by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
<record id="real_average_consumption_form_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
6 |
<field name="name">real.average.consumption.form.view</field> |
7 |
<field name="model">real.average.consumption</field> |
8 |
<field name="type">form</field> |
9 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
10 |
<form string="Real consumption reporting"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
11 |
<separator colspan="4" string="General information" /> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
12 |
<field name="name" readonly="1" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Added the confirmation of the stock move at the confirmation of the consumption report |
13 |
<field name="creation_date" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"/> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
14 |
<field name="cons_location_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}" context="{'no3buttons': True}"/> |
15 |
<group colspan="2" col="2"> |
16 |
<field name="picking_id" attrs="{'invisible': [('created_ok', '=', False)]}" /> |
17 |
<button name="import_rac" colspan="2" string="Import a file" icon="gtk-leave-fullscreen" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"/> |
18 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-386 [FIX] Fixed the bug on RAC and FMC reports concerning the filters on product search |
19 |
<field name="activity_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Added the confirmation of the stock move at the confirmation of the consumption report |
20 |
<button name="export_rac" colspan="2" string="Export lines" icon="terp-mail-forward" type="object" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
21 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Period of consumption" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-386 [FIX] Fixed the bug on RAC and FMC reports concerning the filters on product search |
22 |
<field name="period_from" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"/> |
23 |
<field name="period_to" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
24 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Product filters" /> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
customise real consumption reporting view form with filters between sublist and nomeclature |
25 |
<field name="sublist_id" attrs="{'readonly': ['|',('created_ok', '=', True), ('nomen_manda_0', '!=', False)]}"/> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
26 |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
customise real consumption reporting view form with filters between sublist and nomeclature |
27 |
<group colspan="2" col="4" attrs="{'readonly': [('sublist_id', '!=', False)]}"> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
28 |
<field name="nomen_manda_0" |
29 |
domain="[('level', '=', '0'), ('type', '=', 'mandatory')]" |
30 |
widget="selection" |
31 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(0, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
32 |
33 |
<field name="nomen_manda_1" |
34 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
35 |
widget="selection" |
36 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
37 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(1, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
38 |
39 |
<field name="nomen_manda_2" |
40 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
41 |
widget="selection" |
42 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
43 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(2, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
44 |
45 |
<field name="nomen_manda_3" |
46 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
47 |
widget="selection" |
48 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
49 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(3, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
50 |
by jf
UF-718 1st step |
51 |
52 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Kept the good value for product_qty on real consumption report lines |
53 |
<button colspan="4" icon="gtk-go-down" string="Fill lines" type="object" name="fill_lines" attrs="{'invisible': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
54 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Products" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-386 [FIX] Fixed the bug on RAC and FMC reports concerning the filters on product search |
55 |
<field colspan="4" name="line_ids" mode="tree" nolabel="1" widget="one2many_list" attrs="{'readonly': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}"> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
56 |
<tree string="Products" editable="top" colors="red:prodlot_id and consumed_qty>product_qty or not prodlot_id and batch_mandatory;blue: not prodlot_id and consumed_qty>product_qty"> |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] UOM ### TODO due to rouding, force uom |
57 |
<field name="product_id" on_change="product_onchange(product_id, parent.cons_location_id, uom_id, prodlot_id)" |
by jf
UF-511: compute_child: True |
58 |
context="{'location': parent.cons_location_id, 'compute_child': False}" |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
59 |
domain="[('list_ids', '=', parent.sublist_id)]" /> |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] UOM ### TODO due to rouding, force uom |
60 |
<field name="uom_id" |
61 |
on_change="uom_onchange(product_id, parent.cons_location_id, uom_id, prodlot_id)"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
62 |
<field name="product_qty" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Added batch and expiry date management on real consumption report |
63 |
<field name="prodlot_id" |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] UOM ### TODO due to rouding, force uom |
64 |
on_change="change_prodlot(product_id, prodlot_id, expiry_date, parent.cons_location_id, uom_id)" |
by jf
[FIX] after merging: change stock_real to stock_available |
65 |
domain="[('product_id', '=', product_id), ('stock_available', '>', 0)]" |
by jf
[FIX] after merge: location => location_id |
66 |
context="{'location_id': parent.cons_location_id, 'uom': uom_id, 'hidden_perishable_mandatory': date_mandatory}" |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] Cons. Rep.: batch and expiry + constraints, qty check ## TODO: validate qty on validation |
67 |
attrs="{'required': [('batch_mandatory', '=', True)], 'readonly': [('batch_mandatory', '=', False)]}" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Added batch and expiry date management on real consumption report |
68 |
<field name="expiry_date" |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] UOM ### TODO due to rouding, force uom |
69 |
on_change="change_expiry(expiry_date, product_id, parent.cons_location_id, uom_id)" |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] Cons. Rep.: batch and expiry + constraints, qty check ## TODO: validate qty on validation |
70 |
attrs="{'required': [('date_mandatory', '=', True)], 'readonly': [('date_mandatory', '=', False)]}"/> |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] UOM ### TODO due to rouding, force uom |
71 |
<field name="consumed_qty" on_change="change_qty(consumed_qty, product_id, prodlot_id, parent.cons_location_id, uom_id)"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
72 |
<field name="remark" /> |
by jf
UF-511 [FIX] Cons. Rep.: batch and expiry + constraints, qty check ## TODO: validate qty on validation |
73 |
<field name="batch_mandatory" invisible="1" /> |
74 |
<field name="date_mandatory" invisible="1" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
75 |
76 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
77 |
<field name="created_ok" invisible="1" /> |
by jf
UF-511 [IMP] button update qty + dates integrity |
78 |
<button name="button_update_stock" string="Update Indicative Stock" icon="gtk-refresh" colspan="2" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
79 |
<button name="save_and_process" string="Save & Process" icon="gtk-execute" type="object" colspan="2" attrs="{'invisible': [('created_ok', '=', True)]}" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
<record id="real_average_consumption_confirmation_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
85 |
<field name="name">real.average.consumption.confirmation.view</field> |
86 |
<field name="model">real.average.consumption</field> |
87 |
<field name="type">form</field> |
88 |
<field name="priority" eval="99" /> |
89 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
90 |
<form string="Need confirmation"> |
91 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Need confirmation" /> |
92 |
<field name="valid_ok" /> |
93 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Actions" /> |
94 |
<button name="process_moves" string="Process moves" icon="gtk-execute" type="object" colspan="2" /> |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
<record id="real_average_consumption_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
100 |
<field name="name">real.average.consumption.tree.view</field> |
101 |
<field name="model">real.average.consumption</field> |
102 |
<field name="type">tree</field> |
103 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
104 |
<tree string="Real consumption reports"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-709 [IMP] Add name of consumption report on list view |
105 |
<field name="name" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
106 |
<field name="cons_location_id" /> |
107 |
<field name="activity_id" /> |
108 |
<field name="period_from" /> |
109 |
<field name="period_to" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Added number of lines in tree views of monthly review consumption and real average consumption |
110 |
<field name="nb_lines" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
111 |
<field name="created_ok" /> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
112 |
<field name="sublist_id" invisible="1" /> |
113 |
<field name="nomen_manda_0" invisible="1" /> |
114 |
<field name="nomen_manda_1" invisible="1" /> |
115 |
<field name="nomen_manda_2" invisible="1" /> |
116 |
<field name="nomen_manda_3" invisible="1" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
<record id="real_average_consumption_search_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
122 |
<field name="name">real.average.consumption.search.view</field> |
123 |
<field name="model">real.average.consumption</field> |
124 |
<field name="type">search</field> |
125 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
126 |
<search string="Real consumption reports"> |
127 |
<group col="10" colspan="4"> |
128 |
<filter icon="terp-check" string="Moves created" domain="[('created_ok','=',True)]"/> |
129 |
<separator orientation="vertical"/> |
130 |
<field name="cons_location_id"/> |
131 |
<field name="activity_id"/> |
132 |
<field name="period_from"/> |
133 |
<field name="period_to"/> |
134 |
135 |
136 |
<group expand="0" string="Group By..."> |
137 |
<filter string="Consumer" icon="terp-stock" domain="" context="{'group_by': 'cons_location_id'}" /> |
138 |
<filter string="Activity" icon="terp-administration" domain="" context="{'group_by':'activity_id'}"/> |
139 |
<separator orientation="vertical"/> |
140 |
<filter string="Sublist" icon="terp-go-week" domain="" context="{'group_by':'sublist_id'}"/> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
141 |
<filter string="Main type" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_0'}"/> |
142 |
<filter string="Group" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_1'}"/> |
143 |
<filter string="Family" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_2'}"/> |
144 |
<filter string="Root" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_3'}"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
<record id="action_real_average_consumption" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
151 |
<field name="name">Real consumption reports</field> |
152 |
<field name="res_model">real.average.consumption</field> |
153 |
<field name="view_type">form</field> |
154 |
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field> |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
155 |
<field name="context">{'withnum': 1}</field> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
156 |
157 |
158 |
<record id="action_new_real_consumption_report" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
159 |
<field name="name">New real consumption report</field> |
160 |
<field name="res_model">real.average.consumption</field> |
161 |
<field name="view_type">form</field> |
162 |
<field name="view_mode">form</field> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
163 |
<field name="target">new</field> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
id="warehouse_consumption_menu" |
168 |
name="Consumption" |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-657 [IMP] Reworked the Warehouse menu |
169 |
sequence="-20" |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Move consumption reports menu entries to Warehouse reporting menu |
170 |
parent="stock.next_id_61" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
171 |
172 |
173 |
id="consumption_reports_menu" |
174 |
action="action_real_average_consumption" |
175 |
parent="warehouse_consumption_menu" /> |
176 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-503 [IMP] Add buttons to fill lines in report according to the sublist/nomenclature choices |
177 |
<!-- <menuitem
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
178 |
179 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-503 [IMP] Add buttons to fill lines in report according to the sublist/nomenclature choices |
180 |
parent="warehouse_consumption_menu" /> -->
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
181 |
182 |
183 |
<record id="monthly_review_consumption_form_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
184 |
<field name="name">monthly.review.consumption.form.view</field> |
185 |
<field name="model">monthly.review.consumption</field> |
186 |
<field name="type">form</field> |
187 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
188 |
<form string="Monthly consumption"> |
189 |
<separator colspan="4" string="General information" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-518 [IMP] Allowed user to choose only month and not date |
190 |
<field name="period_from" on_change="period_change(period_from, period_to)" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Improved ergonomics of the wizard to import line in Monthly review consumption |
191 |
<button name="import_fmc" string="Import a file" icon="gtk-leave-fullscreen" type="object" colspan="2" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-518 [IMP] Allowed user to choose only month and not date |
192 |
<field name="period_to" on_change="period_change(period_from, period_to)" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added a wizard to import Real average consumption lines |
193 |
<button name="export_fmc" string="Export lines" icon="terp-mail-forward" type="object" colspan="2" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-516 [FIX] Fixed UF-516 by replacing location by MSFÂ Instance |
194 |
<field name="cons_location_id" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
195 |
<newline /> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
customise monthly consumption view form to add product_filters and enable to fill lines with these filters |
196 |
<field name="sublist_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('nomen_manda_0', '!=', False)]}"/> |
197 |
<group colspan="2" col="4" attrs="{'readonly': [('sublist_id', '!=', False)]}"> |
198 |
<field name="nomen_manda_0" |
199 |
domain="[('level', '=', '0'), ('type', '=', 'mandatory')]" |
200 |
widget="selection" |
201 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(0, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
202 |
203 |
<field name="nomen_manda_1" |
204 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
205 |
widget="selection" |
206 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
207 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(1, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
208 |
209 |
<field name="nomen_manda_2" |
210 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
211 |
widget="selection" |
212 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
213 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(2, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
214 |
215 |
<field name="nomen_manda_3" |
216 |
domain="[('id','=', 0)]" |
217 |
widget="selection" |
218 |
get_selection="get_nomen" |
219 |
on_change="onChangeSearchNomenclature(3, 'mandatory', nomen_manda_0, nomen_manda_1, nomen_manda_2, nomen_manda_3, False)" |
220 |
221 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-503 [IMP] Add buttons to fill lines in report according to the sublist/nomenclature choices |
222 |
<button colspan="4" icon="gtk-go-down" string="Fill lines" type="object" name="fill_lines" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
223 |
<separator colspan="4" string="Products" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-386 [FIX] Fixed the bug on RAC and FMC reports concerning the filters on product search |
224 |
<field colspan="4" name="line_ids" mode="tree" nolabel="1" widget="one2many_list"> |
225 |
<tree string="Products" editable="top"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-518 [FIX] Fixed the issue on monthly review consumption line creation |
226 |
<field name="name" on_change="product_onchange(name, parent.id, parent.period_from, parent.period_to)" |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
227 |
domain="[('list_ids', '=', parent.sublist_id)]" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
228 |
<field name="amc" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-518 [MERGE] Merged modification about monthly consumption report dynamic values |
229 |
<field name="fmc" on_change="fmc_change(amc, fmc, name)" attrs="{'readonly': [('valid_ok', '=', True)]}" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
230 |
<field name="last_reviewed" /> |
231 |
<field name="valid_ok" /> |
232 |
<field name="valid_until" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-593 [IMP] Added the AMC, the FMC and the lase reviewed date when user fills lines |
233 |
<field name="fmc2" invisible="1" /> |
234 |
<field name="last_reviewed2" invisible="1" /> |
235 |
<!--<button name="valid_line" type="object" string="Valid line" icon="gtk-execute" attrs="{'invisible': [('valid_ok', '=', True)]}" />-->
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
236 |
<button name="display_graph" type="object" string="Display graph" icon="terp-purchase" /> |
237 |
238 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-593 [IMP] Added the AMC, the FMC and the lase reviewed date when user fills lines |
239 |
<button colspan="4" icon="gtk-execute" string="Valid all lines" type="object" name="valid_multiple_lines" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
<record id="monthly_review_consumption_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
245 |
<field name="name">monthly.review.consumption.tree.view</field> |
246 |
<field name="model">monthly.review.consumption</field> |
247 |
<field name="type">tree</field> |
248 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
249 |
<tree string="Monthly consumption"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added tree and search views for Monthly reviewed consumption object |
250 |
<field name="period_from" /> |
251 |
<field name="period_to" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Added number of lines in tree views of monthly review consumption and real average consumption |
252 |
<field name="nb_lines" /> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
253 |
<field name="sublist_id" invisible="1" /> |
254 |
<field name="nomen_manda_0" invisible="1" /> |
255 |
<field name="nomen_manda_1" invisible="1" /> |
256 |
<field name="nomen_manda_2" invisible="1" /> |
257 |
<field name="nomen_manda_3" invisible="1" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
<record id="monthly_review_consumption_search_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
263 |
<field name="name">monthly.review.consumption.search.view</field> |
264 |
<field name="model">monthly.review.consumption</field> |
265 |
<field name="type">search</field> |
266 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
267 |
<search string="Monthly consumption"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added tree and search views for Monthly reviewed consumption object |
268 |
<group col="10" colspan="4"> |
269 |
<field name="period_from"/> |
270 |
<field name="period_to"/> |
271 |
272 |
273 |
<group expand="0" string="Group By..."> |
274 |
<filter string="Sublist" icon="terp-go-week" domain="" context="{'group_by':'sublist_id'}"/> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853: update search view of threshold_value and also monthly review consumption and real consumption report to enable group by (the previous one were obsolete because we replace the field product and category by nomenclatures' filter and sublist). |
275 |
<filter string="Main type" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_0'}"/> |
276 |
<filter string="Group" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_1'}"/> |
277 |
<filter string="Family" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_2'}"/> |
278 |
<filter string="Root" icon="terp-tools" domain="" context="{'group_by':'nomen_manda_3'}"/> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added tree and search views for Monthly reviewed consumption object |
279 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
<record id="action_monthly_review_consumption" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
285 |
<field name="name">Monthly consumptions</field> |
286 |
<field name="res_model">monthly.review.consumption</field> |
287 |
<field name="view_type">form</field> |
288 |
<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field> |
by matthieu.choplin at msf
uf-853 number of nomenclature not displayed corrected for procurement cycle screen and monthly review consumption screen |
289 |
<field name="context">{'withnum': 1}</field> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
290 |
291 |
292 |
<record id="action_new_monthly_review_consumption" model="ir.actions.act_window"> |
293 |
<field name="name">New real monthly consumption</field> |
294 |
<field name="res_model">monthly.review.consumption</field> |
295 |
<field name="view_type">form</field> |
296 |
<field name="view_mode">form</field> |
297 |
<field name="target">new</field> |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
id="consumption_monthly_review_menu" |
302 |
action="action_monthly_review_consumption" |
303 |
parent="warehouse_consumption_menu" /> |
304 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-503 [IMP] Add buttons to fill lines in report according to the sublist/nomenclature choices |
305 |
<!-- <menuitem
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [IMP] Add monthly review consumption objects and views |
306 |
307 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-503 [IMP] Add buttons to fill lines in report according to the sublist/nomenclature choices |
308 |
parent="warehouse_consumption_menu" /> -->
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [DEL] Deleted product_consumption module and move all features of this module to consumption_calculation module |
309 |
310 |
<record id="monthly_cons_product_form_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
311 |
<field name="name">monthlu.cons.product.form.view</field> |
312 |
<field name="model">product.product</field> |
313 |
<field name="type">form</field> |
314 |
<field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_normal_form_view" /> |
315 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
316 |
317 |
<field name="produce_delay" position="after"> |
318 |
<field name="procure_delay" /> |
319 |
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
<record id="monthly_cons_stock_product_form_view" model="ir.ui.view"> |
325 |
<field name="name">monthlu.cons.product.stock.form.view</field> |
326 |
<field name="model">product.product</field> |
327 |
<field name="type">form</field> |
328 |
<field name="inherit_id" ref="stock.view_normal_stock_property_form" /> |
329 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
330 |
<field name="virtual_available" position="after"> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-518 [FIX] Fixed the stock move date when confirm a real consumption report |
331 |
<field name="product_amc" readonly="1" /> |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [DEL] Deleted product_consumption module and move all features of this module to consumption_calculation module |
332 |
<field name="reviewed_consumption" /> |
333 |
334 |
335 |
by jf
Nomenclature selection for Real consumption reporting |
336 |
337 |
<record id="view_stock_location_search_without_buttons" model="ir.ui.view"> |
338 |
<field name="name">stock.location.search.without_buttons</field> |
339 |
<field name="model">stock.location</field> |
340 |
<field name="type">search</field> |
341 |
<field name="arch" type="xml"> |
342 |
<search string="Stock Locations"> |
343 |
<field name="name" /> |
344 |
<field name="location_category" /> |
345 |
346 |
347 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-385 [ADD] Added consumption_calculation module |
348 |
by Quentin THEURET
UF-513 [IMP] Added batch and expiry date management on real consumption report |
349 |