by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
1 |
#!/usr/bin/env python
2 |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 |
4 |
5 |
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
6 |
# Copyright (C) 2011 TeMPO Consulting, MSF. All Rights Reserved
7 |
# Developer: Olivier DOSSMANN
8 |
9 |
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 |
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
11 |
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
12 |
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 |
14 |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 |
17 |
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
18 |
19 |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
20 |
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
from osv import osv |
25 |
from osv import fields |
26 |
from tools.translate import _ |
27 |
from time import strftime |
28 |
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile |
29 |
from base64 import decodestring |
30 |
from spreadsheet_xml.spreadsheet_xml import SpreadsheetXML |
31 |
from csv import DictReader |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
32 |
import threading |
33 |
import pooler |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
34 |
35 |
class msf_doc_import_accounting(osv.osv_memory): |
36 |
_name = 'msf.doc.import.accounting' |
37 |
38 |
_columns = { |
39 |
'date': fields.date(string="Migration date", required=True), |
40 |
'file': fields.binary(string="File", filters='*.xml, *.xls', required=True), |
41 |
'filename': fields.char(string="Imported filename", size=256), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
42 |
'progression': fields.float(string="Progression", readonly=True), |
43 |
'message': fields.char(string="Message", size=256, readonly=True), |
44 |
'state': fields.selection([('draft', 'Created'), ('inprogress', 'In Progress'), ('error', 'Error'), ('done', 'Done')], string="State", readonly=True, required=True), |
45 |
'error_ids': fields.one2many('msf.doc.import.accounting.errors', 'wizard_id', "Errors", readonly=True), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
46 |
47 |
48 |
_defaults = { |
49 |
'date': lambda *a: strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
50 |
'progression': lambda *a: 0.0, |
51 |
'state': lambda *a: 'draft', |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [UP] Upgrade translations for msf_doc_import/account.py file into fr_MF.po file |
52 |
'message': lambda *a: _('Initialization…'), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
53 |
54 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
55 |
def create_entries(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): |
56 |
57 |
Create journal entry
58 |
59 |
# Checks
60 |
if not context: |
61 |
context = {} |
62 |
# Prepare some values
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-2181 [FIX] Missing "is_current_instance" for account journal in Unifield |
63 |
journal_ids = self.pool.get('account.journal').search(cr, uid, [('type', '=', 'migration'), ('is_current_instance', '=', True)]) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
64 |
if not journal_ids: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
65 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('No migration journal found!')) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
66 |
journal_id = journal_ids[0] |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [IMP] Import |
67 |
# Fetch default funding pool: MSF Private Fund
68 |
try: |
69 |
msf_fp_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'analytic_distribution', 'analytic_account_msf_private_funds')[1] |
70 |
except ValueError: |
71 |
msf_fp_id = 0 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
72 |
# Browse all wizards
73 |
for w in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): |
74 |
# Search lines
75 |
entries = self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.lines').search(cr, uid, [('wizard_id', '=', w.id)]) |
76 |
if not entries: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
77 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('No lines…')) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
78 |
# Browse result
79 |
b_entries = self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.lines').browse(cr, uid, entries) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
80 |
# Update wizard
81 |
self.write(cr, uid, [w.id], {'message': _('Grouping by currencies…'), 'progression': 10.0}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
82 |
# Search all currencies (to create moves)
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
83 |
available_currencies = {} |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
84 |
for entry in b_entries: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [IMP] Import |
85 |
if (entry.currency_id.id, entry.period_id.id) not in available_currencies: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
86 |
available_currencies[(entry.currency_id.id, entry.period_id.id)] = [] |
87 |
available_currencies[(entry.currency_id.id, entry.period_id.id)].append(entry) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
88 |
# Update wizard
89 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _('Writing a move for each currency…'), 'progression': 20.0}) |
90 |
num = 1 |
91 |
nb_currencies = float(len(available_currencies)) |
92 |
current_percent = 20.0 |
93 |
remaining_percent = 80.0 |
94 |
step = float(remaining_percent / nb_currencies) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
95 |
for c_id, p_id in available_currencies: |
96 |
# Create a move
97 |
move_vals = { |
98 |
'currency_id': c_id, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [IMP] Import |
99 |
'manual_currency_id': c_id, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
100 |
'journal_id': journal_id, |
101 |
'document_date': w.date, |
102 |
'date': w.date, |
103 |
'period_id': p_id, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [IMP] Import |
104 |
'status': 'manu', |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
105 |
106 |
move_id = self.pool.get('account.move').create(cr, uid, move_vals, context) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
107 |
for l_num, l in enumerate(available_currencies[(c_id, p_id)]): |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
108 |
# Update wizard
109 |
progression = 20.0 + ((float(l_num) / float(len(b_entries))) * step) + (float(num - 1) * step) |
110 |
self.write(cr, uid, [w.id], {'progression': progression}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
111 |
distrib_id = False |
112 |
# Create analytic distribution
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-944 [ADD] Parce code to find "expense" word in which it needs changes. Do it for: |
113 |
if l.account_id.is_analytic_addicted: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
114 |
distrib_id = self.pool.get('analytic.distribution').create(cr, uid, {}, context) |
115 |
common_vals = { |
116 |
'distribution_id': distrib_id, |
117 |
'currency_id': c_id, |
118 |
'percentage': 100.0, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
119 |
'date': l.date, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
120 |
'source_date': l.date, |
121 |
'destination_id': l.destination_id.id, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
122 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with sad loop for Migration Entries wizard |
123 |
common_vals.update({'analytic_id': l.cost_center_id.id,}) |
124 |
cc_res = self.pool.get('cost.center.distribution.line').create(cr, uid, common_vals) |
125 |
common_vals.update({'analytic_id': msf_fp_id, 'cost_center_id': l.cost_center_id.id,}) |
126 |
fp_res = self.pool.get('funding.pool.distribution.line').create(cr, uid, common_vals) |
127 |
# Create move line
128 |
move_line_vals = { |
129 |
'move_id': move_id, |
130 |
'name': l.description, |
131 |
'reference': l.ref, |
132 |
'account_id': l.account_id.id, |
133 |
'period_id': p_id, |
134 |
'document_date': l.document_date, |
135 |
'date': l.date, |
136 |
'journal_id': journal_id, |
137 |
'debit_currency': l.debit, |
138 |
'credit_currency': l.credit, |
139 |
'currency_id': c_id, |
140 |
'analytic_distribution_id': distrib_id, |
141 |
'partner_id': l.partner_id and l.partner_id.id or False, |
142 |
'employee_id': l.employee_id and l.employee_id.id or False, |
143 |
144 |
self.pool.get('account.move.line').create(cr, uid, move_line_vals, context, check=False) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Missing validation for account move after process |
145 |
# Validate the Journal Entry for lines to be valid (if possible)
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
146 |
self.write(cr, uid, [w.id], {'message': _('Validating journal entry…')}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-2045 [FIX] Problem with invalid lines that are not refreshed after being created |
147 |
self.pool.get('account.move').validate(cr, uid, [move_id], context=context) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
148 |
# Update wizard
149 |
progression = 20.0 + (float(num) * step) |
150 |
self.write(cr, uid, [w.id], {'progression': progression}) |
151 |
num += 1 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Raise error do not return to user. Now migration wizard is updated in order user to be aware |
152 |
return True |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [ADD] Write journal entries and journal items from migration data |
153 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
154 |
def _import(self, dbname, uid, ids, context=None): |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
155 |
156 |
Do treatment before validation:
157 |
- check data from wizard
158 |
- check that file exists and that data are inside
159 |
- check integrity of data in files
160 |
161 |
# Some checks
162 |
if not context: |
163 |
context = {} |
164 |
# Prepare some values
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
165 |
from_yml = False |
166 |
if context.get('from_yml', False): |
167 |
from_yml = context.get('from_yml') |
168 |
# Do changes because of YAML tests
169 |
if from_yml: |
170 |
cr = dbname |
171 |
else: |
172 |
cr = pooler.get_db(dbname).cursor() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
173 |
created = 0 |
174 |
processed = 0 |
175 |
errors = [] |
176 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
177 |
try: |
178 |
# Update wizard
179 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _('Cleaning up old imports…'), 'progression': 1.00}) |
180 |
# Clean up old temporary imported lines
181 |
old_lines_ids = self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.lines').search(cr, uid, []) |
182 |
self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.lines').unlink(cr, uid, old_lines_ids) |
183 |
184 |
# Check wizard data
185 |
for wiz in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): |
186 |
# Update wizard
187 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Checking file…'), 'progression': 2.00}) |
by jf
UF-1991 [FIX] Finance data migration - Bugs at import |
188 |
# UF-2045: Check that the given date is in an open period
189 |
wiz_period_ids = self.pool.get('account.period').get_period_from_date(cr, uid, wiz.date, context) |
190 |
if not wiz_period_ids: |
191 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('No period found!')) |
192 |
period = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, wiz_period_ids[0], context) |
193 |
if not period or period.state in ['created', 'done']: |
194 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('Period for migration is not open!')) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
195 |
date = wiz.date or False |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
196 |
197 |
# Check that a file was given
198 |
if not wiz.file: |
199 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Nothing to import.')) |
200 |
# Update wizard
201 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Copying file…'), 'progression': 3.00}) |
202 |
fileobj = NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', delete=False) |
203 |
fileobj.write(decodestring(wiz.file)) |
204 |
fileobj.close() |
205 |
content = SpreadsheetXML(xmlfile=fileobj.name) |
206 |
if not content: |
207 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('No content')) |
208 |
# Update wizard
209 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Processing line…'), 'progression': 4.00}) |
210 |
rows = content.getRows() |
211 |
nb_rows = len([x for x in content.getRows()]) |
212 |
# Update wizard
213 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Reading headers…'), 'progression': 5.00}) |
214 |
# Use the first row to find which column to use
215 |
cols = {} |
216 |
col_names = ['Description', 'Reference', 'Document Date', 'Posting Date', 'G/L Account', 'Third party', 'Destination', 'Cost Centre', 'Booking Debit', 'Booking Credit', 'Booking Currency'] |
217 |
for num, r in enumerate(rows): |
218 |
header = [x and x.data for x in r.iter_cells()] |
219 |
for el in col_names: |
220 |
if el in header: |
221 |
cols[el] = header.index(el) |
222 |
223 |
# Number of line to bypass in line's count
224 |
base_num = 2 |
by jf
UF-1991 [FIX] Finance data migration - Bugs at import |
225 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
226 |
for el in col_names: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
227 |
if not el in cols: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Missing variable |
228 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("'%s' column not found in file.") % (el or '',)) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
229 |
# All lines
230 |
money = {} |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
231 |
# Update wizard
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
232 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Reading lines…'), 'progression': 6.00}) |
233 |
# Check file's content
234 |
for num, r in enumerate(rows): |
235 |
# Update wizard
236 |
percent = (float(num+1) / float(nb_rows+1)) * 100.0 |
237 |
progression = ((float(num+1) * 94) / float(nb_rows)) + 6 |
238 |
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz.id], {'message': _('Checking file…'), 'progression': progression}) |
239 |
# Prepare some values
240 |
r_debit = 0 |
241 |
r_credit = 0 |
242 |
r_currency = False |
243 |
r_partner = False |
244 |
r_account = False |
245 |
r_destination = False |
246 |
r_cc = False |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] Do not use document date column in accounting migration import |
247 |
# UTP-766: Do not use Document date column, but wizard's one as document date for each line
248 |
#r_document_date = False
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
249 |
current_line_num = num + base_num |
250 |
# Fetch all XML row values
251 |
line = self.pool.get('import.cell.data').get_line_values(cr, uid, ids, r) |
252 |
# Bypass this line if NO debit AND NO credit
253 |
try: |
254 |
bd = line[cols['Booking Debit']] |
255 |
except IndexError, e: |
256 |
257 |
try: |
258 |
bc = line[cols['Booking Credit']] |
259 |
except IndexError, e: |
260 |
261 |
if not line[cols['Booking Debit']] and not line[cols['Booking Credit']]: |
262 |
263 |
processed += 1 |
264 |
# Check that currency is active
265 |
if not line[cols['Booking Currency']]: |
266 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. No currency specified!') % (current_line_num,)) |
267 |
268 |
curr_ids = self.pool.get('res.currency').search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', line[cols['Booking Currency']])]) |
269 |
if not curr_ids: |
270 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. Currency not found: %s') % (current_line_num, line[cols['Booking Currency']],)) |
271 |
272 |
for c in self.pool.get('res.currency').browse(cr, uid, curr_ids): |
273 |
if not c.active: |
274 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. Currency is not active: %s') % (current_line_num, line[cols['Booking Currency']],)) |
275 |
276 |
r_currency = curr_ids[0] |
277 |
if not line[cols['Booking Currency']] in money: |
278 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]] = {} |
279 |
if not 'debit' in money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]: |
280 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]['debit'] = 0 |
281 |
if not 'credit' in money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]: |
282 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]['credit'] = 0 |
283 |
if not 'name' in money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]: |
284 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]['name'] = line[cols['Booking Currency']] |
285 |
# Increment global debit/credit
286 |
if line[cols['Booking Debit']]: |
287 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]['debit'] += line[cols['Booking Debit']] |
288 |
r_debit = line[cols['Booking Debit']] |
289 |
if line[cols['Booking Credit']]: |
290 |
money[line[cols['Booking Currency']]]['credit'] += line[cols['Booking Credit']] |
291 |
r_credit = line[cols['Booking Credit']] |
292 |
# Check document/posting dates
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] Do not use document date column in accounting migration import |
293 |
# UTP-766: Do not use Document date column, but wizard's one
294 |
#if not line[cols['Document Date']]:
295 |
# errors.append(_('Line %s. No document date specified!') % (current_line_num,))
296 |
# continue
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
297 |
# UTP-766: Do not use Posting date column, but wizard's one
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] Do not use document date column in accounting migration import |
298 |
#if line[cols['Document Date']] > date:
299 |
# errors.append(_("Line %s. Document date '%s' should be inferior or equal to given Posting date '%s'.") % (current_line_num, line[cols['Document Date']], date,))
300 |
# continue
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
301 |
# Fetch document date
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] Do not use document date column in accounting migration import |
302 |
#r_document_date = line[cols['Document Date']].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
303 |
# Check G/L account
304 |
if not line[cols['G/L Account']]: |
305 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. No G/L account specified!') % (current_line_num,)) |
306 |
307 |
account_ids = self.pool.get('account.account').search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', line[cols['G/L Account']])]) |
308 |
if not account_ids: |
309 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. G/L account %s not found!') % (current_line_num, line[cols['G/L Account']],)) |
310 |
311 |
r_account = account_ids[0] |
312 |
account = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, r_account) |
313 |
# Check that Third party exists (if not empty)
314 |
tp_label = _('Partner') |
315 |
if line[cols['Third party']]: |
316 |
if account.type_for_register == 'advance': |
317 |
tp_ids = self.pool.get('hr.employee').search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', line[cols['Third party']])]) |
318 |
tp_label = _('Employee') |
319 |
else: |
320 |
tp_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner').search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', line[cols['Third party']])]) |
321 |
if not tp_ids: |
322 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. %s not found: %s') % (current_line_num, tp_label, line[cols['Third party']],)) |
323 |
324 |
r_partner = tp_ids[0] |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-944 [ADD] Parce code to find "expense" word in which it needs changes. Do it for: |
325 |
# Check analytic axis only if G/L account is analytic-a-holic
326 |
if account.is_analytic_addicted: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
327 |
# Check Destination
328 |
if not line[cols['Destination']]: |
329 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. No destination specified!') % (current_line_num,)) |
330 |
331 |
destination_ids = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account').search(cr, uid, [('category', '=', 'DEST'), '|', ('name', '=', line[cols['Destination']]), ('code', '=', line[cols['Destination']])]) |
332 |
if not destination_ids: |
333 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. Destination %s not found!') % (current_line_num, line[cols['Destination']],)) |
334 |
335 |
r_destination = destination_ids[0] |
336 |
# Check Cost Center
337 |
if not line[cols['Cost Centre']]: |
338 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. No cost center specified!') % (current_line_num,)) |
339 |
340 |
cc_ids = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account').search(cr, uid, [('category', '=', 'OC'), '|', ('name', '=', line[cols['Cost Centre']]), ('code', '=', line[cols['Cost Centre']])]) |
341 |
if not cc_ids: |
342 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. Cost Center %s not found!') % (current_line_num, line[cols['Cost Centre']])) |
343 |
344 |
r_cc = cc_ids[0] |
345 |
# NOTE: There is no need to check G/L account, Cost Center and Destination regarding document/posting date because this check is already done at Journal Entries validation.
346 |
347 |
# Registering data regarding these "keys":
348 |
# - G/L Account
349 |
# - Third Party
350 |
# - Destination
351 |
# - Cost Centre
352 |
# - Booking Currency
353 |
vals = { |
354 |
'description': line[cols['Description']] or '', |
355 |
'ref': line[cols['Reference']] or '', |
356 |
'account_id': r_account or False, |
357 |
'debit': r_debit or 0.0, |
358 |
'credit': r_credit or 0.0, |
359 |
'cost_center_id': r_cc or False, |
360 |
'destination_id': r_destination or False, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] Do not use document date column in accounting migration import |
361 |
'document_date': date or False, #r_document_date or False, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
362 |
'date': date or False, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
363 |
'currency_id': r_currency or False, |
364 |
'wizard_id': wiz.id, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [IMP] Change Migration wizard behaviour by: |
365 |
'period_id': period and period.id or False, |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
366 |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [WIP] work in progress - move third party and employee check for "Third party" column |
367 |
if account.type_for_register == 'advance': |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
368 |
vals.update({'employee_id': r_partner,}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [WIP] work in progress - move third party and employee check for "Third party" column |
369 |
else: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
370 |
vals.update({'partner_id': r_partner,}) |
371 |
line_res = self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.lines').create(cr, uid, vals, context) |
372 |
if not line_res: |
373 |
errors.append(_('Line %s. A problem occured for line registration. Please contact an Administrator.') % (current_line_num,)) |
374 |
375 |
created += 1 |
376 |
# Check if all is ok for the file
377 |
## The lines should be balanced for each currency
378 |
for c in money: |
379 |
if (money[c]['debit'] - money[c]['credit']) >= 10**-2: |
380 |
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Currency %s is not balanced: %s') % (money[c]['name'], (money[c]['debit'] - money[c]['credit']),)) |
381 |
# Update wizard
382 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _('Check complete. Reading potential errors or write needed changes.'), 'progression': 100.0}) |
383 |
384 |
wiz_state = 'done' |
385 |
# If errors, cancel probable modifications
386 |
if errors: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Missing rollback methods and update translations |
387 |
cr.rollback() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
388 |
created = 0 |
389 |
message = _('Import FAILED.') |
390 |
# Delete old errors
391 |
error_ids = self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.errors').search(cr, uid, [], context) |
392 |
if error_ids: |
393 |
self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.errors').unlink(cr, uid, error_ids ,context) |
394 |
# create errors lines
395 |
for e in errors: |
396 |
self.pool.get('msf.doc.import.accounting.errors').create(cr, uid, {'wizard_id': wiz.id, 'name': e}, context) |
397 |
wiz_state = 'error' |
398 |
else: |
399 |
# Update wizard
400 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _('Writing changes…'), 'progression': 0.0}) |
401 |
# Create all journal entries
402 |
self.create_entries(cr, uid, ids, context) |
403 |
message = _('Import successful.') |
404 |
405 |
# Update wizard
406 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': message, 'state': wiz_state, 'progression': 100.0}) |
407 |
408 |
# Close cursor
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
409 |
if not from_yml: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [FIX] YAML tests on migration wizard |
410 |
cr.commit() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
411 |
cr.close() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
412 |
except osv.except_osv as osv_error: |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Missing rollback methods and update translations |
413 |
cr.rollback() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with other raise from def _import in Migration wizard |
414 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _("An error occured. %s: %s") % (osv_error.name, osv_error.value,), 'state': 'done', 'progression': 100.0}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
415 |
if not from_yml: |
416 |
cr.close() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Missing rollback methods and update translations |
417 |
except Exception as e: |
418 |
cr.rollback() |
419 |
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'message': _("An error occured: %s") % (e.args and e.args[0] or '',), 'state': 'done', 'progression': 100.0}) |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
420 |
if not from_yml: |
421 |
cr.close() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
422 |
return True |
423 |
424 |
def button_validate(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): |
425 |
426 |
Launch process in a thread and return a wizard
427 |
428 |
# Some checks
429 |
if not context: |
430 |
context = {} |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UTP-766 [WIP] work in progress - YAML tests for Migration wizard |
431 |
if context.get('from_yml', False): |
432 |
res = self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'inprogress'}, context=context) |
433 |
self._import(cr, uid, ids, context=context) |
434 |
else: |
435 |
# Launch a thread if we come from web
436 |
thread = threading.Thread(target=self._import, args=(cr.dbname, uid, ids, context)) |
437 |
thread.start() |
438 |
res = self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'inprogress'}, context=context) |
439 |
return res |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
440 |
441 |
def button_update(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): |
442 |
443 |
Update view
444 |
445 |
return False |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
446 |
447 |
msf_doc_import_accounting() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [FIX] Dependancy problem with next class |
448 |
449 |
class msf_doc_import_accounting_lines(osv.osv): |
450 |
_name = 'msf.doc.import.accounting.lines' |
451 |
452 |
_columns = { |
453 |
'description': fields.text("Description", required=False, readonly=True), |
454 |
'ref': fields.text("Reference", required=False, readonly=True), |
455 |
'document_date': fields.date("Document date", required=True, readonly=True), |
456 |
'date': fields.date("Posting date", required=True, readonly=True), |
457 |
'account_id': fields.many2one('account.account', "G/L Account", required=True, readonly=True), |
458 |
'destination_id': fields.many2one('account.analytic.account', "Destination", required=False, readonly=True), |
459 |
'cost_center_id': fields.many2one('account.analytic.account', "Cost Center", required=False, readonly=True), |
460 |
'debit': fields.float("Debit", required=False, readonly=True), |
461 |
'credit': fields.float("Credit", required=False, readonly=True), |
462 |
'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', "Currency", required=True, readonly=True), |
463 |
'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', "Partner", required=False, readonly=True), |
464 |
'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', "Employee", required=False, readonly=True), |
465 |
'period_id': fields.many2one('account.period', "Period", required=True, readonly=True), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [FIX] Error on wizard_id field for imported lines |
466 |
'wizard_id': fields.integer("Wizard", required=True, readonly=True), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1894 [FIX] Dependancy problem with next class |
467 |
468 |
469 |
_defaults = { |
470 |
'description': lambda *a: '', |
471 |
'ref': lambda *a: '', |
472 |
'document_date': lambda *a: strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), |
473 |
'date': lambda *a: strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), |
474 |
'debit': lambda *a: 0.0, |
475 |
'credit': lambda *a: 0.0, |
476 |
477 |
478 |
msf_doc_import_accounting_lines() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
479 |
480 |
class msf_doc_import_accounting_errors(osv.osv_memory): |
481 |
_name = 'msf.doc.import.accounting.errors' |
482 |
483 |
_columns = { |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [FIX] Problem with wizard on "msg" field. Change it to "name". |
484 |
'name': fields.text("Description", readonly=True, required=True), |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
UF-1991 [ADD] New behaviour for Migration entries: |
485 |
'wizard_id': fields.many2one('msf.doc.import.accounting', "Wizard", required=True, readonly=True), |
486 |
487 |
488 |
msf_doc_import_accounting_errors() |
by Olivier DOSSMANN
[WIP] Data migration for accounting lines |
489 |
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