/* Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "array.h" #include "str.h" #include "hash.h" #include "strescape.h" #include "istream.h" #include "module-dir.h" #include "settings-parser.h" #include "service-settings.h" #include "master-service.h" #include "master-service-settings.h" #include "master-service-ssl-settings.h" #include "all-settings.h" #include "old-set-parser.h" #include "config-request.h" #include "config-parser-private.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H # include #endif #ifndef GLOB_BRACE # define GLOB_BRACE 0 #endif #define DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_SECS 30 #define DNS_LOOKUP_WARN_SECS 5 static const enum settings_parser_flags settings_parser_flags = SETTINGS_PARSER_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KEYS | SETTINGS_PARSER_FLAG_TRACK_CHANGES; struct config_module_parser *config_module_parsers; struct config_filter_context *config_filter; struct module *modules; void (*hook_config_parser_begin)(struct config_parser_context *ctx); static const char *info_type_name_find(const struct setting_parser_info *info) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; info->defines[i].key != NULL; i++) { if (info->defines[i].offset == info->type_offset) return info->defines[i].key; } i_panic("setting parser: Invalid type_offset value"); return NULL; } static int config_add_type(struct setting_parser_context *parser, const char *line, const char *section_name) { const struct setting_parser_info *info; const char *p; string_t *str; int ret; info = settings_parse_get_prev_info(parser); if (info == NULL) { /* section inside strlist */ return -1; } if (info->type_offset == (size_t)-1) return 0; str = t_str_new(256); p = strchr(line, '='); str_append_n(str, line, p-line); str_append_c(str, SETTINGS_SEPARATOR); str_append(str, p+1); if (info != NULL) { str_append_c(str, SETTINGS_SEPARATOR); str_append(str, info_type_name_find(info)); } str_append_c(str, '='); str_append(str, section_name); ret = settings_parse_line(parser, str_c(str)); i_assert(ret > 0); return 0; } static bool config_parser_is_in_localremote(struct config_section_stack *section) { const struct config_filter *filter = §ion->filter; return filter->local_name != NULL || filter->local_bits > 0 || filter->remote_bits > 0; } int config_apply_line(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char *key, const char *line, const char *section_name) { struct config_module_parser *l; bool found = FALSE; int ret; for (l = ctx->cur_section->parsers; l->root != NULL; l++) { ret = settings_parse_line(l->parser, line); if (ret > 0) { found = TRUE; /* FIXME: remove once auth does support these. */ if (strcmp(l->root->module_name, "auth") == 0 && config_parser_is_in_localremote(ctx->cur_section)) { ctx->error = p_strconcat(ctx->pool, "Auth settings not supported inside local/remote blocks: ", key, NULL); return -1; } if (section_name != NULL) { if (config_add_type(l->parser, line, section_name) < 0) { ctx->error = "Section not allowed here"; return -1; } } } else if (ret < 0) { ctx->error = settings_parser_get_error(l->parser); return -1; } } if (!found) { ctx->error = p_strconcat(ctx->pool, "Unknown setting: ", key, NULL); return -1; } return 0; } static const char * fix_relative_path(const char *path, struct input_stack *input) { const char *p; if (*path == '/') return path; p = strrchr(input->path, '/'); if (p == NULL) return path; return t_strconcat(t_strdup_until(input->path, p+1), path, NULL); } static struct config_module_parser * config_module_parsers_init(pool_t pool) { struct config_module_parser *dest; unsigned int i, count; for (count = 0; all_roots[count] != NULL; count++) ; dest = p_new(pool, struct config_module_parser, count + 1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { dest[i].root = all_roots[i]; dest[i].parser = settings_parser_init(pool, all_roots[i], settings_parser_flags); } return dest; } static void config_add_new_parser(struct config_parser_context *ctx) { struct config_section_stack *cur_section = ctx->cur_section; struct config_filter_parser *parser; parser = p_new(ctx->pool, struct config_filter_parser, 1); parser->filter = cur_section->filter; if (ctx->cur_input->linenum == 0) { parser->file_and_line = p_strdup(ctx->pool, ctx->cur_input->path); } else { parser->file_and_line = p_strdup_printf(ctx->pool, "%s:%d", ctx->cur_input->path, ctx->cur_input->linenum); } parser->parsers = cur_section->prev == NULL ? ctx->root_parsers : config_module_parsers_init(ctx->pool); array_append(&ctx->all_parsers, &parser, 1); cur_section->parsers = parser->parsers; } static struct config_section_stack * config_add_new_section(struct config_parser_context *ctx) { struct config_section_stack *section; section = p_new(ctx->pool, struct config_section_stack, 1); section->prev = ctx->cur_section; section->filter = ctx->cur_section->filter; section->parsers = ctx->cur_section->parsers; section->open_path = p_strdup(ctx->pool, ctx->cur_input->path); section->open_linenum = ctx->cur_input->linenum; return section; } static struct config_filter_parser * config_filter_parser_find(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const struct config_filter *filter) { struct config_filter_parser *const *parsers; array_foreach(&ctx->all_parsers, parsers) { struct config_filter_parser *parser = *parsers; if (config_filters_equal(&parser->filter, filter)) return parser; } return NULL; } int config_parse_net(const char *value, struct ip_addr *ip_r, unsigned int *bits_r, const char **error_r) { struct ip_addr *ips; const char *p; unsigned int ip_count, bits, max_bits; time_t t1, t2; int ret; if (net_parse_range(value, ip_r, bits_r) == 0) return 0; p = strchr(value, '/'); if (p != NULL) { value = t_strdup_until(value, p); p++; } t1 = time(NULL); alarm(DNS_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_SECS); ret = net_gethostbyname(value, &ips, &ip_count); alarm(0); t2 = time(NULL); if (ret != 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("gethostbyname(%s) failed: %s", value, net_gethosterror(ret)); return -1; } *ip_r = ips[0]; if (t2 - t1 >= DNS_LOOKUP_WARN_SECS) { i_warning("gethostbyname(%s) took %d seconds", value, (int)(t2-t1)); } max_bits = IPADDR_IS_V4(&ips[0]) ? 32 : 128; if (p == NULL) *bits_r = max_bits; else if (str_to_uint(p, &bits) == 0 && bits <= max_bits) *bits_r = bits; else { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Invalid network mask: %s", p); return -1; } return 0; } static bool config_filter_add_new_filter(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char *key, const char *value) { struct config_filter *filter = &ctx->cur_section->filter; struct config_filter *parent = &ctx->cur_section->prev->filter; struct config_filter_parser *parser; const char *error; if (strcmp(key, "protocol") == 0) { if (parent->service != NULL) ctx->error = "protocol must not be under protocol"; else filter->service = p_strdup(ctx->pool, value); } else if (strcmp(key, "local") == 0) { if (parent->remote_bits > 0) ctx->error = "local must not be under remote"; else if (parent->service != NULL) ctx->error = "local must not be under protocol"; else if (parent->local_name != NULL) ctx->error = "local must not be under local_name"; else if (config_parse_net(value, &filter->local_net, &filter->local_bits, &error) < 0) ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, error); else if (parent->local_bits > filter->local_bits || (parent->local_bits > 0 && !net_is_in_network(&filter->local_net, &parent->local_net, parent->local_bits))) ctx->error = "local not a subset of parent local"; else filter->local_host = p_strdup(ctx->pool, value); } else if (strcmp(key, "local_name") == 0) { if (parent->remote_bits > 0) ctx->error = "local_name must not be under remote"; else if (parent->service != NULL) ctx->error = "local_name must not be under protocol"; else filter->local_name = p_strdup(ctx->pool, value); } else if (strcmp(key, "remote") == 0) { if (parent->service != NULL) ctx->error = "remote must not be under protocol"; else if (config_parse_net(value, &filter->remote_net, &filter->remote_bits, &error) < 0) ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, error); else if (parent->remote_bits > filter->remote_bits || (parent->remote_bits > 0 && !net_is_in_network(&filter->remote_net, &parent->remote_net, parent->remote_bits))) ctx->error = "remote not a subset of parent remote"; else filter->remote_host = p_strdup(ctx->pool, value); } else { return FALSE; } parser = config_filter_parser_find(ctx, filter); if (parser != NULL) ctx->cur_section->parsers = parser->parsers; else config_add_new_parser(ctx); return TRUE; } static int config_filter_parser_check(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const struct config_module_parser *p, const char **error_r) { for (; p->root != NULL; p++) { /* skip checking settings we don't care about */ if (!config_module_want_parser(ctx->root_parsers, ctx->modules, p->root)) continue; settings_parse_var_skip(p->parser); if (!settings_parser_check(p->parser, ctx->pool, error_r)) return -1; } return 0; } static const char * get_str_setting(struct config_filter_parser *parser, const char *key, const char *default_value) { struct config_module_parser *module_parser; const char *const *set_value; enum setting_type set_type; module_parser = parser->parsers; for (; module_parser->parser != NULL; module_parser++) { set_value = settings_parse_get_value(module_parser->parser, key, &set_type); if (set_value != NULL && settings_parse_is_changed(module_parser->parser, key)) { i_assert(set_type == SET_STR || set_type == SET_ENUM); return *set_value; } } return default_value; } static int config_all_parsers_check(struct config_parser_context *ctx, struct config_filter_context *new_filter, const char **error_r) { struct config_filter_parser *const *parsers; struct config_module_parser *tmp_parsers; struct master_service_settings_output output; unsigned int i, count; const char *ssl_set, *global_ssl_set; pool_t tmp_pool; bool ssl_warned = FALSE; int ret = 0; if (ctx->cur_section->prev != NULL) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf( "Missing '}' (section started at %s:%u)", ctx->cur_section->open_path, ctx->cur_section->open_linenum); return -1; } tmp_pool = pool_alloconly_create("config parsers check", 1024*64); parsers = array_get(&ctx->all_parsers, &count); i_assert(count > 0 && parsers[count-1] == NULL); count--; global_ssl_set = get_str_setting(parsers[0], "ssl", ""); for (i = 0; i < count && ret == 0; i++) { if (config_filter_parsers_get(new_filter, tmp_pool, NULL, &parsers[i]->filter, &tmp_parsers, &output, error_r) < 0) { ret = -1; break; } ssl_set = get_str_setting(parsers[i], "ssl", global_ssl_set); if (strcmp(ssl_set, "no") != 0 && strcmp(global_ssl_set, "no") == 0 && !ssl_warned) { i_warning("SSL is disabled because global ssl=no, " "ignoring ssl=%s for subsection", ssl_set); ssl_warned = TRUE; } ret = config_filter_parser_check(ctx, tmp_parsers, error_r); config_filter_parsers_free(tmp_parsers); p_clear(tmp_pool); } pool_unref(&tmp_pool); return ret; } static int str_append_file(string_t *str, const char *key, const char *path, const char **error_r) { unsigned char buf[1024]; int fd; ssize_t ret; *error_r = NULL; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s: Can't open file %s: %m", key, path); return -1; } while ((ret = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) str_append_n(str, buf, ret); if (ret < 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s: read(%s) failed: %m", key, path); } i_close_fd(&fd); return ret < 0 ? -1 : 0; } static int settings_add_include(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char *path, bool ignore_errors, const char **error_r) { struct input_stack *tmp, *new_input; int fd; for (tmp = ctx->cur_input; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->prev) { if (strcmp(tmp->path, path) == 0) break; } if (tmp != NULL) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Recursive include file: %s", path); return -1; } if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { if (ignore_errors) return 0; *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Couldn't open include file %s: %m", path); return -1; } new_input = p_new(ctx->pool, struct input_stack, 1); new_input->prev = ctx->cur_input; new_input->path = p_strdup(ctx->pool, path); new_input->input = i_stream_create_fd(fd, (size_t)-1, TRUE); i_stream_set_return_partial_line(new_input->input, TRUE); ctx->cur_input = new_input; return 0; } static int settings_include(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char *pattern, bool ignore_errors) { const char *error; #ifdef HAVE_GLOB glob_t globbers; unsigned int i; switch (glob(pattern, GLOB_BRACE, NULL, &globbers)) { case 0: break; case GLOB_NOSPACE: ctx->error = "glob() failed: Not enough memory"; return -1; case GLOB_ABORTED: ctx->error = "glob() failed: Read error"; return -1; case GLOB_NOMATCH: if (ignore_errors) return 0; ctx->error = "No matches"; return -1; default: ctx->error = "glob() failed: Unknown error"; return -1; } /* iterate throuth the different files matching the globbing */ for (i = globbers.gl_pathc; i > 0; i--) { if (settings_add_include(ctx, globbers.gl_pathv[i-1], ignore_errors, &error) < 0) { ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, error); return -1; } } globfree(&globbers); return 0; #else if (settings_add_include(ctx, pattern, ignore_errors, &error) < 0) { ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, error); return -1; } return 0; #endif } static enum config_line_type config_parse_line(struct config_parser_context *ctx, char *line, string_t *full_line, const char **key_r, const char **value_r) { const char *key; unsigned int len; char *p; *key_r = NULL; *value_r = NULL; /* @UNSAFE: line is modified */ /* skip whitespace */ while (IS_WHITE(*line)) line++; /* ignore comments or empty lines */ if (*line == '#' || *line == '\0') return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SKIP; /* strip away comments. pretty kludgy way really.. */ for (p = line; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\'' || *p == '"') { char quote = *p; for (p++; *p != quote && *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\\' && p[1] != '\0') p++; } if (*p == '\0') break; } else if (*p == '#') { if (!IS_WHITE(p[-1])) { i_warning("Configuration file %s line %u: " "Ambiguous '#' character in line, treating it as comment. " "Add a space before it to remove this warning.", ctx->cur_input->path, ctx->cur_input->linenum); } *p = '\0'; break; } } /* remove whitespace from end of line */ len = strlen(line); while (IS_WHITE(line[len-1])) len--; line[len] = '\0'; if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\\') { /* continues in next line */ len--; while (IS_WHITE(line[len-1])) len--; str_append_n(full_line, line, len); str_append_c(full_line, ' '); return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SKIP; } if (str_len(full_line) > 0) { str_append(full_line, line); line = str_c_modifiable(full_line); } /* a) key = value b) section_type [section_name] { c) } */ key = line; while (!IS_WHITE(*line) && *line != '\0' && *line != '=') line++; if (IS_WHITE(*line)) { *line++ = '\0'; while (IS_WHITE(*line)) line++; } *key_r = key; *value_r = line; if (strcmp(key, "!include") == 0) return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_INCLUDE; if (strcmp(key, "!include_try") == 0) return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_INCLUDE_TRY; if (*line == '=') { /* a) */ *line++ = '\0'; while (IS_WHITE(*line)) line++; if (*line == '<') { while (IS_WHITE(line[1])) line++; *value_r = line + 1; return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYFILE; } if (*line == '$') { *value_r = line + 1; return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVARIABLE; } len = strlen(line); if (len > 0 && ((*line == '"' && line[len-1] == '"') || (*line == '\'' && line[len-1] == '\''))) { line[len-1] = '\0'; line = str_unescape(line+1); } *value_r = line; return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVALUE; } if (strcmp(key, "}") == 0 && *line == '\0') return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SECTION_END; /* b) + errors */ line[-1] = '\0'; if (*line == '{') *value_r = ""; else { /* get section name */ if (*line != '"') { *value_r = line; while (!IS_WHITE(*line) && *line != '\0') line++; if (*line != '\0') { *line++ = '\0'; while (IS_WHITE(*line)) line++; } } else { char *value = ++line; while (*line != '"' && *line != '\0') line++; if (*line == '"') { *line++ = '\0'; while (IS_WHITE(*line)) line++; *value_r = str_unescape(value); } } if (*line != '{') { *value_r = "Expecting '='"; return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_ERROR; } } if (line[1] != '\0') { *value_r = "Garbage after '{'"; return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_ERROR; } return CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SECTION_BEGIN; } static int config_parse_finish(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char **error_r) { struct config_filter_context *new_filter; const char *error; int ret; new_filter = config_filter_init(ctx->pool); array_append_zero(&ctx->all_parsers); config_filter_add_all(new_filter, array_idx(&ctx->all_parsers, 0)); if (ctx->hide_errors) ret = 0; else if ((ret = config_all_parsers_check(ctx, new_filter, &error)) < 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Error in configuration file %s: %s", ctx->path, error); } if (config_filter != NULL) config_filter_deinit(&config_filter); config_module_parsers = ctx->root_parsers; config_filter = new_filter; return ret; } static const void * config_get_value(struct config_section_stack *section, const char *key, bool expand_parent, enum setting_type *type_r) { struct config_module_parser *l; const void *value; for (l = section->parsers; l->root != NULL; l++) { value = settings_parse_get_value(l->parser, key, type_r); if (value != NULL) { if (!expand_parent || section->prev == NULL || settings_parse_is_changed(l->parser, key)) return value; /* not changed by this parser. maybe parent has. */ return config_get_value(section->prev, key, TRUE, type_r); } } return NULL; } static bool config_require_key(struct config_parser_context *ctx, const char *key) { struct config_module_parser *l; if (ctx->modules == NULL) return TRUE; for (l = ctx->cur_section->parsers; l->root != NULL; l++) { if (config_module_want_parser(ctx->root_parsers, ctx->modules, l->root) && settings_parse_is_valid_key(l->parser, key)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int config_write_value(struct config_parser_context *ctx, enum config_line_type type, const char *key, const char *value) { string_t *str = ctx->str; const void *var_name, *var_value, *p; enum setting_type var_type; const char *error, *path; bool dump, expand_parent; switch (type) { case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVALUE: str_append(str, value); break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYFILE: if (!ctx->expand_values) { str_append_c(str, '<'); str_append(str, value); } else { if (!config_require_key(ctx, key)) { /* don't even try to open the file */ } else { path = fix_relative_path(value, ctx->cur_input); if (str_append_file(str, key, path, &error) < 0) { /* file reading failed */ ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, error); return -1; } } } break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVARIABLE: /* expand_parent=TRUE for "key = $key stuff". we'll always expand it so that doveconf -n can give usable output */ p = strchr(value, ' '); if (p == NULL) var_name = value; else var_name = t_strdup_until(value, p); expand_parent = strcmp(key, var_name) == 0; if (!ctx->expand_values && !expand_parent) { str_append_c(str, '$'); str_append(str, value); } else { var_value = config_get_value(ctx->cur_section, var_name, expand_parent, &var_type); if (var_value == NULL) { ctx->error = p_strconcat(ctx->pool, "Unknown variable: $", var_name, NULL); return -1; } if (!config_export_type(str, var_value, NULL, var_type, TRUE, &dump)) { ctx->error = p_strconcat(ctx->pool, "Invalid variable: $", var_name, NULL); return -1; } if (p != NULL) str_append(str, p); } break; default: i_unreached(); } return 0; } void config_parser_apply_line(struct config_parser_context *ctx, enum config_line_type type, const char *key, const char *value) { const char *section_name; str_truncate(ctx->str, ctx->pathlen); switch (type) { case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SKIP: break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_ERROR: ctx->error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, value); break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVALUE: case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYFILE: case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_KEYVARIABLE: str_append(ctx->str, key); str_append_c(ctx->str, '='); if (config_write_value(ctx, type, key, value) < 0) break; (void)config_apply_line(ctx, key, str_c(ctx->str), NULL); break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SECTION_BEGIN: ctx->cur_section = config_add_new_section(ctx); ctx->cur_section->pathlen = ctx->pathlen; if (config_filter_add_new_filter(ctx, key, value)) { /* new filter */ break; } /* new config section */ if (*value == '\0') { /* no section name, use a counter */ section_name = dec2str(ctx->section_counter++); } else { section_name = settings_section_escape(value); } str_append(ctx->str, key); ctx->pathlen = str_len(ctx->str); str_append_c(ctx->str, '='); str_append(ctx->str, section_name); if (config_apply_line(ctx, key, str_c(ctx->str), value) < 0) break; str_truncate(ctx->str, ctx->pathlen); str_append_c(ctx->str, SETTINGS_SEPARATOR); str_append(ctx->str, section_name); str_append_c(ctx->str, SETTINGS_SEPARATOR); ctx->pathlen = str_len(ctx->str); break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_SECTION_END: if (ctx->cur_section->prev == NULL) ctx->error = "Unexpected '}'"; else { ctx->pathlen = ctx->cur_section->pathlen; ctx->cur_section = ctx->cur_section->prev; } break; case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_INCLUDE: case CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_INCLUDE_TRY: (void)settings_include(ctx, fix_relative_path(value, ctx->cur_input), type == CONFIG_LINE_TYPE_INCLUDE_TRY); break; } } int config_parse_file(const char *path, bool expand_values, const char *const *modules, const char **error_r) { struct input_stack root; struct config_parser_context ctx; unsigned int i, count; const char *key, *value; string_t *full_line; enum config_line_type type; char *line; int fd, ret = 0; bool handled; if (path == NULL) { path = ""; fd = -1; } else { fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("open(%s) failed: %m", path); return 0; } } memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.pool = pool_alloconly_create("config file parser", 1024*256); ctx.path = path; ctx.hide_errors = fd == -1; for (count = 0; all_roots[count] != NULL; count++) ; ctx.root_parsers = p_new(ctx.pool, struct config_module_parser, count+1); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ctx.root_parsers[i].root = all_roots[i]; ctx.root_parsers[i].parser = settings_parser_init(ctx.pool, all_roots[i], settings_parser_flags); } memset(&root, 0, sizeof(root)); root.path = path; ctx.cur_input = &root; ctx.expand_values = expand_values; ctx.modules = modules; p_array_init(&ctx.all_parsers, ctx.pool, 128); ctx.cur_section = p_new(ctx.pool, struct config_section_stack, 1); config_add_new_parser(&ctx); ctx.str = str_new(ctx.pool, 256); full_line = str_new(default_pool, 512); ctx.cur_input->input = fd != -1 ? i_stream_create_fd(fd, (size_t)-1, TRUE) : i_stream_create_from_data("", 0); i_stream_set_return_partial_line(ctx.cur_input->input, TRUE); old_settings_init(&ctx); if (hook_config_parser_begin != NULL) hook_config_parser_begin(&ctx); prevfile: while ((line = i_stream_read_next_line(ctx.cur_input->input)) != NULL) { ctx.cur_input->linenum++; type = config_parse_line(&ctx, line, full_line, &key, &value); str_truncate(ctx.str, ctx.pathlen); T_BEGIN { handled = old_settings_handle(&ctx, type, key, value); if (!handled) config_parser_apply_line(&ctx, type, key, value); } T_END; if (ctx.error != NULL) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf( "Error in configuration file %s line %d: %s", ctx.cur_input->path, ctx.cur_input->linenum, ctx.error); ret = -2; break; } str_truncate(full_line, 0); } i_stream_destroy(&ctx.cur_input->input); ctx.cur_input = ctx.cur_input->prev; if (line == NULL && ctx.cur_input != NULL) goto prevfile; str_free(&full_line); if (ret == 0) ret = config_parse_finish(&ctx, error_r); return ret < 0 ? ret : 1; } void config_parse_load_modules(void) { struct module_dir_load_settings mod_set; struct module *m; const struct setting_parser_info **roots; ARRAY(const struct setting_parser_info *) new_roots; ARRAY_TYPE(service_settings) new_services; struct service_settings *const *services, *service_set; unsigned int i, count; memset(&mod_set, 0, sizeof(mod_set)); mod_set.abi_version = DOVECOT_ABI_VERSION; modules = module_dir_load(CONFIG_MODULE_DIR, NULL, &mod_set); module_dir_init(modules); i_array_init(&new_roots, 64); i_array_init(&new_services, 64); for (m = modules; m != NULL; m = m->next) { roots = module_get_symbol_quiet(m, t_strdup_printf("%s_set_roots", m->name)); if (roots != NULL) { for (i = 0; roots[i] != NULL; i++) array_append(&new_roots, &roots[i], 1); } services = module_get_symbol_quiet(m, t_strdup_printf("%s_service_settings_array", m->name)); if (services != NULL) { for (count = 0; services[count] != NULL; count++) ; array_append(&new_services, services, count); } else { service_set = module_get_symbol_quiet(m, t_strdup_printf("%s_service_settings", m->name)); if (service_set != NULL) array_append(&new_services, &service_set, 1); } } if (array_count(&new_roots) > 0) { /* modules added new settings. add the defaults and start using the new list. */ for (i = 0; all_roots[i] != NULL; i++) array_append(&new_roots, &all_roots[i], 1); array_append_zero(&new_roots); all_roots = array_idx(&new_roots, 0); } if (array_count(&new_services) > 0) { /* module added new services. update the defaults. */ services = array_get(default_services, &count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) array_append(&new_services, &services[i], 1); *default_services = new_services; } } static bool parsers_are_connected(const struct setting_parser_info *root, const struct setting_parser_info *info) { const struct setting_parser_info *p; const struct setting_parser_info *const *dep; /* we're trying to find info or its parents from root's dependencies. */ for (p = info; p != NULL; p = p->parent) { if (p == root) return TRUE; } if (root->dependencies != NULL) { for (dep = root->dependencies; *dep != NULL; dep++) { if (parsers_are_connected(*dep, info)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool config_module_want_parser(struct config_module_parser *parsers, const char *const *modules, const struct setting_parser_info *root) { struct config_module_parser *l; if (modules == NULL) return TRUE; if (root == &master_service_setting_parser_info) { /* everyone wants master service settings */ return TRUE; } for (l = parsers; l->root != NULL; l++) { if (!str_array_find(modules, l->root->module_name)) continue; /* see if we can find a way to get from the original parser to this parser */ if (parsers_are_connected(l->root, root)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }