/* $Id: aectest.c 3664 2011-07-19 03:42:28Z nanang $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * \page page_pjmedia_samples_aectest_c Samples: AEC Test (aectest.c) * * Play a file to speaker, run AEC, and record the microphone input * to see if echo is coming. * * This file is pjsip-apps/src/samples/aectest.c * * \includelineno aectest.c */ #include #include /* pj_getopt */ #include #define THIS_FILE "aectest.c" #define PTIME 20 #define TAIL_LENGTH 200 static const char *desc = " FILE \n" " \n" " aectest.c \n" " \n" " PURPOSE \n" " \n" " Test the AEC effectiveness. \n" " \n" " USAGE \n" " \n" " aectest [options] \n" " \n" " is the signal played to the speaker. \n" " is the signal captured from the microphone. \n" " is the output file to store the test result \n" "\n" " options:\n" " -d The delay between playback and capture in ms, at least 25 ms.\n" " Default is 25 ms. See note below. \n" " -l Set the echo tail length in ms. Default is 200 ms \n" " -r Set repeat count (default=1) \n" " -a Algorithm: 0=default, 1=speex, 3=echo suppress \n" " -i Interactive \n" "\n" " Note that for the AEC internal buffering mechanism, it is required\n" " that the echoed signal (in REC.WAV) is delayed from the \n" " corresponding reference signal (in PLAY.WAV) at least as much as \n" " frame time + PJMEDIA_WSOLA_DELAY_MSEC. In this application, frame \n" " time is 20 ms and default PJMEDIA_WSOLA_DELAY_MSEC is 5 ms, hence \n" " 25 ms delay is the minimum value. \n"; /* * Sample session: * * -d 100 -a 1 ../bin/orig8.wav ../bin/echo8.wav ../bin/result8.wav */ static void app_perror(const char *sender, const char *title, pj_status_t st) { char errmsg[PJ_ERR_MSG_SIZE]; pj_strerror(st, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); PJ_LOG(3,(sender, "%s: %s", title, errmsg)); } /* * main() */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pj_caching_pool cp; pjmedia_endpt *med_endpt; pj_pool_t *pool; pjmedia_port *wav_play; pjmedia_port *wav_rec; pjmedia_port *wav_out; pj_status_t status; pjmedia_echo_state *ec; pjmedia_frame play_frame, rec_frame; unsigned opt = 0; unsigned latency_ms = 25; unsigned tail_ms = TAIL_LENGTH; pj_timestamp t0, t1; int i, repeat=1, interactive=0, c; pj_optind = 0; while ((c=pj_getopt(argc, argv, "d:l:a:r:i")) !=-1) { switch (c) { case 'd': latency_ms = atoi(pj_optarg); if (latency_ms < 25) { puts("Invalid delay"); puts(desc); } break; case 'l': tail_ms = atoi(pj_optarg); break; case 'a': { int alg = atoi(pj_optarg); switch (alg) { case 0: opt = 0; case 1: opt = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SPEEX; break; case 3: opt = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; break; default: puts("Invalid algorithm"); puts(desc); return 1; } } break; case 'r': repeat = atoi(pj_optarg); if (repeat < 1) { puts("Invalid repeat count"); puts(desc); return 1; } break; case 'i': interactive = 1; break; } } if (argc - pj_optind != 3) { puts("Error: missing argument(s)"); puts(desc); return 1; } /* Must init PJLIB first: */ status = pj_init(); PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, 1); /* Must create a pool factory before we can allocate any memory. */ pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, 0); /* * Initialize media endpoint. * This will implicitly initialize PJMEDIA too. */ status = pjmedia_endpt_create(&cp.factory, NULL, 1, &med_endpt); PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, 1); /* Create memory pool for our file player */ pool = pj_pool_create( &cp.factory, /* pool factory */ "wav", /* pool name. */ 4000, /* init size */ 4000, /* increment size */ NULL /* callback on error */ ); /* Open wav_play */ status = pjmedia_wav_player_port_create(pool, argv[pj_optind], PTIME, PJMEDIA_FILE_NO_LOOP, 0, &wav_play); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error opening playback WAV file", status); return 1; } /* Open recorded wav */ status = pjmedia_wav_player_port_create(pool, argv[pj_optind+1], PTIME, PJMEDIA_FILE_NO_LOOP, 0, &wav_rec); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error opening recorded WAV file", status); return 1; } /* play and rec WAVs must have the same clock rate */ if (PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&wav_play->info) != PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&wav_rec->info)) { puts("Error: clock rate mismatch in the WAV files"); return 1; } /* .. and channel count */ if (PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&wav_play->info) != PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&wav_rec->info)) { puts("Error: clock rate mismatch in the WAV files"); return 1; } /* Create output wav */ status = pjmedia_wav_writer_port_create(pool, argv[pj_optind+2], PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&wav_play->info), PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&wav_play->info), PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info), PJMEDIA_PIA_BITS(&wav_play->info), 0, 0, &wav_out); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error opening output WAV file", status); return 1; } /* Create echo canceller */ status = pjmedia_echo_create2(pool, PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&wav_play->info), PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&wav_play->info), PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info), tail_ms, latency_ms, opt, &ec); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(THIS_FILE, "Error creating EC", status); return 1; } /* Processing loop */ play_frame.buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info)<<1); rec_frame.buf = pj_pool_alloc(pool, PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info)<<1); pj_get_timestamp(&t0); for (i=0; i < repeat; ++i) { for (;;) { play_frame.size = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info) << 1; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wav_play, &play_frame); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) break; status = pjmedia_echo_playback(ec, (short*)play_frame.buf); rec_frame.size = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wav_play->info) << 1; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wav_rec, &rec_frame); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) break; status = pjmedia_echo_capture(ec, (short*)rec_frame.buf, 0); //status = pjmedia_echo_cancel(ec, (short*)rec_frame.buf, // (short*)play_frame.buf, 0, NULL); pjmedia_port_put_frame(wav_out, &rec_frame); } pjmedia_wav_player_port_set_pos(wav_play, 0); pjmedia_wav_player_port_set_pos(wav_rec, 0); } pj_get_timestamp(&t1); i = pjmedia_wav_writer_port_get_pos(wav_out) / sizeof(pj_int16_t) * 1000 / (PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&wav_out->info) * PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&wav_out->info)); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Processed %3d.%03ds audio", i / 1000, i % 1000)); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Completed in %u msec\n", pj_elapsed_msec(&t0, &t1))); /* Destroy file port(s) */ status = pjmedia_port_destroy( wav_play ); PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, 1); status = pjmedia_port_destroy( wav_rec ); PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, 1); status = pjmedia_port_destroy( wav_out ); PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(status == PJ_SUCCESS, 1); /* Destroy ec */ pjmedia_echo_destroy(ec); /* Release application pool */ pj_pool_release( pool ); /* Destroy media endpoint. */ pjmedia_endpt_destroy( med_endpt ); /* Destroy pool factory */ pj_caching_pool_destroy( &cp ); /* Shutdown PJLIB */ pj_shutdown(); if (interactive) { char s[10], *dummy; puts("ENTER to quit"); dummy = fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); } /* Done. */ return 0; }