* New upstream release: fix some startup problem when interfaces are not ready at boot time (IP_FREEBIND support when available) and can use libcap for transparent mode * Enable libcap and libwrap support at build time * Enable dpkg-buildflags: Drop hardening-wrapper Build-Depends and use DEB_BUILD_HARDENING instead of DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS * Remove old .gitignore as upstream has one too * debian/sslh.tmpfile: Create /run/sslh for systemd as root because sslh write its pid before dropping privileges (Closes: #740560) * debian/patches/disable_ip_freebind_test.diff: Remove "Can't bind address" upstream test because IP_FREEBIND is now enabled upstream * debian/docs: upstream README is now README.md * debian/rules: + use DESTDIR in addition of PREFIX as upstream change Makefile * Refresh debian/patches/disable_valgrind_launch.diff due to upstream changes * Stop service in case of purge (to be able to remove the user too) * Use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to speed the build * debian/patches/fixed_version.diff: Fix the version of binaries based on debian/changelog (instead of relying on git) * Update Description as sslh is not only a ssl/ssh multiplexer but a protocol multiplexer