#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Oliver Ehli # Copyright (C) 2001 Mike Schiraldi # Copyright (C) 2003 Bjoern Jacke # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. use strict; use File::Copy; use File::Glob ':glob'; umask 077; use Time::Local; sub usage (); sub newfile ($;$$); sub mutt_Q ($ ); sub mycopy ($$); # directory setup routines sub mkdir_recursive ($ ); sub init_paths (); # key/certificate management methods sub list_certs (); sub query_label (); sub add_entry ($$$$$ ); sub add_certificate ($$$$;$ ); sub add_key ($$$$); sub add_root_cert ($ ); sub parse_pem (@ ); sub handle_pem (@ ); sub modify_entry ($$$;$ ); sub remove_pair ($ ); sub change_label ($ ); sub verify_cert($$); sub do_verify($$$ ); # Get the directories mutt uses for certificate/key storage. my $mutt = $ENV{MUTT_CMDLINE} || 'mutt'; my $opensslbin = "/usr/bin/openssl"; my @tempfiles = (); my @cert_tmp_file = (); my $tmpdir; my $private_keys_path = mutt_Q 'smime_keys'; die "smime_keys is not set in mutt's configuration file" if length $private_keys_path == 0; my $certificates_path = mutt_Q 'smime_certificates'; die "smime_certificates is not set in mutt's configuration file" if length $certificates_path == 0; my $root_certs_path = mutt_Q 'smime_ca_location'; die "smime_ca_location is not set in mutt's configuration file" if length $root_certs_path == 0; my $root_certs_switch; if ( -d $root_certs_path) { $root_certs_switch = -CApath; } else { $root_certs_switch = -CAfile; } # # OPS # if(@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "init") { init_paths; } elsif(@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "list") { list_certs; } elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "label") { change_label($ARGV[1]); } elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_cert") { my $format = -B $ARGV[1] ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[1] -inform $format"; my $cert_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; chomp($cert_hash); my $label = query_label; &add_certificate($ARGV[1], \$cert_hash, 1, $label, '?'); } elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_pem") { -e $ARGV[1] and -s $ARGV[1] or die("$ARGV[1] is nonexistent or empty."); open(PEM_FILE, "<$ARGV[1]") or die("Can't open $ARGV[1]: $!"); my @pem = ; close(PEM_FILE); handle_pem(@pem); } elsif( @ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_p12") { -e $ARGV[1] and -s $ARGV[1] or die("$ARGV[1] is nonexistent or empty."); print "\nNOTE: This will ask you for two passphrases:\n"; print " 1. The passphrase you used for exporting\n"; print " 2. The passphrase you wish to secure your private key with.\n\n"; my $pem_file = "$ARGV[1].pem"; my $cmd = "$opensslbin pkcs12 -in $ARGV[1] -out $pem_file"; system $cmd and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; -e $pem_file and -s $pem_file or die("Conversion of $ARGV[1] failed."); open(PEM_FILE, $pem_file) or die("Can't open $pem_file: $!"); my @pem = ; close(PEM_FILE); unlink $pem_file; handle_pem(@pem); } elsif(@ARGV == 4 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_chain") { my $mailbox; my $format = -B $ARGV[2] ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[2] -inform $format"; my $cert_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; $format = -B $ARGV[3] ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $ARGV[3] -inform $format"; my $issuer_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; chomp($cert_hash); chomp($issuer_hash); my $label = query_label; add_certificate($ARGV[3], \$issuer_hash, 0, $label); my @mailbox = &add_certificate($ARGV[2], \$cert_hash, 1, $label, $issuer_hash); foreach $mailbox (@mailbox) { chomp($mailbox); add_key($ARGV[1], $cert_hash, $mailbox, $label); } } elsif((@ARGV == 2 or @ARGV == 3) and $ARGV[0] eq "verify") { verify_cert($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2]); } elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "remove") { remove_pair($ARGV[1]); } elsif(@ARGV == 2 and $ARGV[0] eq "add_root") { add_root_cert($ARGV[1]); } else { usage; exit(1); } exit(0); ############## sub-routines ######################## sub usage () { print < [file(s) | keyID [file(s)]] with operation being one of: init : no files needed, inits directory structure. list : lists the certificates stored in database. label : keyID required. changes/removes/adds label. remove : keyID required. verify : 1=keyID and optionally 2=CRL Verifies the certificate chain, and optionally wether this certificate is included in supplied CRL (PEM format). Note: to verify all certificates at the same time, replace keyID with "all" add_cert : certificate required. add_chain : three files reqd: 1=Key, 2=certificate plus 3=intermediate certificate(s). add_p12 : one file reqd. Adds keypair to database. file is PKCS12 (e.g. export from netscape). add_pem : one file reqd. Adds keypair to database. (file was converted from e.g. PKCS12). add_root : one file reqd. Adds PEM root certificate to the location specified within muttrc (smime_verify_* command) EOF } sub mutt_Q ($) { my $var = shift or die; my $cmd = "$mutt -v >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"; system ($cmd) == 0 or die<$file") and close(TMP_FILE) or die "Can't touch $file: $!"; $file = $private_keys_path . "/.index"; -f $file or open(TMP_FILE, ">$file") and close(TMP_FILE) or die "Can't touch $file: $!"; } # # certificate management methods # sub list_certs () { my %keyflags = ( 'i', '(Invalid)', 'r', '(Revoked)', 'e', '(Expired)', 'u', '(Unverified)', 'v', '(Valid)', 't', '(Trusted)'); open(INDEX, "<$certificates_path/.index") or die "Couldn't open $certificates_path/.index: $!"; print "\n"; while() { my $tmp; my @tmp; my $tab = " "; my @fields = split; if($fields[2] eq '-') { print "$fields[1]: Issued for: $fields[0] $keyflags{$fields[4]}\n"; } else { print "$fields[1]: Issued for: $fields[0] \"$fields[2]\" $keyflags{$fields[4]}\n"; } my $certfile = "$certificates_path/$fields[1]"; my $cert; { open F, $certfile or die "Couldn't open $certfile: $!"; local $/; $cert = ; close F; } my $subject_in; my $issuer_in; my $date1_in; my $date2_in; my $format = -B $certfile ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -subject -issuer -dates -noout -in $certfile -inform $format"; ($subject_in, $issuer_in, $date1_in, $date2_in) = `$cmd`; $? and print "ERROR: '$cmd' returned $?\n\n" and next; my @subject = split(/\//, $subject_in); while(@subject) { $tmp = shift @subject; ($tmp =~ /^CN\=/) and last; undef $tmp; } defined $tmp and @tmp = split (/\=/, $tmp) and print $tab."Subject: $tmp[1]\n"; my @issuer = split(/\//, $issuer_in); while(@issuer) { $tmp = shift @issuer; ($tmp =~ /^CN\=/) and last; undef $tmp; } defined $tmp and @tmp = split (/\=/, $tmp) and print $tab."Issued by: $tmp[1]"; if ( defined $date1_in and defined $date2_in ) { @tmp = split (/\=/, $date1_in); $tmp = $tmp[1]; @tmp = split (/\=/, $date2_in); print $tab."Certificate is not valid before $tmp". $tab." or after ".$tmp[1]; } -e "$private_keys_path/$fields[1]" and print "$tab - Matching private key installed -\n"; $format = -B "$certificates_path/$fields[1]" ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -purpose -noout -in $certfile -inform $format"; my $purpose_in = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; my @purpose = split (/\n/, $purpose_in); print "$tab$purpose[0] (displays S/MIME options only)\n"; while(@purpose) { $tmp = shift @purpose; ($tmp =~ /^S\/MIME/ and $tmp =~ /Yes/) or next; my @tmptmp = split (/:/, $tmp); print "$tab $tmptmp[0]\n"; } print "\n"; } close(INDEX); } sub query_label () { my @words; my $input; print "\nYou may assign a label to this key, so you don't have to remember\n"; print "the key ID. This has to be _one_ word (no whitespaces).\n\n"; print "Enter label: "; chomp($input = ); my ($label, $junk) = split(/\s/, $input, 2); defined $junk and print "\nUsing '$label' as label; ignoring '$junk'\n"; defined $label || ($label = "-"); return $label; } sub add_entry ($$$$$) { my $mailbox = shift or die; my $hashvalue = shift or die; my $use_cert = shift; my $label = shift or die; my $issuer_hash = shift; my @fields; if ($use_cert) { open(INDEX, "+<$certificates_path/.index") or die "Couldn't open $certificates_path/.index: $!"; } else { open(INDEX, "+<$private_keys_path/.index") or die "Couldn't open $private_keys_path/.index: $!"; } while() { @fields = split; return if ($fields[0] eq $mailbox && $fields[1] eq $hashvalue); } if ($use_cert) { print INDEX "$mailbox $hashvalue $label $issuer_hash u\n"; } else { print INDEX "$mailbox $hashvalue $label \n"; } close(INDEX); } sub add_certificate ($$$$;$) { my $filename = shift or die; my $hashvalue = shift or die; my $add_to_index = shift; my $label = shift or die; my $issuer_hash = shift; my $iter = 0; my @mailbox; my $mailbox; while(-e "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter") { my ($t1, $t2); my $format = -B $filename ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $filename -inform $format -fingerprint -noout"; $t1 = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; $format = -B "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter" ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $certificates_path/$$hashvalue.$iter -inform $format -fingerprint -noout"; $t2 = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; $t1 eq $t2 and last; $iter++; } $$hashvalue .= ".$iter"; if (-e "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue") { print "\nCertificate: $certificates_path/$$hashvalue already installed.\n"; } else { mycopy $filename, "$certificates_path/$$hashvalue"; if ($add_to_index) { my $format = -B $filename ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $filename -inform $format -email -noout"; @mailbox = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; foreach $mailbox (@mailbox) { chomp($mailbox); add_entry($mailbox, $$hashvalue, 1, $label, $issuer_hash); print "\ncertificate $$hashvalue ($label) for $mailbox added.\n"; } verify_cert($$hashvalue, undef); } else { print "added certificate: $certificates_path/$$hashvalue.\n"; } } return @mailbox; } sub add_key ($$$$) { my $file = shift or die; my $hashvalue = shift or die; my $mailbox = shift or die; my $label = shift or die; unless (-e "$private_keys_path/$hashvalue") { mycopy $file, "$private_keys_path/$hashvalue"; } add_entry($mailbox, $hashvalue, 0, $label, ""); print "added private key: " . "$private_keys_path/$hashvalue for $mailbox\n"; } sub parse_pem (@) { my $state = 0; my $cert_iter = 0; my @bag_attribs; my $numBags = 0; $cert_tmp_file[$cert_iter] = newfile("cert_tmp.$cert_iter","temp"); my $cert_tmp_iter = $cert_tmp_file[$cert_iter]; open(CERT_FILE, ">$cert_tmp_iter") or die "Couldn't open $cert_tmp_iter: $!"; while($_ = shift(@_)) { if(/^Bag Attributes/) { $numBags++; $state == 0 or die("PEM-parse error at: $."); $state = 1; $bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+1] = ""; $bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+2] = ""; $bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+3] = ""; } ($state == 1) and /localKeyID:\s*(.*)/ and ($bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+1] = $1); ($state == 1) and /subject=\s*(.*)/ and ($bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+2] = $1); ($state == 1) and /issuer=\s*(.*)/ and ($bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4+3] = $1); if(/^-----/) { if(/BEGIN/) { print CERT_FILE; $state = 2; if(/PRIVATE/) { $bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4] = "K"; next; } if(/CERTIFICATE/) { $bag_attribs[$cert_iter*4] = "C"; next; } die("What's this: $_"); } if(/END/) { $state = 0; print CERT_FILE; close(CERT_FILE); $cert_iter++; $cert_tmp_file[$cert_iter] = newfile("cert_tmp.$cert_iter","temp"); $cert_tmp_iter = $cert_tmp_file[$cert_iter]; open(CERT_FILE, ">$cert_tmp_iter") or die "Couldn't open $cert_tmp_iter: $!"; next; } } print CERT_FILE; } close(CERT_FILE); # I'll add support for unbagged cetificates, in case this is needed. $numBags == $cert_iter or die("Not all contents were bagged. can't continue."); return @bag_attribs; } # This requires the Bag Attributes to be set sub handle_pem (@) { my @pem_contents; my $iter=0; my $root_cert; my $key; my $certificate; my $intermediate; my @mailbox; my $mailbox; @pem_contents = &parse_pem(@_); # private key and certificate use the same 'localKeyID' while($iter <= $#pem_contents / 4) { if($pem_contents[$iter * 4] eq "K") { $key = $iter; last; } $iter++; } ($iter > $#pem_contents / 2) and die("Couldn't find private key!"); $pem_contents[($key * 4)+1] or die("Attribute 'localKeyID' wasn't set."); $iter = 0; while($iter <= $#pem_contents / 4) { $iter == $key and ($iter++) and next; if($pem_contents[($iter * 4)+1] eq $pem_contents[($key * 4)+1]) { $certificate = $iter; last; } $iter++; } ($iter > $#pem_contents / 4) and die("Couldn't find matching certificate!"); my $tmp_key = newfile("tmp_key","temp"); mycopy $cert_tmp_file[$key], $tmp_key; my $tmp_certificate = newfile("tmp_certificate","temp"); mycopy $cert_tmp_file[$certificate], $tmp_certificate; # root certificate is self signed $iter = 0; while($iter <= $#pem_contents / 4) { if ($iter == $key or $iter == $certificate) { $iter++; next; } if($pem_contents[($iter * 4)+2] eq $pem_contents[($iter * 4)+3]) { $root_cert = $iter; last; } $iter++; } if ($iter > $#pem_contents / 4) { print "Couldn't identify root certificate!\n"; $root_cert = -1; } # what's left are intermediate certificates. $iter = 0; # needs to be set, so we can check it later $intermediate = $root_cert; my $tmp_issuer_cert = newfile("tmp_issuer_cert","temp"); while($iter <= $#pem_contents / 4) { if ($iter == $key or $iter == $certificate or $iter == $root_cert) { $iter++; next; } open (IC, ">> $tmp_issuer_cert") or die "can't open $tmp_issuer_cert: $?"; my $cert_tmp_iter = $cert_tmp_file[$iter]; open (CERT, "< $cert_tmp_iter") or die "can't open $cert_tmp_iter: $?"; print IC while (); close IC; close CERT; # although there may be many, just need to know if there was any $intermediate = $iter; $iter++; } # no intermediate certificates ? use root-cert instead (if that was found...) if($intermediate == $root_cert) { if ($root_cert == -1) { die("No root and no intermediate certificates. Can't continue."); } mycopy $cert_tmp_file[$root_cert], $tmp_issuer_cert; } my $label = query_label; my $format = -B $tmp_certificate ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $tmp_certificate -inform $format"; my $cert_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; $format = -B $tmp_issuer_cert ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $tmp_issuer_cert -inform $format"; my $issuer_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; chomp($cert_hash); chomp($issuer_hash); # Note: $cert_hash will be changed to reflect the correct filename # within add_cert() ONLY, so these _have_ to get called first.. add_certificate($tmp_issuer_cert, \$issuer_hash, 0, $label); @mailbox = &add_certificate("$tmp_certificate", \$cert_hash, 1, $label, $issuer_hash); foreach $mailbox (@mailbox) { chomp($mailbox); add_key($tmp_key, $cert_hash, $mailbox, $label); } } sub modify_entry ($$$;$ ) { my $op = shift or die; my $hashvalue = shift or die; my $use_cert = shift; my $crl; my $label; my $path; my @fields; $op eq 'L' and ($label = shift or die); $op eq 'V' and ($crl = shift); if ($use_cert) { $path = $certificates_path; } else { $path = $private_keys_path; } open(INDEX, "<$path/.index") or die "Couldn't open $path/.index: $!"; my $newindex = newfile("$path/.index.tmp"); open(NEW_INDEX, ">$newindex") or die "Couldn't create $newindex: $!"; while() { @fields = split; if($fields[1] eq $hashvalue or $hashvalue eq 'all') { $op eq 'R' and next; print NEW_INDEX "$fields[0] $fields[1]"; if($op eq 'L') { if($use_cert) { print NEW_INDEX " $label $fields[3] $fields[4]"; } else { print NEW_INDEX " $label"; } } if ($op eq 'V') { print "\n==> about to verify certificate of $fields[0]\n"; my $flag = &do_verify($fields[1], $fields[3], $crl); print NEW_INDEX " $fields[2] $fields[3] $flag"; } print NEW_INDEX "\n"; next; } print NEW_INDEX; } close(INDEX); close(NEW_INDEX); rename $newindex, "$path/.index" or die "Couldn't rename $newindex to $path/.index: $!\n"; print "\n"; } sub remove_pair ($ ) { my $keyid = shift or die; if (-e "$certificates_path/$keyid") { unlink "$certificates_path/$keyid"; modify_entry('R', $keyid, 1); print "Removed certificate $keyid.\n"; } else { die "No such certificate: $keyid"; } if (-e "$private_keys_path/$keyid") { unlink "$private_keys_path/$keyid"; modify_entry('R', $keyid, 0); print "Removed private key $keyid.\n"; } } sub change_label ($ ) { my $keyid = shift or die; my $label = query_label; if (-e "$certificates_path/$keyid") { modify_entry('L', $keyid, 1, $label); print "Changed label for certificate $keyid.\n"; } else { die "No such certificate: $keyid"; } if (-e "$private_keys_path/$keyid") { modify_entry('L', $keyid, 0, $label); print "Changed label for private key $keyid.\n"; } } sub verify_cert ($$) { my $keyid = shift or die; my $crl = shift; -e "$certificates_path/$keyid" or $keyid eq 'all' or die "No such certificate: $keyid"; modify_entry('V', $keyid, 1, $crl); } sub do_verify($$$) { my $cert = shift or die; my $issuerid = shift or die; my $crl = shift; my $result = 'i'; my $trust_q; my $issuer_path; my $cert_path = "$certificates_path/$cert"; if($issuerid eq '?') { $issuer_path = "$certificates_path/$cert"; } else { $issuer_path = "$certificates_path/$issuerid"; } my $cmd = "$opensslbin verify $root_certs_switch $root_certs_path -purpose smimesign -purpose smimeencrypt -untrusted $issuer_path $cert_path"; my $output = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; chop $output; print "\n$output\n"; ($output =~ /OK/) and ($result = 'v'); $result eq 'i' and return $result; my $format = -B $cert_path ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -dates -serial -noout -in $cert_path -inform $format"; (my $date1_in, my $date2_in, my $serial_in) = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; if ( defined $date1_in and defined $date2_in ) { my @tmp = split (/\=/, $date1_in); my $tmp = $tmp[1]; @tmp = split (/\=/, $date2_in); my %months = ('Jan', '00', 'Feb', '01', 'Mar', '02', 'Apr', '03', 'May', '04', 'Jun', '05', 'Jul', '06', 'Aug', '07', 'Sep', '08', 'Oct', '09', 'Nov', '10', 'Dec', '11'); my @fields = $tmp =~ /(\w+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*GMT/; $#fields != 5 and print "Expiration Date: Parse Error : $tmp\n\n" or timegm($fields[4], $fields[3], $fields[2], $fields[1], $months{$fields[0]}, $fields[5]) > time and $result = 'e'; $result eq 'e' and print "Certificate is not yet valid.\n" and return $result; @fields = $tmp[1] =~ /(\w+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s*GMT/; $#fields != 5 and print "Expiration Date: Parse Error : $tmp[1]\n\n" or timegm($fields[4], $fields[3], $fields[2], $fields[1], $months{$fields[0]}, $fields[5]) < time and $result = 'e'; $result eq 'e' and print "Certificate has expired.\n" and return $result; } if ( defined $crl ) { my @serial = split (/\=/, $serial_in); my $cmd = "$opensslbin crl -text -noout -in $crl | grep -A1 $serial[1]"; (my $l1, my $l2) = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; if ( defined $l2 ) { my @revoke_date = split (/:\s/, $l2); print "FAILURE: Certificate $cert has been revoked on $revoke_date[1]\n"; $result = 'r'; } } print "\n"; if ($result eq 'v') { return 't'; } return $result; } sub add_root_cert ($) { my $root_cert = shift or die; my $format = -B $root_cert ? 'DER' : 'PEM'; my $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -noout -hash -in $root_cert -inform $format"; my $root_hash = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; if (-d $root_certs_path) { -e "$root_certs_path/$root_hash" or mycopy $root_cert, "$root_certs_path/$root_hash"; } else { open(ROOT_CERTS, ">>$root_certs_path") or die ("Couldn't open $root_certs_path for writing"); $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -fingerprint -noout"; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; chomp(my $md5fp = `$cmd`); $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format -text -noout"; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; my @cert_text = `$cmd`; print "Enter a label, name or description for this certificate: "; my $input = ; my $line = "=======================================\n"; print ROOT_CERTS "\n$input$line$md5fp\nPEM-Data:\n"; $cmd = "$opensslbin x509 -in $root_cert -inform $format"; my $cert = `$cmd`; $? and die "'$cmd' returned $?"; print ROOT_CERTS $cert; print ROOT_CERTS @cert_text; close (ROOT_CERTS); } } sub newfile ($;$$) { # returns a file name which does not exist for tmp file creation my $filename = shift; my $option = shift; $option = "notemp" if (not defined($option)); if (! $tmpdir and $option eq "temp") { $tmpdir = mutt_Q 'tmpdir'; $tmpdir = newfile("$tmpdir/smime"); mkdir $tmpdir, 0700 || die "Can't create $tmpdir: $!\n"; } $filename = "$tmpdir/$filename" if ($option eq "temp"); my $newfilename = $filename; my $count = 0; while (-e $newfilename) { $newfilename = "$filename.$count"; $count++; } unshift(@tempfiles,$newfilename); return $newfilename; } END { # remove all our temporary files in the end: for (@tempfiles){ if (-f) { unlink; } elsif (-d) { rmdir; } } }