CRUFT ***** This file is designated for tracking cruft in our code. That is, code paths or ugly hacks that were put into place for a reason: Getting stuff to work but which could either been done better, or which time will obsolete. Examples are crude workarounds for broken compilers, libraries, OSes, or hardware, or or massive ``#ifdef`` clusters, that are better abstracted away into autoconf and convenience wrappers. If you are new to the project this is a good place to look for explanations of why things are the way they are, or help us fix things and make the code easier to read and maintain. ======== ``iocore/cache/`` contains three different ``#ifdef`` clusters with near identical code. Often you will read the same confused comment in three places, see for instance: Web2 ==== ``mgmt/web2`` is very old, very broken, very deeply infested code that needs to be removed as it is no longer appropriate, or functional. Please see for further refernece. Java ==== we should get rid of: ./example/protocol/test/*.java because, as zwoop says "friends don't let friends write code in Java". Plugins ======= ``geoip_acl`` should be a "helper plugin:, or a library/API which other plugins can use. Configuration & Defaults ======================== Right now our server doesn't work without a reasonably filled records.config There are varying opinions on how this could or should be fixed, however one issue that arrises is that default configuration options are often set ad-hoc where ever they are needed as #defines. This should instead be consolidated into a single place.