/* Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU Accounting Utilities The GNU Accounting Utilities are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU Accounting Utilities are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the GNU Accounting Utilities; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #include #ifdef TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # else # include # endif #endif #ifdef AMIX #include #else #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "utmp_rd.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG_ONLY #include #else #include "getopt.h" #endif #include "hashtab.h" #include "version.h" /* globals */ char *program_name; /* name of the program, for usage */ int debugging_enabled = 0; /* Nonzero means print internal information relating to entries read, data structures, etc. */ long time_warp_leniency = 60; /* Number of seconds that an entry can be "before" the previous one -- to deal with simultaneous init(8) writes, or to overlook problems with sun's wtmp files. */ long time_warp_suspicious = 31536000; /* Anything smaller than this jump will be considered normal. A year is pretty safe to assume... */ int print_file_problems = 0; /* when there's a problem with the file's format, scream! */ int print_year = 0; /* Print the year when displaying dates. */ int print_seconds = 0; /* Print the seconds when displaying dates. */ time_t last_time = 0; /* time of last event (error checking) needs to be a global so that the signal handler can get at its value when the program is interrupted */ char *last_event = NULL; /* Set to NULL initially (means that a user is still logged on) but changed to "crash" or "down" as appropriate. */ time_t last_event_time; /* last time the machine rebooted/shutdown */ long num_lines_to_print = -1; /* the -n option -- starts out at -1, which is a signal to the program not to limit the number of lines printed. */ int truncate_ftp_entries = 1; /* Nonzero means shorten "ftpxxx" entries to "ftp" -- most progs do this by default, but we should have a flag for it */ #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE int print_which_recs = 0; /* If 0, only print the usual. If 1, print run level information, shutdowns, and time changes. If 2 or greater, print the whole, dirty business. */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR int print_addresses = 0; /* should we print the ut_addr field? */ #endif /* Some systems (like Linux with the newer glibc) have very long field lengths for usernames, ttys, and hostnames. While it's useful to print out the entire values from time to time, the casual browser doesn't care (and it screws up the 80-column formatting). Keep track of desired field widths with these variables. */ #define my_min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) int print_name_len = my_min (NAME_LEN, 8); int print_tty_len = my_min (TTY_LEN, 12); int print_host_len = my_min (HOST_LEN, 16); #undef my_min /* A table of names/ttys that the user wants to know about. */ struct hashtab *names = NULL; /* A table of logins/logouts. */ struct hashtab *login_table = NULL; struct login_data { time_t time; short fake_entry; }; /* prototypes */ void log_everyone_in PARAMS((time_t)); void give_usage PARAMS((void)); void parse_entries PARAMS((void)); void update_system_time PARAMS((time_t)); void log_out PARAMS((struct utmp *entry, short fake_flag)); void log_in PARAMS((struct utmp *)); void print_record PARAMS((struct utmp *, time_t logout_time, char *, char *, char *)); void display_date PARAMS((time_t now)); #if defined (SVR4) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE) RETSIGTYPE handler PARAMS((int, int, struct sigcontext *)); #else RETSIGTYPE handler PARAMS((int)); #endif /* code */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int other_wtmp_file_specified = 0; /* nonzero if the user used the `-f' or `--file' flags */ program_name = argv[0]; /* Tell the utmp reader that we want to do things backwards! */ utmp_init (1); /* Read options */ /* Aaargh! We've got to parse the arguments manually before we give them to getopt, since it can't handle `last -10' and things like it... */ for (c = 1; c < argc; c++) { if (argv[c][0] == '-' && isdigit (argv[c][1])) { /* This looks like an old-style option -- read the number! */ int d; num_lines_to_print = strtol (argv[c] + 1, (char **)NULL, 10); if (num_lines_to_print < 1) fatal ("number of lines to print must be positive and non-zero"); /* renumber the argv options */ for (d = c; d; d--) argv[d] = argv[d - 1]; argc--; argv++; c--; } } while (1) { int option_index = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { { "complain", no_argument, NULL, 1 }, { "lines", required_argument, NULL, 3 }, { "debug", no_argument, NULL, 4 }, { "tw-leniency", required_argument, NULL, 5 }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 6 }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 7 }, { "file", required_argument, NULL, 8 }, { "no-truncate-ftp-entries", no_argument, NULL, 9 }, #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE { "all-records", no_argument, NULL, 10 }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR { "ip-address", no_argument, NULL, 11 }, #endif { "print-year", no_argument, NULL, 12 }, #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE { "more-records", no_argument, NULL, 13 }, #endif { "tw-suspicious", required_argument, NULL, 14 }, { "print-seconds", no_argument, NULL, 15 }, { "wide", no_argument, NULL, 16 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE "a" #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR "i" #endif "f:n:s" #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE "x" #endif "wyV", long_options, &option_index); if (c == EOF) break; switch (c) { case 1: print_file_problems = 1; break; case 'n': case 3: num_lines_to_print = strtol(optarg, (char **)NULL, 10); if (num_lines_to_print < 1) fatal ("number of lines to print must be positive and non-zero"); break; case 4: debugging_enabled = 1; print_file_problems = 1; break; case 5: time_warp_leniency = strtol(optarg, (char **)NULL, 10); if (time_warp_leniency < 0) fatal ("time warp leniency value has to be non-negative"); break; case 'V': case 6: printf ("%s: GNU Accounting Utilities (release %s)\n", program_name, VERSION_STRING); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'f': case 8: add_utmp_file (optarg); other_wtmp_file_specified = 1; break; case 9: truncate_ftp_entries = 0; break; #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE case 'a': case 10: print_which_recs = 2; break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR case 'i': case 11: print_addresses = 1; break; #endif case 'y': case 12: print_year = 1; break; #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE case 'x': case 13: print_which_recs = 1; break; #endif case 14: time_warp_suspicious = strtol(optarg, (char **)NULL, 10); if (time_warp_suspicious < 0) fatal ("time warp suspicious value has to be non-negative"); if (time_warp_suspicious <= time_warp_leniency) fatal ("time warp suspicious value has to greater than the time warp leniency value"); break; case 's': case 15: print_seconds = 1; break; case 'w': case 16: /* Print the entire field widths, rather than our conservative, 80-column defaults */ print_name_len = NAME_LEN; print_tty_len = TTY_LEN; print_host_len = HOST_LEN; break; case 'h': case 7: /* This should fall through to default! */ default: give_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Init the hash table for usernames. Don't init it if we don't have any extra arguments so we can quickly check if we have anything in the list. */ if (optind < argc) { names = hashtab_init (0); while (optind < argc) { char *string; /* add the username/tty as-is */ hashtab_create (names, argv[optind], 0); /* add the name as "tty" for u*x compatibilty */ string = (char *) xmalloc ((strlen (argv[optind]) + 4) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (string, "tty%s", argv[optind]); hashtab_create (names, string, 0); free (string); optind++; #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE if (!print_which_recs) print_which_recs = 1; #endif } if (debugging_enabled) hashtab_dump_keys (names, stddebug); } if (! other_wtmp_file_specified) add_utmp_file (WTMP_FILE_LOC); /* Create hash table for logins. */ login_table = hashtab_init (0); /* Go! */ parse_entries (); (void)fputs ("\nwtmp begins ", stdout); display_date (last_time); (void)fputc ('\n', stdout); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); /* a GUARANTEED return value to the env */ } /* guess what this does... */ void give_usage(void) { (void)printf("\ Usage: %s [-" #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE "a" #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR "i" #endif "hs" #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE "x" #endif "yV] [-] [-n ] [-f ] [people] [ttys] ...\n\ [--lines ] [--file ] [--complain] [--debug]\n\ [--version] [--tw-leniency ] [--tw-suspicious ]\n\ [--no-truncate-ftp-entries] [--print-year] [--print-seconds]\n\ " #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE "[--more-records] [--all-records] " #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR "[--ip-address] " #endif "[--help]\n", program_name); print_wtmp_file_location (); } /* Since the routines in ac & last are so similar, just include them from another file. */ #define BACKWARDS #include "al_share.cpp" /* since the sys clock has changed, each entry's login time has to be * adjusted... */ void update_system_time(time_t the_time) { struct hashtab_order ho; struct hashtab_elem *he; for (he = hashtab_first (login_table, &ho); he != NULL; he = hashtab_next (&ho)) { struct login_data *l = hashtab_get_value (he); l->time += the_time; } } /* Log all entries in at THE_TIME. */ void log_everyone_in(time_t the_time) { struct hashtab_order ho; struct hashtab_elem *he; for (he = hashtab_first (login_table, &ho); he != NULL; he = hashtab_next (&ho)) { struct login_data *l = hashtab_get_value (he); /* If there was a real log out record present in the file without a corresponding login, we should print it. */ if (debugging_enabled && (! l->fake_entry)) { struct utmp this; char *ttyname = hashtab_get_key (he); memset (&this, 0, sizeof (this)); strncpy (this.ut_line, ttyname, TTY_LEN); this.ut_time = the_time; print_record (&this, l->time, NULL, NULL, "unpaired"); } hashtab_delete (he); } } /* Put a terminal into the hash table. */ void log_out(struct utmp *entry, short fake_flag) { struct hashtab_elem *he; if (entry->ut_line[0] == '\0') { if (print_file_problems) { utmp_print_file_and_line (stddebug); fprintf (stddebug, ": problem: trying to hash rec with ut_line == NULL\n"); } return; } /* Match the most recent login on the terminal. */ he = hashtab_find (login_table, entry->ut_line, TTY_LEN); if (he != NULL) { struct login_data *l = hashtab_get_value (he); if ((! l->fake_entry) && print_file_problems) { char *ttyname = hashtab_get_key (he); utmp_print_file_and_line (stddebug); fprintf (stddebug, ": problem: duplicate record for line `%.*s'\n", TTY_LEN, ttyname); } /* Write over the old values. */ l->time = entry->ut_time; l->fake_entry = fake_flag; return; } else { /* If we get here, we didn't find the entry in the list, so add a new one. */ struct login_data l; l.time = entry->ut_time; l.fake_entry = fake_flag; he = hashtab_create (login_table, entry->ut_line, TTY_LEN); hashtab_set_value (he, &l, sizeof (l)); } } /* Remove an entry from the hash table. */ void log_in(struct utmp *entry) { struct hashtab_elem *he; if (entry->ut_line[0] == '\0') { if (print_file_problems) { utmp_print_file_and_line (stddebug); fprintf (stddebug, ": problem: trying to hash rec with ut_line == NULL\n"); } return; } he = hashtab_find (login_table, entry->ut_line, TTY_LEN); if (he != NULL) { struct login_data *l = hashtab_get_value (he); if (l->fake_entry && print_file_problems) { /* If this happens, we assume that the logout time for ENTRY is the the same as the next login time on the tty. */ utmp_print_file_and_line(stddebug); (void)fprintf(stddebug, ": problem: missing logout record for `%.*s'\n", TTY_LEN, entry->ut_line); } print_record(entry, l->time, NULL, NULL, NULL); hashtab_delete (he); } else { /* We didn't find any corresponding logout, so either the person it still logged in or there's a problem with the wtmp file (logout without login). */ print_record (entry, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* Make another logout entry at the current time (a fake one) so we can detect wtmp file errors (logins without logouts). */ log_out (entry, TRUE); } /* Print the record to the screen. If LOGOUT_TIME is zero, print out the difference in time between LOGIN and the last recorded event (crash, down, etc.). If other strings should be printed for the UT_NAME, UT_LINE, or end-of-line fields, they can be passed in as the last three arguments. */ void print_record(struct utmp *login, time_t logout_time, char *replacement_name, char *replacement_tty, char *special_message) { char *print_name; char *print_tty; char sanitized_tty[TTY_LEN]; /* Do we want to print this entry? Check our list of user-desired items. */ if (! ((names == NULL) || hashtab_find (names, login->ut_name, NAME_LEN) || hashtab_find (names, login->ut_line, TTY_LEN))) return; /* don't want to print this record */ /* Choose replacement names, if provided. Don't do this if we're on a BSD system. */ #ifdef HAVE_UT_TYPE if (replacement_tty) print_tty = replacement_tty; else #endif if (truncate_ftp_entries && (strncmp (login->ut_line, "ftp", 3) == 0)) print_tty = "ftp"; /* strip number from "ftpxxx" entry */ else print_tty = login->ut_line; print_name = (replacement_name ? replacement_name : login->ut_name); /* Sanitize the tty name (get rid of control characters) */ { int i = 0; for (;(print_tty[i] != '\0') && (i < TTY_LEN); i++) sanitized_tty[i] = (isprint (print_tty[i]) && isascii (print_tty[i]) ? print_tty[i] : '?'); if (i < TTY_LEN) sanitized_tty[i] = '\0'; } /* Print the name and tty. */ (void)printf("%-*.*s %-*.*s ", print_name_len, print_name_len, print_name, print_tty_len, print_tty_len, sanitized_tty); #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR if (print_addresses) { struct in_addr a; a.s_addr = login->ut_addr; (void)printf("%-15.15s ", (login->ut_addr) ? inet_ntoa (a) : ""); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_UT_HOST #ifdef HAVE_UT_ADDR /* If we have both HOST and ADDR, only print one, or else we go beyond 80 characters in width. */ if (!print_addresses) #endif (void)printf ("%-*.*s ", print_host_len, print_host_len, login->ut_host); #endif display_date (login->ut_time); if (special_message) (void)printf (" %s\n", special_message); else { #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF char temp_str[16]; #else char temp_str[15]; #endif int days, hours, minutes, seconds; int diff, use_last_event = 0; if (logout_time == 0) { logout_time = last_event_time; use_last_event = 1; } diff = (int) logout_time - login->ut_time; days = (int) (diff / 86400); diff -= 86400 * days; hours = (int) (diff / 3600); diff -= 3600 * hours; minutes = (int) (diff / 60); diff -= 60 * minutes; seconds = diff; #ifdef HAVE_SNPRINTF if (days) { if (print_seconds) (void)snprintf (temp_str, sizeof(temp_str), "(%d+%02d:%02d:%02d)", days, hours, minutes, seconds); else (void)snprintf (temp_str, sizeof(temp_str),"(%d+%02d:%02d)", days, hours, minutes); } else { if (print_seconds) (void)snprintf (temp_str, sizeof(temp_str)," (%02d:%02d:%02d)", hours, minutes, seconds); else (void)snprintf (temp_str, sizeof(temp_str)," (%02d:%02d)", hours, minutes); } #else if (days) { if (print_seconds) (void)sprintf (temp_str, "(%d+%02d:%02d:%02d)", days, hours, minutes, seconds); else (void)sprintf (temp_str, "(%d+%02d:%02d)", days, hours, minutes); } else { if (print_seconds) (void)sprintf (temp_str, " (%02d:%02d:%02d)", hours, minutes, seconds); else (void)sprintf (temp_str, " (%02d:%02d)", hours, minutes); } #endif if (use_last_event) { if (last_event == NULL) (void)fputs (" still logged in\n", stdout); else (void)printf ("- %-5.5s %s\n", last_event, temp_str); } else { struct tm *tmptr; time_t temp_time = logout_time; tmptr = localtime (&temp_time); if (print_seconds) printf ("- %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", tmptr->tm_hour, tmptr->tm_min, tmptr->tm_sec, temp_str); else printf ("- %02d:%02d %s\n", tmptr->tm_hour, tmptr->tm_min, temp_str); } } if (num_lines_to_print > -1) { num_lines_to_print--; if (num_lines_to_print == 0) /* max lines printed */ exit (0); } } /* Our signal handler */ RETSIGTYPE #if defined (SVR4) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE) handler(int sig, int code, struct sigcontext *scp) #else handler(int sig) #endif { (void)fputs ("\ninterrupted at ", stdout); display_date (last_time); (void)putchar ('\n'); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Display the date, paying attention to the PRINT_YEAR flag. */ void display_date(time_t now) { char *ct = ctime (&now); printf ("%-10.10s ", ct); if (print_year) printf ("%-4.4s ", ct + 20); if (print_seconds) printf ("%-8.8s ", ct + 11); else printf ("%-5.5s ", ct + 11); }