to the global state, which is a table */ apr_table_t *state = oidc_request_state(r); /* put the name/value pair in that table */ apr_table_setn(state, key, value); } /* * get a name/value pair from the mod_auth_openidc-specific request context * (used for passing state between various Apache request processing stages and hook callbacks) */ const char*oidc_request_state_get(request_rec *r, const char *key) { /* get a handle to the global state, which is a table */ apr_table_t *state = oidc_request_state(r); /* return the value from the table */ return apr_table_get(state, key); } /* * set the claims from a JSON object (c.q. id_token or user_info response) stored * in the session in to HTTP headers passed on to the application */ static apr_byte_t oidc_set_app_claims(request_rec *r, const oidc_cfg * const cfg, session_rec *session, const char *session_key) { const char *s_claims = NULL; json_t *j_claims = NULL; /* get the string-encoded JSON object from the session */ oidc_session_get(r, session, session_key, &s_claims); /* decode the string-encoded attributes in to a JSON structure */ if (s_claims != NULL) { json_error_t json_error; j_claims = json_loads(s_claims, 0, &json_error); if (j_claims == NULL) { /* whoops, JSON has been corrupted */ oidc_error(r, "unable to parse \"%s\" JSON stored in the session (%s), returning internal server error", json_error.text, session_key); return FALSE; } } /* set the resolved claims a HTTP headers for the application */ if (j_claims != NULL) { oidc_util_set_app_headers(r, j_claims, cfg->claim_prefix, cfg->claim_delimiter); /* set the claims JSON string in the request state so it is available for authz purposes later on */ oidc_request_state_set(r, session_key, s_claims); /* release resources */ json_decref(j_claims); } return TRUE; } /* * handle the case where we have identified an existing authentication session for a user */ static int oidc_handle_existing_session(request_rec *r, const oidc_cfg * const cfg, session_rec *session) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); /* get a handle to the director config */ oidc_dir_cfg *dir_cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &auth_openidc_module); /* * we're going to pass the information that we have to the application, * but first we need to scrub the headers that we're going to use for security reasons */ if (cfg->scrub_request_headers != 0) { oidc_scrub_request_headers(r, cfg->claim_prefix, dir_cfg->authn_header); } /* set the user authentication HTTP header if set and required */ if ((r->user != NULL) && (dir_cfg->authn_header != NULL)) { oidc_debug(r, "setting authn header (%s) to: %s", dir_cfg->authn_header, r->user); apr_table_set(r->headers_in, dir_cfg->authn_header, r->user); } /* set the claims in the app headers + request state */ if (oidc_set_app_claims(r, cfg, session, OIDC_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY) == FALSE) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; if ((cfg->pass_idtoken_as & OIDC_PASS_IDTOKEN_AS_CLAIMS)) { /* set the id_token in the app headers + request state */ if (oidc_set_app_claims(r, cfg, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY) == FALSE) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if ((cfg->pass_idtoken_as & OIDC_PASS_IDTOKEN_AS_PAYLOAD)) { oidc_debug(r, "setting OIDC_id_token_payload header"); const char *s_id_token = NULL; /* get the string-encoded JSON object from the session */ oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY, &s_id_token); /* pass it to the app in a header */ oidc_util_set_app_header(r, "id_token_payload", s_id_token, "OIDC_"); } if ((cfg->pass_idtoken_as & OIDC_PASS_IDTOKEN_AS_SERIALIZED)) { oidc_debug(r, "setting OIDC_id_token header"); const char *s_id_token = NULL; /* get the compact serialized JWT from the session */ oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, &s_id_token); /* pass it to the app in a header */ oidc_util_set_app_header(r, "id_token", s_id_token, "OIDC_"); } /* set the access_token in the app headers */ const char *access_token = NULL; oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_ACCESSTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, &access_token); if (access_token != NULL) { /* pass it to the app in a header */ oidc_util_set_app_header(r, "access_token", access_token, "OIDC_"); } /* * reset the session inactivity timer * but only do this once per 10% of the inactivity timeout interval (with a max to 60 seconds) * for performance reasons * * now there's a small chance that the session ends 10% (or a minute) earlier than configured/expected * cq. when there's a request after a recent save (so no update) and then no activity happens until * a request comes in just before the session should expire * ("recent" and "just before" refer to 10%-with-a-max-of-60-seconds of the inactivity interval after * the start/last-update and before the expiry of the session respectively) * * this is be deemed acceptable here because of performance gain */ apr_time_t interval = apr_time_from_sec(cfg->session_inactivity_timeout); apr_time_t now = apr_time_now(); apr_time_t slack = interval / 10; if (slack > apr_time_from_sec(60)) slack = apr_time_from_sec(60); if (session->expiry - now < interval - slack) { session->expiry = now + interval; oidc_session_save(r, session); } /* return "user authenticated" status */ return OK; } /* * helper function for basic/implicit client flows upon receiving an authorization response: * check that it matches the state stored in the browser and return the variables associated * with the state, such as original_url and OP oidc_provider_t pointer. */ static apr_byte_t oidc_authorization_response_match_state(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, const char *state, struct oidc_provider_t **provider, oidc_proto_state **proto_state) { oidc_debug(r, "enter (state=%s)", state); if ((state == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(state, "") == 0)) { oidc_error(r, "state parameter is not set"); return FALSE; } /* check the state parameter against what we stored in a cookie */ if (oidc_restore_proto_state(r, c, state, proto_state) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "unable to restore state"); return FALSE; } *provider = oidc_get_provider_for_issuer(r, c, (*proto_state)->issuer); return (*provider != NULL); } /* * restore POST parameters on original_url from HTML5 local storage */ static int oidc_restore_preserved_post(request_rec *r, const char *original_url) { const char *java_script = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " Restoring...\n" " \n" " \n" "


\n" "
\n" " \n" "\n"; java_script = apr_psprintf(r->pool, java_script, original_url); return oidc_util_html_send(r, java_script, DONE); } /* * redirect the browser to the session logout endpoint */ static int oidc_session_redirect_parent_window_to_logout(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); char *html = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "\n", c->redirect_uri); return oidc_util_html_send(r, html, DONE); } /* * handle an error returned by the OP */ static int oidc_authorization_response_error(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, oidc_proto_state *proto_state, const char *error, const char *error_description) { if ((proto_state->prompt != NULL) && (apr_strnatcmp(proto_state->prompt, "none") == 0)) { return oidc_session_redirect_parent_window_to_logout(r, c); } return oidc_util_html_send_error(r, error, error_description, DONE); } /* * complete the handling of an authorization response by obtaining, parsing and verifying the * id_token and storing the authenticated user state in the session */ static int oidc_handle_authorization_response(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session, const char *state, char *code, char *id_token, char *access_token, char *token_type, char *session_state, const char *error, const char *error_description, const char *response_mode) { oidc_debug(r, "enter, state=%s, code=%s, id_token=%s, access_token=%s, token_type=%s, session_state=%s, error=%s, error_description=%s, response_mode=%s", state, code, id_token, access_token, token_type, session_state, error, error_description, response_mode); struct oidc_provider_t *provider = NULL; oidc_proto_state *proto_state = NULL; /* match the returned state parameter against the state stored in the browser */ if (oidc_authorization_response_match_state(r, c, state, &provider, &proto_state) == FALSE) { return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* see if the response is an error response */ if (error != NULL) return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, error, error_description); /* check the required response parameters for the requested flow */ if (oidc_proto_validate_authorization_response(r, proto_state->response_type, proto_state->response_mode, &code, &id_token, &access_token, &token_type, response_mode) == FALSE) { return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", NULL); } char *remoteUser = NULL; apr_jwt_t *jwt = NULL; /* parse and validate the obtained id_token */ if (id_token != NULL) { if (oidc_proto_parse_idtoken(r, c, provider, id_token, proto_state->nonce, &remoteUser, &jwt, FALSE) == FALSE) { oidc_warn(r, "could not parse or verify the id_token contents, return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED"); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED", NULL); } } /* resolve the code against the token endpoint of the OP */ if (code != NULL) { /* if an id_token was provided in the authorization response: validate the code against the c_hash claim */ if (jwt != NULL) { if (oidc_proto_validate_code(r, provider, jwt, proto_state->response_type, code) == FALSE) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED", NULL); } } char *c_id_token = NULL, *c_access_token = NULL, *c_token_type = NULL; /* resolve the code against the token endpoint */ if (oidc_proto_resolve_code(r, c, provider, code, &c_id_token, &c_access_token, &c_token_type) == FALSE) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED", NULL); } /* validate the response on exchanging the code at the token endpoint */ if (oidc_proto_validate_code_response(r, proto_state->response_type, &c_id_token, &c_access_token, &c_token_type) == FALSE) { apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", NULL); } /* use from the response whatever we still need */ if (c_id_token != NULL) { id_token = c_id_token; } if (c_access_token != NULL) { access_token = c_access_token; token_type = c_token_type; } /* TODO: Google does not allow nonce in "code" or "code token" flows... */ const char *nonce = proto_state->nonce; if ((strcmp(provider->issuer, "accounts.google.com") == 0) && ((oidc_util_spaced_string_equals(r->pool, provider->response_type, "code")) || (oidc_util_spaced_string_equals(r->pool, provider->response_type, "code token")))) nonce = NULL; /* if we had no id_token yet, we must have one now (by flow) */ if (jwt == NULL) { if (oidc_proto_parse_idtoken(r, c, provider, id_token, nonce, &remoteUser, &jwt, TRUE) == FALSE) { oidc_warn(r, "could not parse or verify the id_token contents, return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED"); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED", NULL); } } } if (jwt == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "no id_token was provided, return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED"); return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED", NULL); } /* validate the access token */ if (access_token != NULL) { if (oidc_proto_validate_access_token(r, provider, jwt, proto_state->response_type, access_token, token_type) == FALSE) { oidc_warn(r, "access_token did not validate, dropping it"); access_token = NULL; } } /* * optionally resolve additional claims against the userinfo endpoint * parsed claims are not actually used here but need to be parsed anyway for error checking purposes */ const char *claims = NULL; json_t *j_claims = NULL; if (provider->userinfo_endpoint_url == NULL) { oidc_debug(r, "not resolving user info claims because userinfo_endpoint is not set"); } else if (access_token == NULL) { oidc_debug(r, "not resolving user info claims because access_token is not provided"); } else if (oidc_proto_resolve_userinfo(r, c, provider, access_token, &claims, &j_claims) == FALSE) { oidc_debug(r, "resolving user info claims failed, nothing will be stored in the session"); claims = NULL; } if ((proto_state->prompt != NULL) && (apr_strnatcmp(proto_state->prompt, "none") == 0)) { // TOOD: actually need to compare sub? (need to store it in the session separately then //const char *sub = NULL; //oidc_session_get(r, session, "sub", &sub); //if (apr_strnatcmp(sub, jwt->payload.sub) != 0) { if (apr_strnatcmp(session->remote_user, remoteUser) != 0) { return oidc_authorization_response_error(r, c, proto_state, "sub changed!", NULL); } } /* set the resolved stuff in the session */ session->remote_user = remoteUser; /* set the session expiry to the inactivity timeout */ session->expiry = apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(c->session_inactivity_timeout); /* store the claims payload in the id_token for later reference */ oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY, jwt->payload.value.str); /* store the compact serialized representation of the id_token for later reference */ oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, id_token); if ((session_state != NULL) && (provider->check_session_iframe != NULL)) { /* store the session state and required parameters session management */ oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_SESSION_STATE_SESSION_KEY, session_state); oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_CHECK_IFRAME_SESSION_KEY, provider->check_session_iframe); oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_ISSUER_SESSION_KEY, provider->issuer); oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_CLIENTID_SESSION_KEY, provider->client_id); } if (provider->end_session_endpoint != NULL) oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT_SESSION_KEY, provider->end_session_endpoint); /* see if we've resolved any claims */ if (claims != NULL) { /* * Successfully decoded a set claims from the response so we can store them * (well actually the stringified representation in the response) * in the session context safely now */ oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY, claims); } /* see if we have an access_token */ if (access_token != NULL) { /* store the access_token in the session context */ oidc_session_set(r, session, OIDC_ACCESSTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, access_token); } /* store the session */ oidc_session_save(r, session); /* not sure whether this is required, but it won't hurt */ r->user = remoteUser; /* check whether form post data was preserved; if so restore it */ if (apr_strnatcmp(proto_state->original_method, "form_post") == 0) return oidc_restore_preserved_post(r, proto_state->original_url); /* log the successful response */ oidc_debug(r, "session created and stored, redirecting to original url: %s", proto_state->original_url); apr_jwt_destroy(jwt); if (j_claims != NULL) json_decref(j_claims); /* now we've authenticated the user so go back to the URL that he originally tried to access */ apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "Location", proto_state->original_url); /* do the actual redirect to the original URL */ return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } /* * handle an OpenID Connect Authorization Response using the POST (+fragment->POST) response_mode */ static int oidc_handle_post_authorization_response(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); /* initialize local variables */ char *code = NULL, *state = NULL, *id_token = NULL, *access_token = NULL, *token_type = NULL, *response_mode = NULL, *session_state = NULL, *error = NULL, *error_description = NULL; /* read the parameters that are POST-ed to us */ apr_table_t *params = apr_table_make(r->pool, 8); if (oidc_util_read_post(r, params) == FALSE) { oidc_error(r, "something went wrong when reading the POST parameters"); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* see if we've got any POST-ed data at all */ if ((apr_table_elts(params)->nelts < 1) || ((apr_table_elts(params)->nelts == 1) && (apr_strnatcmp(apr_table_get(params, "response_mode"), "fragment") == 0))) { return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: you've hit an OpenID Connect Redirect URI with no parameters, this is an invalid request; you should not open this URL in your browser directly, or have the server administrator use a different OIDCRedirectURI setting.", HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } /* get the parameters */ code = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "code"); state = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "state"); id_token = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "id_token"); access_token = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "access_token"); token_type = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "token_type"); response_mode = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "response_mode"); session_state = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "session_state"); error = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "error"); error_description = (char *) apr_table_get(params, "error_description"); /* do the actual implicit work */ return oidc_handle_authorization_response(r, c, session, state, code, id_token, access_token, token_type, session_state, error, error_description, response_mode ? response_mode : "form_post"); } /* * handle an OpenID Connect Authorization Response using the redirect response_mode */ static int oidc_handle_redirect_authorization_response(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); /* initialize local variables */ char *code = NULL, *state = NULL, *id_token = NULL, *access_token = NULL, *token_type = NULL, *session_state = NULL, *error = NULL, *error_description = NULL; /* get the parameters */ oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "code", &code); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "state", &state); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "id_token", &id_token); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "access_token", &access_token); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "token_type", &token_type); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "session_state", &session_state); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "error", &error); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "error_description", &error_description); /* do the actual work */ return oidc_handle_authorization_response(r, c, session, state, code, id_token, access_token, token_type, session_state, error, error_description, "query"); } /* * present the user with an OP selection screen */ static int oidc_discovery(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *cfg) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); /* obtain the URL we're currently accessing, to be stored in the state/session */ char *current_url = oidc_get_current_url(r, cfg); /* see if there's an external discovery page configured */ if (cfg->discover_url != NULL) { /* yes, assemble the parameters for external discovery */ char *url = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s%s%s=%s&%s=%s", cfg->discover_url, strchr(cfg->discover_url, '?') != NULL ? "&" : "?", OIDC_DISC_RT_PARAM, oidc_util_escape_string(r, current_url), OIDC_DISC_CB_PARAM, oidc_util_escape_string(r, cfg->redirect_uri)); /* log what we're about to do */ oidc_debug(r, "redirecting to external discovery page: %s", url); /* do the actual redirect to an external discovery page */ apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "Location", url); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } /* get a list of all providers configured in the metadata directory */ apr_array_header_t *arr = NULL; if (oidc_metadata_list(r, cfg, &arr) == FALSE) return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: no configured providers found, contact your administrator", HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); /* assemble a where-are-you-from IDP discovery HTML page */ // TODO: yes, we could use some templating here... const char *s = "" "\n" " \n" " \n" " OpenID Connect Provider Discovery\n" " \n" " \n" "
\n" "

Select your OpenID Connect Identity Provider

\n"; /* list all configured providers in there */ int i; for (i = 0; i < arr->nelts; i++) { const char *issuer = ((const char**) arr->elts)[i]; // TODO: html escape (especially & character) char *display = (strstr(issuer, "https://") == NULL) ? apr_pstrdup(r->pool, issuer) : apr_pstrdup(r->pool, issuer + strlen("https://")); /* strip port number */ //char *p = strstr(display, ":"); //if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; /* point back to the redirect_uri, where the selection is handled, with an IDP selection and return_to URL */ s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s


\n", s, cfg->redirect_uri, OIDC_DISC_OP_PARAM, oidc_util_escape_string(r, issuer), OIDC_DISC_RT_PARAM, oidc_util_escape_string(r, current_url), display); } /* add an option to enter an account or issuer name for dynamic OP discovery */ s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s
\n", s, cfg->redirect_uri); s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s
\n", s, OIDC_DISC_RT_PARAM, current_url); s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%sOr enter your account name (eg. \"mike@seed.gluu.org\", or an IDP identifier (eg. \"mitreid.org\"):
\n", s); s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s

\n", s, OIDC_DISC_OP_PARAM, ""); s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s\n", s); s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s
\n", s); /* footer */ s = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s" "
\n" " \n" "\n", s); /* now send the HTML contents to the user agent */ return oidc_util_html_send(r, s, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } /* * authenticate the user to the selected OP, if the OP is not selected yet perform discovery first */ static int oidc_authenticate_user(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, oidc_provider_t *provider, const char *original_url, const char *login_hint, const char *id_token_hint, const char *prompt, const char *auth_request_params) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); if (provider == NULL) { // TODO: should we use an explicit redirect to the discovery endpoint (maybe a "discovery" param to the redirect_uri)? if (c->metadata_dir != NULL) return oidc_discovery(r, c); /* we're not using multiple OP's configured in a metadata directory, pick the statically configured OP */ if (oidc_provider_static_config(r, c, &provider) == FALSE) return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* generate a random value to correlate request/response through browser state */ char *nonce = NULL; oidc_util_generate_random_base64url_encoded_value(r, 32, &nonce); char *method = "redirect"; // TODO: restore method from discovery too or generate state before doing discover (and losing startSSO effect) /* const char *content_type = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "Content-Type"); char *method = ((r->method_number == M_POST) && (apr_strnatcmp(content_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0)) ? "form_post" : "redirect"; */ /* create the state between request/response */ oidc_proto_state proto_state = { nonce, original_url, method, provider->issuer, provider->response_type, provider->response_mode, prompt, apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()) }; /* get a hash value that fingerprints the browser concatenated with the random input */ char *state = oidc_get_browser_state_hash(r, proto_state.nonce); /* create state that restores the context when the authorization response comes in; cryptographically bind it to the browser */ oidc_authorization_request_set_cookie(r, c, state, &proto_state); /* * TODO: I'd like to include the nonce all flows, including the "code" and "code token" flows * but Google does not allow me to do that: * Error: invalid_request: Parameter not allowed for this message type: nonce */ if ((apr_strnatcmp(provider->issuer, "accounts.google.com") == 0) && ((oidc_util_spaced_string_equals(r->pool, provider->response_type, "code")) || (oidc_util_spaced_string_equals(r->pool, provider->response_type, "code token")))) proto_state.nonce = NULL; /* * printout errors if Cookie settings are not going to work */ apr_uri_t o_uri; memset(&o_uri, 0, sizeof(apr_uri_t)); apr_uri_t r_uri; memset(&r_uri, 0, sizeof(apr_uri_t)); apr_uri_parse(r->pool, original_url, &o_uri); apr_uri_parse(r->pool, c->redirect_uri, &r_uri); if ((apr_strnatcmp(o_uri.scheme, r_uri.scheme) != 0) && (apr_strnatcmp(r_uri.scheme, "https") == 0)) { oidc_error(r, "the URL scheme (%s) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL scheme of the URL being accessed (%s): the \"state\" and \"session\" cookies will not be shared between the two!", r_uri.scheme, o_uri.scheme); } if (c->cookie_domain == NULL) { if (apr_strnatcmp(o_uri.hostname, r_uri.hostname) != 0) { char *p = strstr(o_uri.hostname, r_uri.hostname); if ((p == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(r_uri.hostname, p) != 0)) { oidc_error(r, "the URL hostname (%s) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL hostname of the URL being accessed (%s): the \"state\" and \"session\" cookies will not be shared between the two!", r_uri.hostname, o_uri.hostname); } } } else { char *p = strstr(o_uri.hostname, c->cookie_domain); if ((p == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(c->cookie_domain, p) != 0)) { oidc_error(r, "the domain (%s) configured in OIDCCookieDomain does not match the URL hostname (%s) of the URL being accessed (%s): setting \"state\" and \"session\" cookies will not work!!", c->cookie_domain, o_uri.hostname, original_url); } } /* send off to the OpenID Connect Provider */ // TODO: maybe show intermediate/progress screen "redirecting to" return oidc_proto_authorization_request(r, provider, login_hint, c->redirect_uri, state, &proto_state, id_token_hint, auth_request_params); } /* * find out whether the request is a response from an IDP discovery page */ static apr_byte_t oidc_is_discovery_response(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *cfg) { /* * prereq: this is a call to the configured redirect_uri, now see if: * the OIDC_DISC_OP_PARAM is present */ return oidc_util_request_has_parameter(r, OIDC_DISC_OP_PARAM); } /* * check if the target_link_uri matches to configuration settings to prevent an open redirect */ static int oidc_target_link_uri_matches_configuration(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *cfg, const char *target_link_uri) { apr_uri_t o_uri; apr_uri_t r_uri; apr_uri_parse(r->pool, target_link_uri, &o_uri); apr_uri_parse(r->pool, cfg->redirect_uri, &r_uri); if (cfg->cookie_domain == NULL) { /* cookie_domain set: see if the target_link_uri matches the redirect_uri host (because the session cookie will be set host-wide) */ if (apr_strnatcmp(o_uri.hostname, r_uri.hostname) != 0) { char *p = strstr(o_uri.hostname, r_uri.hostname); if ((p == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(r_uri.hostname, p) != 0)) { oidc_error(r, "the URL hostname (%s) of the configured OIDCRedirectURI does not match the URL hostname of the \"target_link_uri\" (%s): aborting to prevent an open redirect.", r_uri.hostname, o_uri.hostname); return FALSE; } } } else { /* cookie_domain set: see if the target_link_uri is within the cookie_domain */ char *p = strstr(o_uri.hostname, cfg->cookie_domain); if ((p == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(cfg->cookie_domain, p) != 0)) { oidc_error(r, "the domain (%s) configured in OIDCCookieDomain does not match the URL hostname (%s) of the \"target_link_uri\" (%s): aborting to prevent an open redirect.", cfg->cookie_domain, o_uri.hostname, target_link_uri); return FALSE; } } /* see if the cookie_path setting matches the target_link_uri path */ oidc_dir_cfg *dir_cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &auth_openidc_module); if (dir_cfg->cookie_path != NULL) { char *p = strstr(o_uri.path, dir_cfg->cookie_path); if ((p == NULL) || (p != o_uri.path)) { oidc_error(r, "the path (%s) configured in OIDCCookiePath does not match the URL path (%s) of the \"target_link_uri\" (%s): aborting to prevent an open redirect.", cfg->cookie_domain, o_uri.path, target_link_uri); return FALSE; } else if (strlen(o_uri.path) > strlen(dir_cfg->cookie_path)) { int n = strlen(dir_cfg->cookie_path); if (dir_cfg->cookie_path[n - 1] == '/') n--; if (o_uri.path[n] != '/') { oidc_error(r, "the path (%s) configured in OIDCCookiePath does not match the URL path (%s) of the \"target_link_uri\" (%s): aborting to prevent an open redirect.", cfg->cookie_domain, o_uri.path, target_link_uri); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /* * handle a response from an IDP discovery page and/or handle 3rd-party initiated SSO */ static int oidc_handle_discovery_response(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c) { /* variables to hold the values returned in the response */ char *issuer = NULL, *target_link_uri = NULL, *login_hint = NULL, *auth_request_params = NULL; oidc_provider_t *provider = NULL; oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, OIDC_DISC_OP_PARAM, &issuer); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, OIDC_DISC_RT_PARAM, &target_link_uri); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, OIDC_DISC_LH_PARAM, &login_hint); oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, OIDC_DISC_AR_PARAM, &auth_request_params); // TODO: trim issuer/accountname/domain input and do more input validation oidc_debug(r, "issuer=\"%s\", target_link_uri=\"%s\", login_hint=\"%s\"", issuer, target_link_uri, login_hint); if (issuer == NULL) { return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: wherever you came from, it sent you here with the wrong parameters...", HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } if (target_link_uri == NULL) { if (c->default_sso_url == NULL) { return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: SSO to this module without specifying a \"target_link_uri\" parameter is not possible because OIDCDefaultURL is not set.", HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } target_link_uri = c->default_sso_url; } /* do open redirect prevention */ if (oidc_target_link_uri_matches_configuration(r, c, target_link_uri) == FALSE) { return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: \"target_link_uri\" parameter does not match configuration settings, aborting to prevent an open redirect.", HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } /* find out if the user entered an account name or selected an OP manually */ if (strstr(issuer, "@") != NULL) { if (login_hint == NULL) { login_hint = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, issuer); //char *p = strstr(issuer, "@"); //*p = '\0'; } /* got an account name as input, perform OP discovery with that */ if (oidc_proto_account_based_discovery(r, c, issuer, &issuer) == FALSE) { /* something did not work out, show a user facing error */ return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: could not resolve the provided account name to an OpenID Connect provider; check your syntax", HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } /* issuer is set now, so let's continue as planned */ } else if (apr_strnatcmp(issuer, "accounts.google.com") != 0) { /* allow issuer/domain entries that don't start with https */ issuer = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s", ((strstr(issuer, "http://") == issuer) || (strstr(issuer, "https://") == issuer)) ? issuer : apr_psprintf(r->pool, "https://%s", issuer)); } /* strip trailing '/' */ int n = strlen(issuer); if (issuer[n - 1] == '/') issuer[n - 1] = '\0'; /* try and get metadata from the metadata directories for the selected OP */ if ((oidc_metadata_get(r, c, issuer, &provider) == TRUE) && (provider != NULL)) { /* now we've got a selected OP, send the user there to authenticate */ return oidc_authenticate_user(r, c, provider, target_link_uri, login_hint, NULL, NULL, auth_request_params); } /* something went wrong */ return oidc_util_html_send(r, "mod_auth_openidc: could not find valid provider metadata for the selected OpenID Connect provider; contact the administrator", HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } /* * handle a local logout */ static int oidc_handle_logout_request(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session, const char *url) { oidc_debug(r, "enter (url=%s)", url); /* if there's no remote_user then there's no (stored) session to kill */ if (session->remote_user != NULL) { /* remove session state (cq. cache entry and cookie) */ oidc_session_kill(r, session); } if (url == NULL) { char *html = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

Logged Out

\n" " \n" "\n"; return oidc_util_html_send(r, html, DONE); } /* send the user to the specified where-to-go-after-logout URL */ apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "Location", url); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } /* * perform (single) logout */ static int oidc_handle_logout(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session) { /* pickup the command or URL where the user wants to go after logout */ char *url = NULL; oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "logout", &url); if ((url == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(url, "") == 0)) url = c->default_sso_url; oidc_debug(r, "enter (url=%s)", url); apr_uri_t uri; if ((url != NULL) && (apr_uri_parse(r->pool, url, &uri) != APR_SUCCESS)) { const char *error_description = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "Logout URL malformed: %s", url); oidc_error(r, "%s", error_description); return oidc_util_html_send_error(r, url, error_description, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } const char *end_session_endpoint = NULL; oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_LOGOUT_ENDPOINT_SESSION_KEY, &end_session_endpoint); if (end_session_endpoint != NULL) { const char *id_token_hint = NULL; oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, &id_token_hint); char *logout_request = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s%s", end_session_endpoint, strchr(end_session_endpoint, '?') != NULL ? "&" : "?"); logout_request = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%sid_token_hint=%s", logout_request, oidc_util_escape_string(r, id_token_hint)); if (url != NULL) { logout_request = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s&post_logout_redirect_uri=%s", logout_request, oidc_util_escape_string(r, url)); } url = logout_request; } return oidc_handle_logout_request(r, c, session, url); } /* * handle request for JWKs */ static int oidc_handle_jwks(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c) { /* pickup requested JWKs type */ // char *jwks_type = NULL; // oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "jwks", &jwks_type); char *jwks = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, "{ \"keys\" : ["); apr_hash_index_t *hi = NULL; apr_byte_t first = TRUE; /* loop over the claims in the JSON structure */ if (c->public_keys != NULL) { for (hi = apr_hash_first(r->pool, c->public_keys); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) { const char *s_kid = NULL; const char *s_jwk = NULL; apr_hash_this(hi, (const void**) &s_kid, NULL, (void**) &s_jwk); jwks = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s%s %s ", jwks, first ? "" : ",", s_jwk); first = FALSE; } } // TODO: send stuff if first == FALSE? jwks = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s ] }", jwks); return oidc_util_http_send(r, jwks, strlen(jwks), "application/json", DONE); } static int oidc_handle_session_management_iframe_op(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session, const char *check_session_iframe) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); if (check_session_iframe == NULL) { oidc_debug(r, "no check_session_iframe configured for current OP"); return DONE; } apr_table_add(r->headers_out, "Location", check_session_iframe); return HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY; } static int oidc_handle_session_management_iframe_rp(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session, const char *client_id, const char *check_session_iframe) { oidc_debug(r, "enter"); const char *iframe_contents = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "

\n" "\n"; /* determine the origin for the check_session_iframe endpoint */ char *origin = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, check_session_iframe); apr_uri_t uri; apr_uri_parse(r->pool, check_session_iframe, &uri); char *p = strstr(origin, uri.path); *p = '\0'; /* the element identifier for the OP iframe */ const char *op_iframe_id = "openidc-op"; /* restore the OP session_state from the session */ const char *session_state = NULL; oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_SESSION_STATE_SESSION_KEY, &session_state); if (session_state == NULL) { oidc_warn(r, "no session_state found in the session; the OP does probably not support session management!?"); return DONE; } char *s_poll_interval = NULL; oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "poll", &s_poll_interval); if (s_poll_interval == NULL) s_poll_interval = "3000"; iframe_contents = apr_psprintf(r->pool, iframe_contents, origin, client_id, session_state, op_iframe_id, s_poll_interval, c->redirect_uri, c->redirect_uri); return oidc_util_html_send(r, iframe_contents, DONE); } /* * handle session management request */ static int oidc_handle_session_management(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session) { char *cmd = NULL; const char *issuer = NULL, *id_token_hint = NULL, *client_id = NULL, *check_session_iframe = NULL; oidc_provider_t *provider = NULL; /* get the command passed to the session management handler */ oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "session", &cmd); if (cmd == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "session management handler called with no command"); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* see if this is a local logout during session management */ if (apr_strnatcmp("logout", cmd) == 0) { oidc_debug(r, "[session=logout] calling oidc_handle_logout_request because of session mgmt local logout call."); return oidc_handle_logout_request(r, c, session, c->default_slo_url); } /* see if this is a request for the OP iframe */ if (apr_strnatcmp("iframe_op", cmd) == 0) { oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_CHECK_IFRAME_SESSION_KEY, &check_session_iframe); if (check_session_iframe != NULL) { return oidc_handle_session_management_iframe_op(r, c, session, check_session_iframe); } return DONE; } /* see if this is a request for the RP iframe */ if (apr_strnatcmp("iframe_rp", cmd) == 0) { oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_CLIENTID_SESSION_KEY, &client_id); oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_CHECK_IFRAME_SESSION_KEY, &check_session_iframe); if ((client_id != NULL) && (check_session_iframe != NULL)) { return oidc_handle_session_management_iframe_rp(r, c, session, client_id, check_session_iframe); } return DONE; } /* see if this is a request check the login state with the OP */ if (apr_strnatcmp("check", cmd) == 0) { oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_IDTOKEN_SESSION_KEY, &id_token_hint); oidc_session_get(r, session, OIDC_ISSUER_SESSION_KEY, &issuer); if (issuer != NULL) provider = oidc_get_provider_for_issuer(r, c, issuer); if ((id_token_hint != NULL) && (provider != NULL)) { return oidc_authenticate_user(r, c, provider, apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%s?session=iframe_rp", c->redirect_uri), NULL, id_token_hint, "none", NULL); } oidc_debug(r, "[session=check] calling oidc_handle_logout_request because no session found."); return oidc_session_redirect_parent_window_to_logout(r, c); } /* handle failure in fallthrough */ oidc_error(r, "unknown command: %s", cmd); return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } /* * handle all requests to the redirect_uri */ int oidc_handle_redirect_uri_request(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c, session_rec *session) { if (oidc_proto_is_redirect_authorization_response(r, c)) { /* this is an authorization response from the OP using the Basic Client profile or a Hybrid flow*/ return oidc_handle_redirect_authorization_response(r, c, session); } else if (oidc_proto_is_post_authorization_response(r, c)) { /* this is an authorization response using the fragment(+POST) response_mode with the Implicit Client profile */ return oidc_handle_post_authorization_response(r, c, session); } else if (oidc_is_discovery_response(r, c)) { /* this is response from the OP discovery page */ return oidc_handle_discovery_response(r, c); } else if (oidc_util_request_has_parameter(r, "logout")) { /* handle logout */ return oidc_handle_logout(r, c, session); } else if (oidc_util_request_has_parameter(r, "jwks")) { /* handle JWKs request */ return oidc_handle_jwks(r, c); } else if (oidc_util_request_has_parameter(r, "session")) { /* handle session management request */ return oidc_handle_session_management(r, c, session); } else if ((r->args == NULL) || (apr_strnatcmp(r->args, "") == 0)) { /* this is a "bare" request to the redirect URI, indicating implicit flow using the fragment response_mode */ return oidc_proto_javascript_implicit(r, c); } /* this is not an authorization response or logout request */ /* check for "error" response */ if (oidc_util_request_has_parameter(r, "error")) { // char *error = NULL, *descr = NULL; // oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "error", &error); // oidc_util_get_request_parameter(r, "error_description", &descr); // // /* send user facing error to browser */ // return oidc_util_html_send_error(r, error, descr, DONE); oidc_handle_redirect_authorization_response(r, c, session); } /* something went wrong */ return oidc_util_html_send(r, apr_psprintf(r->pool, "mod_auth_openidc: the OpenID Connect callback URL received an invalid request: %s", r->args), HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } /* * main routine: handle OpenID Connect authentication */ static int oidc_check_userid_openidc(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *c) { /* check if this is a sub-request or an initial request */ if (ap_is_initial_req(r)) { /* load the session from the request state; this will be a new "empty" session if no state exists */ session_rec *session = NULL; oidc_session_load(r, &session); /* see if the initial request is to the redirect URI; this handles potential logout too */ if (oidc_util_request_matches_url(r, c->redirect_uri)) { /* handle request to the redirect_uri */ return oidc_handle_redirect_uri_request(r, c, session); /* initial request to non-redirect URI, check if we have an existing session */ } else if (session->remote_user != NULL) { /* set the user in the main request for further (incl. sub-request) processing */ r->user = (char *) session->remote_user; /* this is initial request and we already have a session */ return oidc_handle_existing_session(r, c, session); } /* * else: initial request, we have no session and it is not an authorization or * discovery response: just hit the default flow for unauthenticated users */ } else { /* not an initial request, try to recycle what we've already established in the main request */ if (r->main != NULL) r->user = r->main->user; else if (r->prev != NULL) r->user = r->prev->user; if (r->user != NULL) { /* this is a sub-request and we have a session (headers will have been scrubbed and set already) */ oidc_debug(r, "recycling user '%s' from initial request for sub-request", r->user); return OK; } /* * else: not initial request, but we could not find a session, so: * just hit the default flow for unauthenticated users */ } /* no session (regardless of whether it is main or sub-request), go and authenticate the user */ return oidc_authenticate_user(r, c, NULL, oidc_get_current_url(r, c), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* * generic Apache authentication hook for this module: dispatches to OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 specific routines */ int oidc_check_user_id(request_rec *r) { oidc_cfg *c = ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &auth_openidc_module); /* log some stuff about the incoming HTTP request */ oidc_debug(r, "incoming request: \"%s?%s\", ap_is_initial_req(r)=%d", r->parsed_uri.path, r->args, ap_is_initial_req(r)); /* see if any authentication has been defined at all */ if (ap_auth_type(r) == NULL) return DECLINED; /* see if we've configured OpenID Connect user authentication for this request */ if (apr_strnatcasecmp((const char *) ap_auth_type(r), "openid-connect") == 0) return oidc_check_userid_openidc(r, c); /* see if we've configured OAuth 2.0 access control for this request */ if (apr_strnatcasecmp((const char *) ap_auth_type(r), "oauth20") == 0) return oidc_oauth_check_userid(r, c); /* this is not for us but for some other handler */ return DECLINED; } /* * get the claims and id_token from request state */ static void oidc_authz_get_claims_and_idtoken(request_rec *r, json_t **claims, json_t **id_token) { const char *s_claims = oidc_request_state_get(r, OIDC_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY); const char *s_id_token = oidc_request_state_get(r, OIDC_IDTOKEN_CLAIMS_SESSION_KEY); json_error_t json_error; if (s_claims != NULL) { *claims = json_loads(s_claims, 0, &json_error); if (*claims == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "could not restore claims from request state: %s", json_error.text); } } if (s_id_token != NULL) { *id_token = json_loads(s_id_token, 0, &json_error); if (*id_token == NULL) { oidc_error(r, "could not restore id_token from request state: %s", json_error.text); } } } #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAJOR >= 20100714 /* * generic Apache >=2.4 authorization hook for this module * handles both OpenID Connect or OAuth 2.0 in the same way, based on the claims stored in the session */ authz_status oidc_authz_checker(request_rec *r, const char *require_args, const void *parsed_require_args) { /* get the set of claims from the request state (they've been set in the authentication part earlier */ json_t *claims = NULL, *id_token = NULL; oidc_authz_get_claims_and_idtoken(r, &claims, &id_token); /* dispatch to the >=2.4 specific authz routine */ authz_status rc = oidc_authz_worker24(r, claims ? claims : id_token, require_args); /* cleanup */ if (claims) json_decref(claims); if (id_token) json_decref(id_token); return rc; } #else /* * generic Apache <2.4 authorization hook for this module * handles both OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 in the same way, based on the claims stored in the request context */ int oidc_auth_checker(request_rec *r) { /* get the set of claims from the request state (they've been set in the authentication part earlier */ json_t *claims = NULL, *id_token = NULL; oidc_authz_get_claims_and_idtoken(r, &claims, &id_token); /* get the Require statements */ const apr_array_header_t * const reqs_arr = ap_requires(r); /* see if we have any */ const require_line * const reqs = reqs_arr ? (require_line *) reqs_arr->elts : NULL; if (!reqs_arr) { oidc_debug(r, "no require statements found, so declining to perform authorization."); return DECLINED; } /* dispatch to the <2.4 specific authz routine */ int rc = oidc_authz_worker(r, claims ? claims : id_token, reqs, reqs_arr->nelts); /* cleanup */ if (claims) json_decref(claims); if (id_token) json_decref(id_token); return rc; } #endif extern const command_rec oidc_config_cmds[]; module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA auth_openidc_module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, oidc_create_dir_config, oidc_merge_dir_config, oidc_create_server_config, oidc_merge_server_config, oidc_config_cmds, oidc_register_hooks };