/* * glib-ext.c -- Map/GList extensions and utility functions for GLIB * * by Michael Petch , 2014. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 3 or later of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id: glib-ext.c,v 1.12 2015/07/31 23:57:55 mdpetch Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "glib-ext.h" /* Based on glib's g_fopen to work around issues with WIN32 * versions of g_fopen */ FILE * gnubg_g_fopen(const gchar * filename, const gchar * mode) { #if defined(WIN32) wchar_t *wfilename = g_utf8_to_utf16(filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); wchar_t *wmode; FILE *retval; int save_errno; if (wfilename == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } wmode = g_utf8_to_utf16(mode, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (wmode == NULL) { g_free(wfilename); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } retval = _wfopen(wfilename, wmode); save_errno = errno; g_free(wfilename); g_free(wmode); errno = save_errno; return retval; #else return fopen(filename, mode); #endif } #if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) /* This code has been backported from the latest GLib * * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald * * gthread.c: MT safety related functions * Copyright 1998 Sebastian Wilhelmi; University of Karlsruhe * Owen Taylor */ static GMutex *g_once_mutex = NULL; static GCond *g_once_cond = NULL; static GSList *g_once_init_list = NULL; gboolean g_once_init_enter_impl(volatile gsize * value_location) { gboolean need_init = FALSE; /* mutex and cond creation works without g_threads_got_initialized */ g_mutex_lock(g_once_mutex); if (g_atomic_pointer_get((void **) value_location) == NULL) { if (!g_slist_find(g_once_init_list, (void *) value_location)) { need_init = TRUE; g_once_init_list = g_slist_prepend(g_once_init_list, (void *) value_location); } else do g_cond_wait(g_once_cond, g_once_mutex); while (g_slist_find(g_once_init_list, (void *) value_location)); } g_mutex_unlock(g_once_mutex); return need_init; } void g_once_init_leave(volatile gsize * value_location, gsize initialization_value) { g_return_if_fail(g_atomic_pointer_get((void **) value_location) == NULL); g_return_if_fail(initialization_value != 0); g_return_if_fail(g_once_init_list != NULL); g_atomic_pointer_set((void **) value_location, (void *) initialization_value); g_mutex_lock(g_once_mutex); g_once_init_list = g_slist_remove(g_once_init_list, (void *) value_location); g_cond_broadcast(g_once_cond); g_mutex_unlock(g_once_mutex); } gboolean g_once_init_enter(volatile gsize * value_location) { if G_LIKELY (g_atomic_pointer_get((void *volatile *) value_location) != NULL) return FALSE; else return g_once_init_enter_impl(value_location); } #endif void glib_ext_init(void) { #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2,32,0) if (!g_thread_supported()) g_thread_init(NULL); g_assert(g_thread_supported()); #endif #if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,14,0) if (!g_once_mutex) g_once_mutex = g_mutex_new(); if (!g_once_cond) g_once_cond = g_cond_new(); #endif return; } GLIBEXT_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(GListBoxed, g_list_boxed, g_list_copy, g_list_gv_boxed_free) GLIBEXT_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(GMapBoxed, g_map_boxed, g_list_copy, g_list_gv_boxed_free) GLIBEXT_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(GMapEntryBoxed, g_mapentry_boxed, g_list_copy, g_list_gv_boxed_free) #if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,28,0) void g_list_free_full(GList * list, GDestroyNotify free_func) { g_list_foreach(list, (GFunc) free_func, NULL); g_list_free(list); } #endif void g_value_unsetfree(GValue * gv) { g_value_unset(gv); g_free(gv); } GMapEntry * str2gv_map_has_key(GMap * map, GString * key) { guint item; for (item = 0; item < g_list_length(map); item++) { GString *cmpkey = g_value_get_gstring(g_list_nth_data(g_value_get_boxed(g_list_nth_data(map, item)), 0)); if (g_string_equal(cmpkey, key)) return g_list_nth(map, item); } return NULL; } GValue * str2gv_map_get_key_value(GMap * map, gchar * key, GValue * defaultgv) { GString *gstrkey = g_string_new(key); GMapEntry *entry = str2gv_map_has_key(map, gstrkey); GValue *gv; if (entry) gv = g_list_nth_data(g_value_get_boxed(entry->data), 1); else gv = defaultgv; g_string_free(gstrkey, TRUE); return gv; } void g_list_gv_free_full(gpointer data) { g_assert(G_IS_VALUE(data)); if (G_IS_VALUE(data)) g_value_unsetfree(data); } void g_list_gv_boxed_free(GList * list) { g_list_free_full(list, (GDestroyNotify) g_list_gv_free_full); } GList * create_str2int_tuple(char *str, int value) { GString *tmpstr = g_string_new(str); GVALUE_CREATE(G_TYPE_INT, int, value, gvint); GVALUE_CREATE(G_TYPE_GSTRING, boxed, tmpstr, gvstr); g_string_free(tmpstr, TRUE); return g_list_prepend(g_list_prepend(NULL, gvint), gvstr); } GList * create_str2gvalue_tuple(char *str, GValue * gv) { GString *tmpstr = g_string_new(str); GVALUE_CREATE(G_TYPE_GSTRING, boxed, tmpstr, gvstr); g_string_free(tmpstr, TRUE); return g_list_prepend(g_list_prepend(NULL, gv), gvstr); } GList * create_str2double_tuple(char *str, double value) { GString *tmpstr = g_string_new(str); GVALUE_CREATE(G_TYPE_DOUBLE, double, value, gvdouble); GVALUE_CREATE(G_TYPE_GSTRING, boxed, tmpstr, gvstr); g_string_free(tmpstr, TRUE); return g_list_prepend(g_list_prepend(NULL, gvdouble), gvstr); } void free_strmap_tuple(GList * tuple) { g_string_free(g_list_nth_data(tuple, 0), TRUE); g_free(g_list_nth_data(tuple, 1)); g_list_free(tuple); } void g_value_list_tostring(GString * str, GList * list, int depth) { GList *cur = list; while (cur != NULL) { g_value_tostring(str, cur->data, depth); if ((cur = g_list_next(cur))) g_string_append(str, ", "); } } void g_value_tostring(GString * str, GValue * gv, int depth) { if (!gv) return; g_assert(G_IS_VALUE(gv)); if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT(gv)) { g_string_append_printf(str, "%d", g_value_get_int(gv)); } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE(gv)) { g_string_append_printf(str, "%lf", g_value_get_double(gv)); } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_GSTRING(gv)) { g_string_append_printf(str, "\"%s\"", g_value_get_gstring_gchar(gv)); } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED_GLIST_GV(gv)) { g_string_append_c(str, '('); g_value_list_tostring(str, g_value_get_boxed(gv), depth + 1); g_string_append_c(str, ')'); } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED_MAP_GV(gv)) { g_string_append_c(str, '['); g_value_list_tostring(str, g_value_get_boxed(gv), depth + 1); g_string_append_c(str, ']'); } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED_MAPENTRY_GV(gv)) { g_value_tostring(str, g_list_nth_data(g_value_get_boxed(gv), 0), depth + 1); g_string_append(str, " : "); g_value_tostring(str, g_list_nth_data(g_value_get_boxed(gv), 1), depth + 1); } }