
  • Committer: Package Import Robot
  • Author(s): Didier Roche
  • Date: 2015-04-02 11:42:21 UTC
  • Revision ID: package-import@ubuntu.com-20150402114221-1z8r9l8701en5qty
Tags: 0.16
Only report that we don't report crashes under upstart if the override
file contains "manual" instead of existence detection.
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
debian 1 10 years ago Package Import Robot Generate a symbols file. Diff
po 1 10 years ago Package Import Robot Generate a symbols file. Diff
src 1 10 years ago Package Import Robot Generate a symbols file. Diff
File autogen.sh 1 10 years ago Package Import Robot Generate a symbols file. 1.1 KB Diff Download File
configure.ac 8 10 years ago Package Import Robot [ Evan Dandrea ] * Signal to policykit that we'd l 1.4 KB Diff Download File
Makefile.am 1 10 years ago Package Import Robot Generate a symbols file. 56 bytes Diff Download File