/* copyright 2002, 2003 Alexander Malmberg This file is a part of Terminal.app. Terminal.app is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. See COPYING or main.m for more information. */ #ifndef TerminalWindow_h #define TerminalWindow_h @class TerminalView; #include NSString *TerminalWindowNoMoreActiveWindowsNotification; @interface TerminalWindowController : NSWindowController { TerminalView *tv; BOOL close_on_idle; } +(TerminalWindowController *) newTerminalWindow; +(TerminalWindowController *) idleTerminalWindow; +(int) numberOfActiveWindows; +(void) checkActiveWindows; - init; -(TerminalView *) terminalView; -(void) setShouldCloseWhenIdle: (BOOL)should_close; @end #endif