/* GNet - Networking library * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 David Helder * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Andrew Lanoix * Copyright (C) 2007 Tim-Philipp Müller * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gnet-private.h" #include "inetaddr.h" #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_NETLINK_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IFADDRS_H #include #endif typedef struct _GInetAddrNewListState { GStaticMutex mutex; GList *ias; gint port; GInetAddrNewListAsyncFunc func; gpointer data; GDestroyNotify notify; gboolean in_callback; gboolean is_cancelled; gboolean lookup_failed; guint source; GMainContext *context; /* main context (we hold a reference) */ gint priority; } GInetAddrNewListState; typedef struct _GInetAddrNewState { GInetAddrNewListAsyncID list_id; GInetAddrNewAsyncFunc func; gpointer data; GDestroyNotify notify; gboolean in_callback; GStaticMutex mutex; GMainContext *context; /* main context (we hold a reference) */ gint priority; } GInetAddrNewState; typedef struct _GInetAddrReverseAsyncState { GStaticMutex mutex; /* protecting all of the below */ GInetAddr *ia; /* copy of GInetAddr to get the name for */ GInetAddrGetNameAsyncFunc func; /* user-provided callback function */ gpointer data; /* user data for callback function */ GDestroyNotify notify; GMainContext *context; /* main context (we hold a reference) */ gint priority; gchar *name; /* result */ guint source; /* id of idle callback to marshal result * from lookup thread into main thread */ gboolean in_callback; gboolean is_cancelled; } GInetAddrReverseAsyncState; #ifdef GNET_WIN32 #include /* TODO: Use Window's inet_pton/inet_ntop if they ever implement it. */ static int inet_pton(int af, const char* src, void* dst) { int address_length; struct sockaddr_storage sa; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sa; struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sa; switch (af) { case AF_INET: address_length = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); break; case AF_INET6: address_length = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6); break; default: return -1; } if (WSAStringToAddress ((LPTSTR) src, af, NULL, (LPSOCKADDR) &sa, &address_length) == 0) { switch (af) { case AF_INET: memcpy (dst, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr)); break; case AF_INET6: memcpy (dst, &sin6->sin6_addr, sizeof (struct in6_addr)); break; } return 1; } return 0; } static const char* inet_ntop(int af, const void* src, char* dst, size_t size) { int address_length; DWORD string_length = size; struct sockaddr_storage sa; struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sa; struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sa; memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); switch (af) { case AF_INET: address_length = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); sin->sin_family = af; memcpy (&sin->sin_addr, src, sizeof (struct in_addr)); break; case AF_INET6: address_length = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6); sin6->sin6_family = af; memcpy (&sin6->sin6_addr, src, sizeof (struct in6_addr)); break; default: return NULL; } if (WSAAddressToString ((LPSOCKADDR) &sa, address_length, NULL, dst, &string_length) == 0) return dst; return NULL; } #endif /* GNET_WIN32 */ /* **************************************** */ static GList* gnet_gethostbyname(const char* hostname); static gchar* gnet_gethostbyaddr(const struct sockaddr_storage* sa); static void ialist_free (GList* ialist); #if defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIB_MUTEX) \ || defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO_GLIB_MUTEX) G_LOCK_DEFINE (dnslock); #endif #if !defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) static GList* hostent2ialist (const struct hostent* he); static GList* hostent2ialist (const struct hostent* he) { GList* list = NULL; int i; if (!he) return NULL; for (i = 0; he->h_addr_list[i]; ++i) { GInetAddr* ia; ia = g_new0(GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(ia->sa) = he->h_addrtype; GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); memcpy (GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(ia->sa), he->h_addr_list[i], he->h_length); list = g_list_prepend(list, ia); } /* list is returned backwards */ return list; } #endif /* Thread safe gethostbyname. Maps hostname to list of sockaddr_storage pointers. */ static GList* gnet_gethostbyname(const char* hostname) { GList* list = NULL; /* **************************************** */ /* DNS lookup: getaddrinfo() */ #ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO { struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo* res = NULL; int rv; GIPv6Policy policy; policy = gnet_ipv6_get_policy(); memset (&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_ONLY) hints.ai_family = AF_INET; else if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_ONLY) hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; /* If GLIB_MUTEX is not defined, either getaddrinfo() is thread-safe, or we don't have mutexes. */ # ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO_GLIB_MUTEX G_LOCK (dnslock); # endif rv = getaddrinfo (hostname, NULL, &hints, &res); if (rv == 0) { struct addrinfo* i; GList* ipv4_list = NULL; GList* ipv6_list = NULL; for (i = res; i != NULL; i = i->ai_next) { GInetAddr* ia; ia = g_new0(GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; memcpy (&ia->sa, i->ai_addr, i->ai_addrlen); if (i->ai_family == PF_INET) ipv4_list = g_list_prepend (ipv4_list, ia); else if (i->ai_family == PF_INET6) ipv6_list = g_list_prepend (ipv6_list, ia); else g_free (ia); } if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_ONLY) { list = ipv4_list; g_list_free (ipv6_list); } else if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_THEN_IPV6) { list = g_list_concat (ipv6_list, ipv4_list); /* list will be reversed below */ } else if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_ONLY) { list = ipv6_list; g_list_free (ipv4_list); } else if (policy == GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_THEN_IPV4) { list = g_list_concat (ipv4_list, ipv6_list); /* list will be reversed below */ } } if (res) freeaddrinfo (res); # ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO_GLIB_MUTEX G_UNLOCK (dnslock); # endif } #else /* **************************************** */ /* DNS lookup: gethostbyname() */ #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_THREADSAFE { struct hostent* he; he = gethostbyname(hostname); list = hostent2ialist(he); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIBC { struct hostent result_buf, *result; size_t len; char* buf; int herr; int rv; len = 1024; buf = g_new(gchar, len); while ((rv = gethostbyname_r (hostname, &result_buf, buf, len, &result, &herr)) == ERANGE) { len *= 2; buf = g_renew (gchar, buf, len); } if (!rv) list = hostent2ialist(result); g_free(buf); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_SOLARIS { size_t len = 8192; /* Stevens suggest this size should be adequate */ char * buf = NULL; struct hostent result; struct hostent* he; do { buf = g_renew (gchar, buf, len); errno = 0; he = gethostbyname_r (hostname, &result, buf, len, &h_errno); len += 1024; } while (errno == ERANGE); if (he) list = hostent2ialist(&result); done: g_free(buf); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_HPUX { struct hostent result; struct hostent_data buf; int rv; rv = gethostbyname_r (hostname, &result, &buf); if (!rv) list = hostent2ialist(&result); } #else { struct hostent* he; # ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIB_MUTEX G_LOCK (dnslock); # endif he = gethostbyname(hostname); list = hostent2ialist(he); # ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIB_MUTEX G_UNLOCK (dnslock); # endif } #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif if (list) list = g_list_reverse (list); return list; } /* Free list of GInetAddr's. We assume name hasn't been allocated. */ static void ialist_free (GList* ialist) { GList* i; if (!ialist) return; for (i = ialist; i != NULL; i = i->next) g_free ((GInetAddr*) i->data); g_list_free (ialist); } /* Thread safe gethostbyaddr (we assume that gethostbyaddr_r follows the same pattern as gethostbyname_r, so we don't have special checks for it in configure.in. Returns: the hostname; NULL on error. */ gchar* gnet_gethostbyaddr(const struct sockaddr_storage* sa) { gchar* rv = NULL; /* We assume if there's getaddrinfo(), then there's getnameinfo(). */ #ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO { int gnirv; char host[NI_MAXHOST]; # ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO_GLIB_MUTEX G_LOCK (dnslock); # endif again: gnirv = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*) sa, GNET_SOCKADDR_LEN(*sa), host, sizeof(host), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD); if (gnirv == 0) rv = g_strdup (host); else if (gnirv == EAGAIN) goto again; else rv = NULL; # ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO_GLIB_MUTEX G_UNLOCK (dnslock); # endif } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_THREADSAFE { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent* he; he = gethostbyaddr(sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type); if (he != NULL && he->h_name != NULL) rv = g_strdup(he->h_name); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIBC { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent result_buf, *result; size_t len; char* buf; int herr; int res; len = 1024; buf = g_new(gchar, len); while ((res = gethostbyaddr_r (sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type, &result_buf, buf, len, &result, &herr)) == ERANGE) { len *= 2; buf = g_renew (gchar, buf, len); } if (res || result == NULL || result->h_name == NULL) goto done; rv = g_strdup(result->h_name); done: g_free(buf); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GET_HOSTBYNAME_R_SOLARIS { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent result; size_t len; char* buf; int herr; int res; len = 1024; buf = g_new(gchar, len); while ((res = gethostbyaddr_r (sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type, &result, buf, len, &herr)) == ERANGE) { len *= 2; buf = g_renew (gchar, buf, len); } if (res || hp == NULL || hp->h_name == NULL) goto done; rv = g_strdup(result->h_name); done: g_free(buf); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_HPUX { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent result; struct hostent_data buf; int res; res = gethostbyaddr_r (sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type, &result, &buf); if (res == 0) rv = g_strdup (result.h_name); } #else #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R_GLIB_MUTEX { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent* he; G_LOCK (dnslock); he = gethostbyaddr(sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type); if (he != NULL && he->h_name != NULL) rv = g_strdup(he->h_name); G_UNLOCK (dnslock); } #else { const char* sa_addr = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRP(*sa); size_t sa_len = GNET_SOCKADDR_ADDRLEN(*sa); int sa_type = GNET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(*sa); struct hostent* he; he = gethostbyaddr(sa_addr, sa_len, sa_type); if (he != NULL && he->h_name != NULL) rv = g_strdup(he->h_name); } #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif return rv; } /* **************************************** */ /** * gnet_inetaddr_new * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * * Creates a #GInetAddr from a host name and port. This function * makes a DNS lookup on the host name so it may block. The host * name may resolve to multiple addresses. If this occurs, the first * address in the list is returned. Use gnet_inetaddr_new_list() to * get the complete list. * * Returns: a new #GInetAddr; NULL on error. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_new (const gchar* hostname, gint port) { GList* ialist; GInetAddr* ia = NULL; /* * First attempt nonblocking lookup */ ia = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock (hostname, port); if (ia) return ia; ialist = gnet_gethostbyname (hostname); if (!ialist) return NULL; ia = (GInetAddr*) ialist->data; ialist = g_list_remove (ialist, ia); GNET_INETADDR_PORT_SET(ia, g_htons(port)); ialist_free (ialist); return ia; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_list: * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * * Creates a GList of #GInetAddr's from a host name and port. This * function makes a DNS lookup on the host name so it may block. * * Returns: a GList of #GInetAddr structures or NULL on error. * **/ GList* gnet_inetaddr_new_list (const gchar* hostname, gint port) { GInetAddr* ia; GList* ialist; GList* i; g_return_val_if_fail (hostname != NULL, NULL); /* * First attempt nonblocking lookup */ ia = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock (hostname, port); if (ia) return g_list_prepend (NULL, ia); /* Try to get the host by name (ie, DNS) */ ialist = gnet_gethostbyname(hostname); if (!ialist) return NULL; /* Set the port */ for (i = ialist; i != NULL; i = i->next) { GInetAddr* ia = (GInetAddr*) i->data; GNET_INETADDR_PORT_SET(ia, g_htons(port)); } return ialist; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_delete_list * @list: GList of #GInetAddr's * * Deletes a GList of #GInetAddr's. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_delete_list (GList* list) { GList* i; for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) gnet_inetaddr_delete ((GInetAddr*) i->data); g_list_free (list); } /* **************************************** */ /* gnet_inetaddr_new_async() */ static void inetaddr_new_async_cb (GList* ialist, gpointer data); /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_async_full * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback, or NULL * @notify: function to call to free @data, or NULL * @context: the #GMainContext to use for notifications, or NULL for the * default GLib main context. If in doubt, pass NULL. * @priority: the priority with which to schedule notifications in the * main context, e.g. #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT or #G_PRIORITY_HIGH. * * Asynchronously creates a #GInetAddr from a host name and port. * The callback is called once the #GInetAddr is created or an error * occurs during lookup. The callback will not be called during the * call to this function. * * See gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async() for implementation notes. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be used * with gnet_inetaddr_new_async_cancel() to cancel the lookup. * * Since: 2.0.8 **/ GInetAddrNewAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_new_async_full (const gchar * hostname, gint port, GInetAddrNewAsyncFunc func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify notify, GMainContext * context, gint priority) { GInetAddrNewListAsyncID list_id; GInetAddrNewState *state; if (context == NULL) context = g_main_context_default (); state = g_new0 (GInetAddrNewState, 1); g_static_mutex_init (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); state->func = func; state->data = data; state->notify = notify; state->context = g_main_context_ref (context); state->priority = priority; list_id = gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_full (hostname, port, inetaddr_new_async_cb, state, (GDestroyNotify) NULL, context, priority); state->list_id = list_id; g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); if (list_id == NULL) { if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); return NULL; } return state; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_async * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback * * Asynchronously creates a #GInetAddr from a host name and port. * The callback is called once the #GInetAddr is created or an error * occurs during lookup. The callback will not be called during the * call to this function. * * See gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async() for implementation notes. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be used * with gnet_inetaddr_new_async_cancel() to cancel the lookup. * **/ GInetAddrNewAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_new_async (const gchar* hostname, gint port, GInetAddrNewAsyncFunc func, gpointer data) { GInetAddrNewAsyncID async_id; g_return_val_if_fail (hostname != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (func != NULL, NULL); async_id = gnet_inetaddr_new_async_full (hostname, port, func, data, (GDestroyNotify) NULL, NULL, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); return async_id; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_async_cancel * @id: ID of the lookup * * Cancels an asynchronous #GInetAddr creation that was started with * gnet_inetaddr_new_async(). * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_new_async_cancel (GInetAddrNewAsyncID async_id) { GInetAddrNewState* state = (GInetAddrNewState*) async_id; g_return_if_fail (async_id != NULL); if (state->in_callback) return; gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_cancel (state->list_id); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_free (state); } static void inetaddr_new_async_cb (GList* ialist, gpointer data) { GInetAddrNewState* state = (GInetAddrNewState*) data; g_return_if_fail (state); state->in_callback = TRUE; /* make sure we don't proceed before gnet_inetaddr_new_async() * has set state->list_id, which is needed by _async_cancel */ g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); if (ialist) { GInetAddr* ia; ia = (GInetAddr*) ialist->data; /* Get address */ g_assert (ia); ialist = g_list_remove (ialist, ia); /* Remove from list */ ialist_free (ialist); /* Delete list */ (*state->func)(ia, state->data); } else { (*state->func)(NULL, state->data); } state->in_callback = FALSE; /* abuse _cancel() to free the state */ gnet_inetaddr_new_async_cancel (state); } /* **************************************** */ /* gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async() */ static gboolean inetaddr_new_list_async_nonblock_dispatch (gpointer data); static void* inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread (void* arg); /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_full * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback, or NULL * @notify: function to call to free @data, or NULL * @context: the #GMainContext to use for notifications, or NULL for the * default GLib main context. If in doubt, pass NULL. * @priority: the priority with which to schedule notifications in the * main context, e.g. #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT or #G_PRIORITY_HIGH. * * Asynchronously creates a GList of #GInetAddr's from a host name * and port. The callback is called once the list is created or an * error occurs during lookup. The callback will not be called * during the call to gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async(). The list * passed in the callback is callee owned (meaning that it is your * responsibility to free the list and each #GInetAddr in the list). * * If you need to lookup hundreds of addresses, we recommend calling * g_main_iteration(FALSE) between calls. This will help prevent an * explosion of threads. * * If you need a more robust library for Unix, look at GNU ADNS. * GNU ADNS is under the GNU GPL. This library does not use threads * or processes. * * The Windows version is molded after the Unix GThread version. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be * used with gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_cancel() to cancel the * lookup. * * Since: 2.0.8 **/ GInetAddrNewListAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_full (const gchar * hostname, gint port, GInetAddrNewListAsyncFunc func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify notify, GMainContext * context, gint priority) { GInetAddrNewListState *state = NULL; GInetAddr *ia; g_return_val_if_fail (hostname != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (func != NULL, NULL); if (context == NULL) context = g_main_context_default (); state = g_new0 (GInetAddrNewListState, 1); g_static_mutex_init (&state->mutex); /* set everything up (must be done before we create the thread) */ state->port = port; state->func = func; state->data = data; state->notify = notify; state->context = g_main_context_ref (context); state->priority = priority; /* First attempt nonblocking lookup */ ia = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock (hostname, port); if (ia) { state->ias = g_list_prepend (NULL, ia); state->source = _gnet_idle_add_full (state->context, state->priority, inetaddr_new_list_async_nonblock_dispatch, state, NULL); } else { GError *err = NULL; gpointer *args; args = g_new (gpointer, 2); args[0] = g_strdup (hostname); args[1] = state; if (!g_thread_create (inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread, args, FALSE, &err)) { g_warning ("g_thread_create error: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free (err); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (args[0]); g_free (state); return NULL; } } return state; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback * * Asynchronously creates a GList of #GInetAddr's from a host name * and port. The callback is called once the list is created or an * error occurs during lookup. The callback will not be called * during the call to gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async(). The list * passed in the callback is callee owned (meaning that it is your * responsibility to free the list and each #GInetAddr in the list). * * If you need to lookup hundreds of addresses, we recommend calling * g_main_iteration(FALSE) between calls. This will help prevent an * explosion of threads. * * If you need a more robust library for Unix, look at GNU ADNS. * GNU ADNS is under the GNU GPL. This library does not use threads * or processes. * * The Windows version is molded after the Unix GThread version. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be * used with gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_cancel() to cancel the * lookup. * **/ GInetAddrNewListAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async (const gchar* hostname, gint port, GInetAddrNewListAsyncFunc func, gpointer data) { GInetAddrNewListAsyncID async_id; g_return_val_if_fail (hostname != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (func != NULL, NULL); async_id = gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_full (hostname, port, func, data, (GDestroyNotify) NULL, NULL, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); return async_id; } /* TODO: we could merge this with inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread_dispatch() * if we used the same type of mutex for the structure ... */ static gboolean inetaddr_new_list_async_nonblock_dispatch (gpointer data) { GInetAddrNewListState* state = (GInetAddrNewListState*) data; g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); state->in_callback = TRUE; (*state->func) (state->ias, state->data); state->in_callback = FALSE; if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); return FALSE; } static gboolean inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread_dispatch (gpointer data); static void* inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread (void* arg) { void** args = (void**) arg; gchar* name = (gchar*) args[0]; GInetAddrNewListState* state = (GInetAddrNewListState*) args[1]; GList* ialist = NULL; g_free (args); /* Avoid the blocking call in the unlikely case that we've already been * cancelled */ g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); if (state->is_cancelled) goto cancelled; g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); /* Do lookup (without holding the lock while we're blocking so the main * thread can cancel us without having to wait until we've finished our * blocking call) */ ialist = gnet_gethostbyname (name); /* Lock again */ g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); /* If cancelled, destroy state and exit. The main thread is no * longer using state. */ if (state->is_cancelled) goto cancelled; g_free (name); if (ialist) { GList* i; /* Set the port */ for (i = ialist; i != NULL; i = i->next) { GInetAddr* ia = (GInetAddr*) i->data; GNET_INETADDR_PORT_SET(ia, g_htons(state->port)); } /* Save the list */ state->ias = ialist; } else { /* Flag failure */ state->lookup_failed = TRUE; } /* Add a source for reply */ state->source = _gnet_idle_add_full (state->context, state->priority, inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread_dispatch, state, NULL); /* Unlock */ g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); /* Thread exits... */ return NULL; cancelled: { ialist_free (ialist); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); g_free (name); return NULL; } } static gboolean inetaddr_new_list_async_gthread_dispatch (gpointer data) { GInetAddrNewListState* state = (GInetAddrNewListState*) data; g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); state->in_callback = TRUE; /* Upcall */ if (!state->lookup_failed) (*state->func)(state->ias, state->data); else (*state->func)(NULL, state->data); state->in_callback = FALSE; /* Delete state */ if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_cancel * @id: ID of the lookup * * Cancels an asynchronous #GInetAddr list creation that was started * with gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async(). * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_cancel (GInetAddrNewListAsyncID id) { GInetAddrNewListState* state = (GInetAddrNewListState*) id; g_return_if_fail (state); if (state->in_callback) return; /* We don't use in_callback because we'd have to get the mutex to access it and if we're in the callback we'd already have the mutex and deadlock. in_callback was mostly meant to prevent programmer error. */ g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); /* Check if the thread has finished and a reply is pending. If a * reply is pending, cancel it and delete state. */ if (state->source) { _gnet_source_remove (state->context, state->source); ialist_free (state->ias); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); } else { /* Otherwise, the thread is still running. Set the cancelled flag * and allow the thread to complete. When the thread completes, it * will delete state. We can't kill the thread because we'd loose * the resources allocated in gethostbyname_r. */ state->is_cancelled = TRUE; g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); } } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock: * @hostname: host name * @port: port number (0 if the port doesn't matter) * * Creates a #GInetAddr from a host name and port without blocking. * This function does not make a DNS lookup and will fail if creating * the address would require a DNS lookup. * * Returns: a new #GInetAddr, or NULL if there was a failure or the * function would block. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock (const gchar* hostname, gint port) { GInetAddr* ia = NULL; struct in_addr inaddr; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 struct in6_addr in6addr; #endif g_return_val_if_fail (hostname, NULL); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hostname, &inaddr) > 0) { struct sockaddr_in* sa_inp; ia = g_new0(GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; sa_inp = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia->sa; sa_inp->sin_family = AF_INET; GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); sa_inp->sin_addr = inaddr; sa_inp->sin_port = g_htons(port); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hostname, &in6addr) > 0) { struct sockaddr_in6* sa_inp; ia = g_new0(GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; sa_inp = (struct sockaddr_in6*) &ia->sa; sa_inp->sin6_family = AF_INET6; GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); sa_inp->sin6_addr = in6addr; sa_inp->sin6_port = g_htons(port); } #endif else return NULL; return ia; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_new_bytes * @bytes: address in raw bytes * @length: length of @bytes (4 if IPv4, 16 if IPv6) * * Creates a #GInetAddr from raw bytes. The bytes should be in * network byte order (big endian). There should be 4 bytes if it's * an IPv4 address and 16 bytees if it's an IPv6 address. The port * is set to 0. * * Returns: a new #GInetAddr, or NULL if there was a failure. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_new_bytes (const gchar* bytes, const guint length) { GInetAddr* ia = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (bytes, NULL); if (length != 4 && length != 16) return NULL; ia = g_new0 (GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; if (length == 4) GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) = AF_INET; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) = AF_INET6; #endif GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); memcpy(GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(ia), bytes, length); return ia; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_clone: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Copies a #GInetAddr. * * Returns: a copy of @inetaddr. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_clone(const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { GInetAddr* cia; g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, NULL); cia = g_new0(GInetAddr, 1); cia->ref_count = 1; cia->sa = inetaddr->sa; if (inetaddr->name != NULL) cia->name = g_strdup(inetaddr->name); return cia; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_delete * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Deletes a #GInetAddr. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_delete (GInetAddr* inetaddr) { if (inetaddr != NULL) gnet_inetaddr_unref (inetaddr); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_ref * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Adds a reference to a #GInetAddr. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_ref (GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL); g_atomic_int_inc (&inetaddr->ref_count); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_unref * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Removes a reference from a #GInetAddr. A #GInetAddr is deleted * when the reference count reaches 0. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_unref (GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL); if (g_atomic_int_dec_and_test (&inetaddr->ref_count)) { g_free (inetaddr->name); g_free (inetaddr); } } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_name: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Gets the host name for a #GInetAddr. This functions makes a * reverse DNS lookup on the address so it may block. The canonical * name is returned if the address has no host name. * * Returns: the host name for the @inetaddr; NULL on error. * **/ gchar* gnet_inetaddr_get_name (/* const */ GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, NULL); if (inetaddr->name == NULL) { gchar* name; if ((name = gnet_gethostbyaddr(&inetaddr->sa)) != NULL) inetaddr->name = name; else inetaddr->name = gnet_inetaddr_get_canonical_name(inetaddr); } g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr->name, NULL); return g_strdup(inetaddr->name); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_name_nonblock: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Gets the host name for a #GInetAddr. This function does not make * a reverse DNS lookup and will fail if getting the name would * require a reverse DNS lookup. * * Returns: the host name for the @inetaddr, or NULL if there was an * error or it would require blocking. * **/ gchar* gnet_inetaddr_get_name_nonblock (GInetAddr* inetaddr) { if (inetaddr->name) return g_strdup(inetaddr->name); return NULL; } static void* inetaddr_get_name_async_gthread (void* arg); /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_full: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback * @notify: function to call to free @data, or NULL * @context: the #GMainContext to use for notifications, or NULL for the * default GLib main context. If in doubt, pass NULL. * @priority: the priority with which to schedule notifications in the * main context, e.g. #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT or #G_PRIORITY_HIGH. * * Asynchronously gets the host name for a #GInetAddr. The callback * is called once the reverse DNS lookup is complete. The callback * will not be called during the call to this function. * * See gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async_full() for implementation notes. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be * used with gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_cancel() to cancel the * lookup. * * Since: 2.0.8 **/ GInetAddrGetNameAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_full (GInetAddr * inetaddr, GInetAddrGetNameAsyncFunc func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify notify, GMainContext * context, gint priority) { GInetAddrReverseAsyncState *state = NULL; GError *err = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (func != NULL, NULL); if (context == NULL) context = g_main_context_default (); state = g_new0 (GInetAddrReverseAsyncState, 1); /* Set up state for callback */ g_static_mutex_init (&state->mutex); state->ia = gnet_inetaddr_clone (inetaddr); state->func = func; state->data = data; state->notify = notify; state->is_cancelled = FALSE; state->in_callback = FALSE; state->source = 0; state->name = NULL; state->context = g_main_context_ref (context); state->priority = priority; if (!g_thread_create (inetaddr_get_name_async_gthread, state, FALSE, &err)) { g_warning ("g_thread_create error: %s\n", err->message); g_error_free (err); gnet_inetaddr_delete (state->ia); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); return NULL; } return state; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * @func: callback function * @data: data to pass to @func on the callback * * Asynchronously gets the host name for a #GInetAddr. The callback * is called once the reverse DNS lookup is complete. The call back * will not be called during the call to this function. * * See gnet_inetaddr_new_list_async() for implementation notes. * * Returns: the ID of the lookup; NULL on failure. The ID can be * used with gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_cancel() to cancel the * lookup. * **/ GInetAddrGetNameAsyncID gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async (GInetAddr * inetaddr, GInetAddrGetNameAsyncFunc func, gpointer data) { GInetAddrGetNameAsyncID async_id; async_id = gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_full (inetaddr, func, data, (GDestroyNotify) NULL, NULL, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); return async_id; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_cancel: * @id: ID of the lookup * * Cancels an asynchronous name lookup that was started with * gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async(). This function should only be * called from the application's main thread, ie. the thread in which * context the callback delivering the result would be called (In a * GTK+/GUI application this would be your normal GUI thread). * */ void gnet_inetaddr_get_name_async_cancel (GInetAddrGetNameAsyncID id) { GInetAddrReverseAsyncState* state = (GInetAddrReverseAsyncState*) id; g_return_if_fail (id != NULL); g_return_if_fail (state->in_callback == FALSE); g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); /* Check if the thread has finished and a reply is pending. If a * reply is pending, cancel it and delete state. */ if (state->source) { g_free (state->name); _gnet_source_remove (state->context, state->source); gnet_inetaddr_delete (state->ia); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); memset (state, 0xaa, sizeof (*state)); g_free (state); } else { /* Otherwise, the thread is still running. Set the cancelled flag * and allow the thread to complete. When the thread completes, it * will delete state. We can't kill the thread because we'd loose * the resources allocated in gethostbyname_r. */ state->is_cancelled = TRUE; g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); } } static gboolean inetaddr_get_name_async_gthread_dispatch (gpointer data) { GInetAddrReverseAsyncState* state = (GInetAddrReverseAsyncState*) data; g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); /* make sure we don't deadlock if user tries to cancel us from callback */ state->in_callback = TRUE; /* Upcall */ (*state->func) (state->name, state->data); /* Delete state */ gnet_inetaddr_delete (state->ia); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); memset (state, 0, sizeof(*state)); g_free (state); return FALSE; } static void* inetaddr_get_name_async_gthread (void* arg) { GInetAddrReverseAsyncState* state = (GInetAddrReverseAsyncState*) arg; gchar* name; g_assert (state->ia != NULL); /* Lock */ g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); /* Do lookup */ if (state->ia->name) { name = g_strdup (state->ia->name); } else { /* Release lock while we block, so we can be cancelled from the main thread * without blocking it until we're done */ g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); name = gnet_gethostbyaddr(&state->ia->sa); g_static_mutex_lock (&state->mutex); } /* If cancelled, destroy state and exit. The main thread is no longer using state. */ if (state->is_cancelled) { g_free (name); gnet_inetaddr_delete (state->ia); if (state->notify) state->notify (state->data); g_main_context_unref (state->context); g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); g_static_mutex_free (&state->mutex); g_free (state); return NULL; } /* Copy name to state */ if (name) { state->name = name; } else { /* Lookup failed: name is canonical name */ state->name = gnet_inetaddr_get_canonical_name (state->ia); } /* Add a source for reply */ /* FIXME use context and priority once implemented! */ state->source = _gnet_idle_add_full (state->context, state->priority, inetaddr_get_name_async_gthread_dispatch, state, NULL); /* Unlock */ g_static_mutex_unlock (&state->mutex); /* Thread exits... */ return NULL; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_length * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Get the length of a #GInetAddr's address in bytes. An IPv4 * address is 4 bytes long. An IPv6 address is 16 bytes long. * * Returns: the length in bytes. * **/ gint gnet_inetaddr_get_length (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr, 0); return GNET_INETADDR_ADDRLEN(inetaddr); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_bytes * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * @buffer: buffer to store address in * * Get a #GInetAddr's address as bytes. @buffer should be 4 bytes * long for an IPv4 address or 16 bytes long for an IPv6 address. * Use %GNET_INETADDR_MAX_LEN when allocating a static buffer and * gnet_inetaddr_get_length() when allocating a dynamic buffer. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_get_bytes (const GInetAddr* inetaddr, gchar* buffer) { g_return_if_fail (inetaddr); g_return_if_fail (buffer); memcpy (buffer, GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(inetaddr), GNET_INETADDR_ADDRLEN(inetaddr)); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_set_bytes * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * @bytes: address in raw bytes * @length: length of @bytes * * Sets the address of a #GInetAddr from bytes. @buffer will be * 4 bytes long for an IPv4 address and 16 bytes long for an IPv6 * address. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_set_bytes (GInetAddr* inetaddr, const gchar* bytes, gint length) { gint port; g_return_if_fail (inetaddr); g_return_if_fail (bytes); g_return_if_fail (length == 4 || length == 16); /* Save the port. If the family changes and it's location moves, it could be trashed. */ port = GNET_INETADDR_PORT(inetaddr); if (length == 4) GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) = AF_INET; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (length == 16) GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) = AF_INET6; #endif GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(inetaddr); memcpy (GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(inetaddr), bytes, length); GNET_INETADDR_PORT_SET(inetaddr, port); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_canonical_name: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Gets the canonical name of a #GInetAddr. An IPv4 canonical name * is a dotted decimal name (e.g., An IPv6 canonical * name is a semicoloned hexidecimal name (e.g., 23:de:ad:be:ef). * * Returns: the canonical name; NULL on error. * **/ gchar* gnet_inetaddr_get_canonical_name(const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { gchar buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; /* defined in netinet/in.h */ g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, NULL); if (inet_ntop(GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr), GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(inetaddr), buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) return NULL; return g_strdup(buffer); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_port: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Gets the port number of a #GInetAddr. * * Returns: the port number. */ gint gnet_inetaddr_get_port(const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail(inetaddr != NULL, -1); return (gint) g_ntohs(GNET_INETADDR_PORT(inetaddr)); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_set_port: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * @port: new port number * * Set the port number of a #GInetAddr. * **/ void gnet_inetaddr_set_port(const GInetAddr* inetaddr, gint port) { g_return_if_fail(inetaddr != NULL); GNET_INETADDR_PORT_SET(inetaddr, g_htons(port)); } /* **************************************** */ /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_canonical * @hostname: host name * * Checks if the host name is in canonical form. * * Returns: TRUE if @name is canonical; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_canonical (const gchar* name) { char buf[16]; g_return_val_if_fail (name, FALSE); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, name, buf) > 0) return TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 { if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, name, buf) > 0) return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_internet * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is a sensible internet address. This mean * it is not private, reserved, loopback, multicast, or broadcast. * * Note that private and loopback address are often valid addresses, * so this should only be used to check for general internet * connectivity. That is, if the address passes, it is reachable on * the internet. * * Returns: TRUE if the address is an internet address; FALSE * otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_internet (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail(inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (!gnet_inetaddr_is_private(inetaddr) && !gnet_inetaddr_is_reserved(inetaddr) && !gnet_inetaddr_is_loopback(inetaddr) && !gnet_inetaddr_is_multicast(inetaddr) && !gnet_inetaddr_is_broadcast(inetaddr)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_private * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is an address reserved for private * networks. For IPv4, this includes: * * - (10/8 prefix) * - (172.16/12 prefix) * - (192.168/16 prefix) * * (from RFC 1918. See also draft-manning-dsua-02.txt) * * For IPv6, this includes link local addresses (fe80::/64) and site * local addresses (fec0::/64). * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is private; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_private (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET) { guint32 addr; addr = GNET_INETADDR_SA4(inetaddr).sin_addr.s_addr; addr = g_ntohl(addr); if ((addr & 0xFF000000) == (10 << 24)) return TRUE; if ((addr & 0xFFF00000) == 0xAC100000) return TRUE; if ((addr & 0xFFFF0000) == 0xC0A80000) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&GNET_INETADDR_SA6(inetaddr).sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(&GNET_INETADDR_SA6(inetaddr).sin6_addr)) return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_reserved: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is reserved for some purpose. This * excludes addresses reserved for private networks. * * For IPv4, we check for: * (top 16 bits are 0's) * Class E (top 5 bits are 11110) * * For IPv6, we check for the 00000000 prefix. * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is reserved; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_reserved (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET) { guint32 addr; addr = GNET_INETADDR_SA4(inetaddr).sin_addr.s_addr; addr = g_ntohl(addr); if ((addr & 0xFFFF0000) == 0) return TRUE; if ((addr & 0xF8000000) == 0xF0000000) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET6) { guint32 high_addr; high_addr = GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(inetaddr, 0); high_addr = g_ntohl(high_addr); if ((high_addr & 0xFFFF0000) == 0) /* 0000 0000 prefix */ return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_loopback: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is a loopback address. The IPv4 loopback * addresses have the prefix The IPv6 loopback address * is ::1. * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is a loopback address; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_loopback (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET) { guint32 addr; addr = GNET_INETADDR_SA4(inetaddr).sin_addr.s_addr; addr = g_ntohl(addr); if ((addr & 0xFF000000) == (IN_LOOPBACKNET << 24)) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(&GNET_INETADDR_SA6(inetaddr).sin6_addr)) return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_multicast * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is a multicast address. IPv4 multicast * addresses are in the range to (ie, the * top four bits are 1110). IPv6 multicast addresses have the prefix * FF. * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is a multicast address; FALSE * otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_multicast (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET) { if (IN_MULTICAST(g_htonl(GNET_INETADDR_SA4(inetaddr).sin_addr.s_addr))) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&GNET_INETADDR_SA6(inetaddr).sin6_addr)) return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_broadcast * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is a broadcast address. The broadcast * address is (Network broadcast addresses are * network dependent.) * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is a broadcast address; FALSE * otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_broadcast (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET) { if (g_htonl(GNET_SOCKADDR_IN(inetaddr->sa).sin_addr.s_addr) == INADDR_BROADCAST) return TRUE; } /* There is no IPv6 broadcast address */ return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv4: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Checks if a #GInetAddr is an IPv4 address. * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is an IPv4 address; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv4 (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); return GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv6: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Check if a #GInetAddr is an IPv6 address. * * Returns: TRUE if @inetaddr is an IPv6 address; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv6 (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr != NULL, FALSE); #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 return GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr) == AF_INET6; #else return FALSE; #endif } /* **************************************** */ /** * gnet_inetaddr_hash: * @p: Pointer to an #GInetAddr. * * Creates a hash code for a #GInetAddr for use with GHashTable. * * Returns: the hash code for @p. * **/ guint gnet_inetaddr_hash (gconstpointer p) { const GInetAddr* ia; guint32 port; guint32 addr = 0; g_assert(p != NULL); ia = (const GInetAddr*) p; port = (guint32) g_ntohs(GNET_INETADDR_PORT(ia)); /* We do pay attention to network byte order just in case the hash result is saved or sent to a different host. */ if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in* sa_in = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia->sa; addr = g_ntohl(sa_in->sin_addr.s_addr); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) == AF_INET6) { addr = g_ntohl(GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia, 0)) ^ g_ntohl(GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia, 1)) ^ g_ntohl(GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia, 2)) ^ g_ntohl(GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia, 3)); } #endif else g_assert_not_reached(); return (port ^ addr); } /** * gnet_inetaddr_equal: * @p1: a #GInetAddr. * @p2: another #GInetAddr. * * Compares two #GInetAddr's for equality. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses * are always unequal. * * Returns: TRUE if they are equal; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_equal (gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2) { const GInetAddr* ia1 = (const GInetAddr*) p1; const GInetAddr* ia2 = (const GInetAddr*) p2; g_return_val_if_fail (p1, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (p2, FALSE); /* Note network byte order doesn't matter */ if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) != GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia2)) return FALSE; if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in* sa_in1 = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia1->sa; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in2 = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia2->sa; if ((sa_in1->sin_addr.s_addr == sa_in2->sin_addr.s_addr) && (sa_in1->sin_port == sa_in2->sin_port)) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6* sa_in1 = (struct sockaddr_in6*) &ia1->sa; struct sockaddr_in6* sa_in2 = (struct sockaddr_in6*) &ia2->sa; if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&sa_in1->sin6_addr, &sa_in2->sin6_addr) && (sa_in1->sin6_port == sa_in2->sin6_port)) return TRUE; } #endif else g_assert_not_reached(); return FALSE; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_noport_equal * @p1: a #GInetAddr * @p2: another #GInetAddr * * Compares two #GInetAddr's for equality, but does not compare the * port numbers. * * Returns: TRUE if they are equal; FALSE otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_noport_equal (gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2) { const GInetAddr* ia1 = (const GInetAddr*) p1; const GInetAddr* ia2 = (const GInetAddr*) p2; /* Note network byte order doesn't matter */ if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) != GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia2)) return FALSE; if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in* sa_in1 = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia1->sa; struct sockaddr_in* sa_in2 = (struct sockaddr_in*) &ia2->sa; if (sa_in1->sin_addr.s_addr == sa_in2->sin_addr.s_addr) return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia1) == AF_INET6) { if ((GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia1, 0) == GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia2, 0)) && (GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia1, 1) == GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia2, 1)) && (GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia1, 2) == GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia2, 2)) && (GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia1, 3) == GNET_INETADDR_ADDR32(ia2, 3))) return TRUE; } #endif else g_assert_not_reached(); return FALSE; } /* **************************************** */ /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_host_name: * * Gets the host's name. * * Returns: the name of the host; NULL on error. * **/ gchar* gnet_inetaddr_get_host_name (void) { gchar* name; #ifndef GNET_WIN32 struct utsname myname; GInetAddr* addr; /* Get system name */ if (uname(&myname) < 0) return NULL; /* Do forward lookup */ addr = gnet_inetaddr_new (myname.nodename, 0); if (!addr) return NULL; /* Do backwards lookup */ name = gnet_inetaddr_get_name (addr); if (!name) name = g_strdup (myname.nodename); gnet_inetaddr_delete (addr); #else name = g_new0(char, 256); if (gethostname(name, 256)) { g_free(name); return NULL; } #endif return name; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_host_addr: * * Get the host's address. * * Returns: the address of the host; NULL on error. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_get_host_addr (void) { gchar* name; GInetAddr* ia = NULL; name = gnet_inetaddr_get_host_name(); if (name != NULL) { ia = gnet_inetaddr_new(name, 0); g_free(name); } return ia; } /* **************************************** */ static GInetAddr* autodetect_internet_interface_ipv4 (void); static GInetAddr* autodetect_internet_interface_ipv6 (void); /** * gnet_inetaddr_autodetect_internet_interface * * Finds an interface likely to be connected to the internet. This * function can be used to automatically configure peer-to-peer * applications. The function relies on heuristics and does not * always work correctly, especially if the host is behind a NAT. * * Returns: an address of an internet interface; NULL if it couldn't * find one or on error. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_autodetect_internet_interface (void) { GInetAddr* iface = NULL; GIPv6Policy policy; policy = gnet_ipv6_get_policy(); switch (policy) { case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_THEN_IPV6: { iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv4(); if (iface) break; iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv6(); break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_THEN_IPV4: { iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv6(); if (iface) break; iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv4(); break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_ONLY: { iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv4(); break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_ONLY: { iface = autodetect_internet_interface_ipv6(); break; } } /* If that didn't work, return the first Internet interface. */ if (!iface) iface = gnet_inetaddr_get_internet_interface (); return iface; } static GInetAddr* autodetect_internet_interface_ipv4 (void) { GInetAddr* ia; GInetAddr* iface; /* First try to get the interface with a route to junglemonkey.net ( This uses the connected UDP socket method described by Stevens. It does not work on all systems. (see Stevens UNPv1 pp 231-3) */ ia = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock ("", 0); g_assert (ia); iface = gnet_inetaddr_get_interface_to (ia); gnet_inetaddr_delete (ia); /* We want an internet interface */ if (iface && gnet_inetaddr_is_internet(iface)) return iface; gnet_inetaddr_delete (iface); return NULL; } static GInetAddr* autodetect_internet_interface_ipv6 (void) { GInetAddr* ia; GInetAddr* iface; /* Try IPv6 using kame.net's address */ ia = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock("3FFE:501:4819:2000:210:F3FF:FE03:4D0", 0); g_assert (ia); iface = gnet_inetaddr_get_interface_to (ia); gnet_inetaddr_delete (ia); /* We want an internet interface */ if (iface && gnet_inetaddr_is_internet(iface)) return iface; gnet_inetaddr_delete (iface); return NULL; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_interface_to: * @inetaddr: a #GInetAddr * * Figures out which local interface would be used to send a packet * to @inetaddr. This works on some systems, but not others. We * recommend using gnet_inetaddr_autodetect_internet_interface() to * find an Internet interface since it's more likely to work. * * Returns: the address of an interface used to route packets to * @inetaddr; NULL if there is no such interface or the system does * not support this check. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_get_interface_to (const GInetAddr* inetaddr) { SOCKET sockfd; struct sockaddr_storage myaddr; socklen_t len; GInetAddr* iface; g_return_val_if_fail (inetaddr, NULL); sockfd = socket (GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(inetaddr), SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (!GNET_IS_SOCKET_VALID(sockfd)) { g_warning ("socket() failed"); return NULL; } if (connect (sockfd, &GNET_INETADDR_SA(inetaddr), GNET_INETADDR_LEN(inetaddr)) == -1) { GNET_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); return NULL; } len = sizeof (myaddr); if (getsockname (sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &myaddr, &len) != 0) { GNET_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); return NULL; } iface = g_new0 (GInetAddr, 1); iface->ref_count = 1; iface->sa = myaddr; return iface; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_get_internet_interface * * Finds an internet interface. This function finds the first * interface that is an internet address. IPv6 policy is followed. * * This function does not work on some systems. We recommend using * gnet_inetaddr_autodetect_internet_interface(), which performs * additional checks. * * Returns: the address of an internet interface; NULL if no internet * interfaces or on error. * **/ GInetAddr* gnet_inetaddr_get_internet_interface (void) { GList* interfaces; GList* i; GInetAddr* ipv4_addr = NULL; GInetAddr* ipv6_addr = NULL; GInetAddr* iface = NULL; GIPv6Policy policy; /* Get a list of interfaces */ interfaces = gnet_inetaddr_list_interfaces (); if (interfaces == NULL) return NULL; /* Find the first IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces */ for (i = interfaces; i != NULL; i = i->next) { GInetAddr* ia; ia = (GInetAddr*) i->data; if (gnet_inetaddr_is_internet (ia)) { if (ipv4_addr == NULL && gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv4 (ia)) ipv4_addr = ia; else if (ipv6_addr == NULL && gnet_inetaddr_is_ipv6 (ia)) ipv6_addr = ia; } } /* Choose one based on policy */ policy = gnet_ipv6_get_policy(); switch (policy) { case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_THEN_IPV6: { if (ipv4_addr) iface = ipv4_addr; else iface = ipv6_addr; break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_THEN_IPV4: { if (ipv6_addr) iface = ipv6_addr; else iface = ipv4_addr; break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV4_ONLY: { iface = ipv4_addr; break; } case GIPV6_POLICY_IPV6_ONLY: { iface = ipv6_addr; break; } } /* Copy the interface */ if (iface != NULL) iface = gnet_inetaddr_clone (iface); /* Delete the interface list */ for (i = interfaces; i != NULL; i = i->next) gnet_inetaddr_delete ((GInetAddr*) i->data); g_list_free (interfaces); return iface; } /** * gnet_inetaddr_is_internet_domainname: * @name: name * * Checks if a name is a sensible internet domain name. This * function uses heuristics. It does not use DNS and will not block. * For example, "localhost" and "" are not sensible * internet domain names. ( is a network address, but not * accessible to the internet at large.) * * Returns: TRUE if @name is a sensible Internet domain name; FALSE * otherwise. * **/ gboolean gnet_inetaddr_is_internet_domainname (const gchar* name) { GInetAddr* addr; g_return_val_if_fail (name, FALSE); /* The name can't be localhost or localhost.localdomain */ if (!strcmp(name, "localhost") || !strcmp(name, "localhost.localdomain")) { return FALSE; } /* The name must have a dot in it */ if (!strchr(name, '.')) { return FALSE; } /* If it's dotted decimal, make sure it's valid */ addr = gnet_inetaddr_new_nonblock (name, 0); if (addr) { gboolean rv; rv = gnet_inetaddr_is_internet (addr); gnet_inetaddr_delete (addr); if (!rv) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* **************************************** */ #ifndef GNET_WIN32 /* Unix specific version */ /** * gnet_inetaddr_list_interfaces * * Gets a list of #GInetAddr interfaces's on this host. This list * includes all "up" Internet interfaces and the loopback interface, * if it exists. * * On Windows if you do not have IPv6 installed then this function * will return up to 10 interfaces. * * This function may not work on some systems. * * Returns: A list of #GInetAddr's representing available interfaces. * The caller should delete the list and the addresses. * **/ GList* gnet_inetaddr_list_interfaces (void) { GList* list = NULL; /* Use USAGI project's getifaddr() if available. */ #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_NETLINK_H # define HAVE_GETIFADDRS 1 # define getifaddrs usagi_getifaddrs # define freeifaddrs usagi_freeifaddrs #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETIFADDRS int rv; struct ifaddrs* ifs; struct ifaddrs* i; rv = getifaddrs (&ifs); if (rv != 0) return NULL; for (i = ifs; i != NULL; i = i->ifa_next) { struct sockaddr* sa; void* src; size_t len; GInetAddr* ia; /* Skip if not up or is loopback */ if (!(i->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) || (i->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) continue; /* Skip if no address */ if (!i->ifa_addr) continue; /* Get address, or skip if not IPv4 or IPv6 */ sa = (struct sockaddr*) i->ifa_addr; if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) { src = (void*) &((struct sockaddr_in*) sa)->sin_addr; len = sizeof(struct in_addr); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) { src = (char*) &((struct sockaddr_in6*) sa)->sin6_addr; len = sizeof(struct in6_addr); } #endif else continue; ia = g_new0 (GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) = sa->sa_family; GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); memcpy(GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(ia), src, len); list = g_list_prepend (list, ia); } freeifaddrs (ifs); #else /* Old-fashioned IPv4-only method */ gint len, lastlen; gchar* buf; gchar* ptr; gint sockfd; struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq* ifr; /* Create a dummy socket */ sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (!GNET_IS_SOCKET_VALID(sockfd)) return NULL; len = 8 * sizeof(struct ifreq); lastlen = 0; /* Get the list of interfaces. We might have to try multiple times if there are a lot of interfaces. */ while(1) { buf = g_new0(gchar, len); ifc.ifc_len = len; ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { /* Might have failed because our buffer was too small */ if (errno != EINVAL || lastlen != 0) { g_free(buf); return NULL; } } else { /* Break if we got all the interfaces */ if (ifc.ifc_len == lastlen) break; lastlen = ifc.ifc_len; } /* Did not allocate big enough buffer - try again */ len += 8 * sizeof(struct ifreq); g_free(buf); } /* Create the list. Stevens has a much more complex way of doing this, but his is probably much more correct portable. */ for (ptr = buf; ptr < (buf + ifc.ifc_len); #ifdef HAVE_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN ptr += sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len #else ptr += sizeof(struct ifreq) #endif ) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; int rv; GInetAddr* ia; ifr = (struct ifreq*) ptr; /* Ignore non-AF_INET */ if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET) { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET6) #endif continue; } /* Save the address - the next call will clobber it */ memcpy(&addr, &ifr->ifr_addr, sizeof(addr)); /* Get the flags */ rv = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, ifr); if (rv == -1) continue; /* Ignore entries that aren't up or loopback. Someday we'll write an interface structure and include this stuff. */ if (!(ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_UP) || (ifr->ifr_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) continue; /* Create an InetAddr for this one and add it to our list */ ia = g_new0 (GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; ia->sa = addr; list = g_list_prepend (list, ia); } g_free (buf); #endif list = g_list_reverse (list); return list; } #else /* GNET_WIN32 Windows specific version */ GList* gnet_inetaddr_list_interfaces (void) { GList* list; SOCKET s; int wsError; DWORD bytesReturned; SOCKADDR_IN* pAddrInet; u_long SetFlags; INTERFACE_INFO localAddr[10]; /* Assumes there will be no more than 10 IP interfaces */ int numLocalAddr; int i; struct sockaddr_storage addr; GInetAddr *ia; /*SOCKADDR_IN* pAddrInet2; */ /* For testing */ PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_GNET gaa_struct, p_aa; PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS_GNET p_ua; ULONG out_len; DWORD gaa_rv; void* src; size_t len; struct sockaddr* sa; list = NULL; /* IPv6 codepath begin */ if (pfn_getaddaptersaddresses) { /* first call fails but returns needed buffer size */ out_len = 0; gaa_struct = NULL; pfn_getaddaptersaddresses( AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_FRIENDLY_NAME | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST, NULL, gaa_struct, &out_len); gaa_struct = (PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_GNET)malloc(out_len); gaa_rv = pfn_getaddaptersaddresses( AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_INCLUDE_PREFIX | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_FRIENDLY_NAME |GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST, NULL, gaa_struct, &out_len); if (gaa_rv != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; p_aa = gaa_struct; while (p_aa) { p_ua = p_aa->FirstUnicastAddress; while (p_ua) { if (p_ua->Address.lpSockaddr) { sa = (struct sockaddr*) p_ua->Address.lpSockaddr; if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) { src = (void*) &((struct sockaddr_in*) sa)->sin_addr; len = sizeof(struct in_addr); } else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) { src = (char*) &((struct sockaddr_in6*) sa)->sin6_addr; len = sizeof(struct in6_addr); } else { p_ua = p_ua->Next; continue; } ia = g_new0 (GInetAddr, 1); ia->ref_count = 1; GNET_INETADDR_FAMILY(ia) = sa->sa_family; GNET_INETADDR_SET_SS_LEN(ia); memcpy(GNET_INETADDR_ADDRP(ia), src, len); if (gnet_inetaddr_is_loopback(ia)) { g_free(ia); } else { list = g_list_prepend (list, ia); } } p_ua = p_ua->Next; } p_aa = p_aa->Next; } free(gaa_struct); return list; } /* IPv6 codepath end */ if((s = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, NULL, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { return NULL; } /* Enumerate all IP interfaces */ wsError = WSAIoctl(s, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST, NULL, 0, &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr), &bytesReturned, NULL, NULL); if (wsError == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(s); return NULL; } closesocket(s); /* Display interface information */ numLocalAddr = (bytesReturned/sizeof(INTERFACE_INFO)); for (i=0; isa, &addr, sizeof(addr)); ia->ref_count = 1; list = g_list_prepend(list, ia); } } return list; } #endif /* end Windows specific gnet_inetaddr_list_interfaces */