by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [ADD] Added the POC of the consumption history report |
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
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4 |
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<record id="product_history_consumption_form" model="ir.ui.view"> |
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<field name="name">product.history.consumption.form</field> |
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<field name="model">product.history.consumption</field> |
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<field name="type">form</field> |
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<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
10 |
<form string="Product historical consumption"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [IMP] Added the possibility to choose a consumption type |
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<group colspan="2" col="2"> |
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<separator colspan="2" string="Period parameters" /> |
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<field name="date_from" on_change="date_change(date_from, date_to)" /> |
14 |
<field name="date_to" on_change="date_change(date_from, date_to)" /> |
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<field name="month_ids" nolabel="1" colspan="2"> |
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<tree string="Months" hide_new_button="1" noteditable="True" editable="top"> |
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<field name="name" /> |
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<group colspan="2" col="2"> |
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<separator colspan="2" string="Consumption parameters" /> |
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<field name="consumption_type" /> |
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<field name="location_id" attrs="{'invisible': [('consumption_type', '!=', 'rac')], 'required': [('consumption_type', '=', 'rac')]}" /> |
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<separator colspan="2" string="Product parameters" /> |
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<field name="nomen_id" /> |
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<field name="sublist_id" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [IMP] Reworking the history consumption report |
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<separator colspan="2" string="Actions" /> |
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<button name="create_lines" type="object" string="View historical data" icon="gtk-execute" colspan="2" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [IMP] Added the possibility to choose a consumption type |
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by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [ADD] Added the POC of the consumption history report |
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<menuitem id="menu_product_history_consumption" |
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name="Historical consumption" |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [FIX] Included child locations on historical consumption report |
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parent="warehouse_consumption_menu" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-514 [ADD] Added the POC of the consumption history report |
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<record id="action_open_history_consumption_view" model="ir.actions.server"> |
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<field name="name">History consumption</field> |
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<field name="model_id" ref="model_product_history_consumption"/> |
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<field name="state">code</field> |
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<field name="code">action = obj.open_history_consumption(context=context)</field> |
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<record id="ir_open_history consumption_view" model="ir.values"> |
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<field name="key2">tree_but_open</field> |
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<field name="model">ir.ui.menu</field> |
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<field name="name">Historical consumptions</field> |
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<field name="res_id" ref="menu_product_history_consumption" /> |
53 |
<field eval="'ir.actions.server,%d'%action_open_history_consumption_view" name="value"/> |
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<field eval="True" name="object"/> |
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