Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
2010-09-22 12:03:13 UTC
(521.8.9 fast-icons)
Revision ID:
Merge Mikkel's branch lp:~unity-team/unity/fast-icons:
* This branch optimizes the icon loading considerably. Most notably the places will now appear on screen much faster. You will note that on initial launch of a place the icons will not appear instantly - in fact may appear to arrive slower than before. This is due to the fact that the new code shows the place on screen much earlier than the old code.
* Fixes the bug where tiles in the places could sometimes have the wrong icon.
* DISCLAIMER: It breaks ABI and API of Unity.IO. Slightly. This was required to remove a heckuwa lot of reallocations of some big IO buffers. Unity internally has been updated to reflect this (of course). The place daemons are the only other consumers, and I will update them to require the latest unity, which should make this a non-problem.