* debian/unity-gnome-shell-migration.py: - migrate launcher icon from ubuntu-control-center to gnome-control-center under GNOME Shell (LP: #1702091) * Change ubuntu-session to Arch: any for new xwayland dependency * debian/control.in: - Have ubuntu-session depend on xwayland like gnome-session does Thanks corrado for the report! (LP: #1701822) - Have ubuntu-session and gnome-session depend on gnome-shell. Now that gnome-shell recommends instead of depends on gnome-session | ubuntu-session, there is no circular dependency so let's not diverge from Debian. * Add unity to gnome-shell migration script to ubuntu-session: - Add unity-gnome-shell-migration.py migrating (if g-s has the default): + launcher icons to the dash + amazon to new amazon launcher name migration + reset scale factor for new incoming scale factor algorithm - Use dh-migration to install it.