These are some notes/memo about compiling Pencil on Windows Last edited: 2007-10-12 Pascal Naidon To compile Pencil for Windows "out of the box" 1) Install Qt from TrollTech if you haven't done it (the installer will propose to install MinGW if you don't have any C++ compiler) 2) From the Start menu (for example), launch the Qt Command Prompt (a kind of DOS Terminal) 4) (Using DOS commands like cd) go to the directory where you saved Pencil source, ie the directory where the file is located. Then type "qmake". This should generate a makefile from the file. 5) Then type "make". This should compile Pencil. ==================================================================== Qt on Windows -> The Qt framework is needed to create the graphical interface of Pencil Use the installer from Trolltech I've used Qt 4.2.2 Problems encountered if the following message appears: mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lqtmaind You are building in debug mode and haven't built the debug libraries. -> needs to build qmake with the debug libraries, ie: --> go to the QT bin folder and execute "qtvars.bat compile_debug" ==================================================================== Ming (Flash/SWF library) on Windows -> The Ming library enables Pencil to export animation to the Flash/SWF format I've used Ming 0.3 This took me some time to work out As a convenience, I put the compiled library (0.3) for Windows in the libwin32 directory, so you can just use those. If you want to get the latest version and compile Ming yourself, here is how I did it I roughly followed the instructions from The MinGW (GNU compiler for Windows) was already installed during the Qt install. Compiling ming (Flash/SWF library) requires a UNIX-like environment to execute the configure script, which is why one has to install Cygwin. (MinGW and cygwin were installed separately so they are separate environment : don't re-install mingw within cygwin. To check that you are running the correct gcc (=MinGW), launch cygwin and type: gcc -v it should say "mingw special" and not "cygwin special") Ming requires the zlib and libpng library. The point is to find these libraries for MinGW: (these libraries may also be present withing cygwin (if you have chosen to install them) but we won't use those.) Within cygwin, make sure (in your .bash_profile) that the paths are set correctly to work with mingw: PATH ===> /cygdrive/c/MinGW/bin (LD_)LIBRARY_PATH ===> /cygdrive/c/MinGW/lib C_INCLUDE_PATH ====> /cygdrive/c/MinGW/include CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH ===> /cygdrive/c/MinGW/include Then download the ming source from and go to the ming directory and type: autoconf (but I'm not sure it's necessary) ./configure mingw32-make static Then I put the libming.a, ming.h, ming_conf.h in the "libwin32" directory inside the pencil directory, as well as libpng12.a libpng12.dll.a and I added lib -Llibwin32 -lming -lpng in the file, for the INCLUDEPATH and LIBS respectively. That worked (compiled pencil.exe) Now, a copy of the dynamic library libpng12.dll should be present next to pencil.exe in order for pencil to run. This library was installed inside c://MinGW/bin That's it.