#define MV_FLAG 0x1000 /* Multi-value flag */ #define PT_UNSPECIFIED ((ULONG) 0) /* (Reserved for interface use) type doesn't matter to caller */ #define PT_NULL ((ULONG) 1) /* NULL property value */ #define PT_I2 ((ULONG) 2) /* Signed 16-bit value */ #define PT_LONG ((ULONG) 3) /* Signed 32-bit value */ #define PT_R4 ((ULONG) 4) /* 4-byte floating point */ #define PT_DOUBLE ((ULONG) 5) /* Floating point double */ #define PT_CURRENCY ((ULONG) 6) /* Signed 64-bit int (decimal w/ 4 digits right of decimal pt) */ #define PT_APPTIME ((ULONG) 7) /* Application time */ #define PT_ERROR ((ULONG) 10) /* 32-bit error value */ #define PT_BOOLEAN ((ULONG) 11) /* 16-bit boolean (non-zero true) */ #define PT_OBJECT ((ULONG) 13) /* Embedded object in a property */ #define PT_I8 ((ULONG) 20) /* 8-byte signed integer */ #define PT_STRING8 ((ULONG) 30) /* Null terminated 8-bit character string */ #define PT_UNICODE ((ULONG) 31) /* Null terminated Unicode string */ #define PT_SYSTIME ((ULONG) 64) /* FILETIME 64-bit int w/ number of 100ns periods since Jan 1,1601 */ #define PT_CLSID ((ULONG) 72) /* OLE GUID */ #define PT_BINARY ((ULONG) 258) /* Uninterpreted (counted byte array) */ #define PROP_TYPE_MASK ((ULONG)0x0000FFFF) /* Mask for Property type */ #define PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) (((ULONG)(ulPropTag))&PROP_TYPE_MASK) #define PROP_ID(ulPropTag) (((ULONG)(ulPropTag))>>16) #define PROP_TAG(ulPropType,ulPropID) ((((ULONG)(ulPropID))<<16)|((ULONG)(ulPropType))) #define PROP_ID_NULL 0 #define PROP_ID_INVALID 0xFFFF #define PR_NULL PROP_TAG( PT_NULL, PROP_ID_NULL) #define MAPI_UNDEFINED ((variableLength*)-1)