/* GnomePaper * Copyright (C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation * All rights reserved. * * Author: Dirk Luetjens * a few code snippets taken from libpaper written by * Yves Arrouye * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* @NOTATION@ */ #include "libgnomeP.h" struct _GnomePaper { char* name; double pswidth, psheight; double lmargin, tmargin, rmargin, bmargin; }; struct _GnomeUnit { char* name; char* unit; float factor; }; static const GnomeUnit units[] = { /* XXX does anyone *really* measure paper size in feet? meters? */ /* human name, abreviation, points per unit */ { "Feet", "ft", 864 }, { "Meter", "m", 2834.6457 }, { "Decimeter", "dm", 283.46457 }, { "Millimeter", "mm", 2.8346457 }, { "Point", "pt", 1. }, { "Centimeter", "cm", 28.346457 }, { "Inch", "in", 72 }, { 0 } }; static GList* paper_list = NULL; static GList* unit_list = NULL; static GList* paper_name_list = NULL; static GList* unit_name_list = NULL; /** * paper_init: initialize paper data structures * **/ static void paper_init (void) { void *config_iterator; gchar *name, *size; GnomePaper *paper; const GnomeUnit *unit; char *str; gnome_config_push_prefix (NULL); config_iterator = gnome_config_init_iterator("="GNOMESYSCONFDIR"/paper.config=/Paper/"); gnome_config_pop_prefix (); if (!config_iterator) return; while ((config_iterator = gnome_config_iterator_next(config_iterator, &name, &size))) { paper = g_new (GnomePaper, 1); paper->name = name; g_strdelimit (size, "{},", ' '); paper->pswidth = g_strtod (size, &str); paper->psheight = g_strtod (str, &str); paper->lmargin = g_strtod (str, &str); paper->tmargin = g_strtod (str, &str); paper->rmargin = g_strtod (str, &str); paper->bmargin = g_strtod (str, NULL); g_free(size); paper_list = g_list_prepend(paper_list, paper); paper_name_list = g_list_prepend(paper_name_list, paper->name); } for (unit=units; unit->name; unit++) { unit_list = g_list_prepend(unit_list, (gpointer) unit); unit_name_list = g_list_prepend(unit_name_list, unit->name); } } static int paper_name_compare (const GnomePaper* a, const gchar *b) { return (g_strcasecmp(a->name, b)); } static int unit_name_compare (const GnomeUnit* a, const gchar *b) { return (g_strcasecmp(a->name, b)); } static int unit_abbrev_compare (const GnomeUnit *a, const gchar *b) { return (g_strcasecmp(a->unit, b)); } /** * gnome_paper_name_list: get internal list of paper specifications * * grants access to the hardcoded internal list of paper specifications * * Returns: internal list of paper specifications **/ const GList* gnome_paper_name_list (void) { if (!paper_name_list) paper_init(); return paper_name_list; } /** * gnome_paper_with_name: get paper specification by name * @papername: human name of desired paper type * * searches internal list of paper sizes, searching * for one with the name 'papername' * * Returns: paper specification with given name, or NULL **/ const GnomePaper* gnome_paper_with_name (const gchar *papername) { GList *l; if (!paper_list) paper_init(); l = g_list_find_custom (paper_list, (gpointer) papername, (GCompareFunc)paper_name_compare); return l ? l->data : NULL; } /** * gnome_paper_with_size: create paper specification with size * @pswidth: width of paper * @psheight: height of paper * * create a custom paper type with given dimensions * * Returns: paper specification **/ const GnomePaper* gnome_paper_with_size (double pswidth, double psheight) { GList *l = paper_list; GnomePaper *pp; if (!paper_list) paper_init(); while (l) { pp = l->data; if (pp->pswidth == pswidth && pp->psheight == psheight) return pp; l = l->next; } return NULL; } /** * gnome_paper_name_default: get the name of the default paper * * Returns: human readable name for default paper type **/ const gchar* gnome_paper_name_default(void) { static gchar *systempapername = "a4"; return systempapername; } /** * gnome_paper_name: get name of paper * @paper: paper specification * * * * Returns: human readable name for paper type **/ const gchar* gnome_paper_name (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, NULL); return paper->name; } /** * gnome_paper_pswidth: get width of paper * @paper: paper specification * * returns the width of the paper, including the margins * * Returns: width of paper (in points) **/ gdouble gnome_paper_pswidth (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->pswidth; } /** * gnome_paper_psheight: get height of paper * @paper: paper specification * * returns the height of the paper, including the margins * * Returns: height of paper (in points) **/ gdouble gnome_paper_psheight (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->psheight; } /** * gnome_paper_lmargin: get size of left margin * @paper: paper specification * * * * Returns: paper specification **/ gdouble gnome_paper_lmargin (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->lmargin; } /** * gnome_paper_tmargin: get size of top margin * @paper: paper specification * * * * Returns: size of top margin (in points) **/ gdouble gnome_paper_tmargin (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->tmargin; } /** * gnome_paper_rmargin: get size of right margin * @paper: paper specification * * * * Returns: size of right margin (in points) **/ gdouble gnome_paper_rmargin (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->rmargin; } /** * gnome_paper_bmargin: get size of bottom margin * @paper: paper specification * * * * Returns: size of bottom margin (in points) **/ gdouble gnome_paper_bmargin (const GnomePaper *paper) { g_return_val_if_fail(paper, 0.0); return paper->bmargin; } /** * gnome_unit_name_list: get internal list of units * * grants access to the hardcoded internal list * of units * * Returns: internal list of units **/ const GList* gnome_unit_name_list (void) { if (!unit_name_list) paper_init(); return unit_name_list; } /** * gnome_unit_with_name: get Unit by name * @unitname: name of desired unit * * searches internal list of units, searching * for one with the name 'unitname' * * Returns: Unit with given name or NULL **/ const GnomeUnit * gnome_unit_with_name (const gchar *unitname) { GList *l; if (!unit_list) paper_init(); l = g_list_find_custom (unit_list, (gpointer) unitname, (GCompareFunc)unit_name_compare); return l ? l->data : NULL; } /** * gnome_unit_with_abbrev: get Unit by name * @unitname: name of desired unit * * searches internal list of units, searching * for one with the name 'unitname' * * Returns: Unit with given name or NULL **/ const GnomeUnit * gnome_unit_with_abbrev (const gchar *abbreviation) { GList *l; if (!unit_list) paper_init(); l = g_list_find_custom (unit_list, (gpointer) abbreviation, (GCompareFunc)unit_abbrev_compare); return l ? l->data : NULL; } /** * gnome_unit_name: get name of unit * @unit: unit name * * * * Returns: human readable name for unit **/ const gchar* gnome_unit_name (const GnomeUnit *unit) { g_return_val_if_fail(unit != NULL, NULL); return unit->name; } /** * gnome_unit_abbrev: get abbreviation of unit * @unit: unit name * * * * Returns: abbreviated name for unit **/ const gchar* gnome_unit_abbrev (const GnomeUnit *unit) { g_return_val_if_fail(unit != NULL, NULL); return unit->unit; } /** * gnome_paper_convert: convert from points to other units * @psvalue: value in points * @unit: unit to convert to * * converts from value represented in points * to value represented in given units. * * Returns: value in given units **/ double gnome_paper_convert (double psvalue, const GnomeUnit *unit) { g_return_val_if_fail (unit, psvalue); g_return_val_if_fail (unit->factor, psvalue); return psvalue / unit->factor; } /** * gnome_paper_convert_to_points: convert from other units to points. * @othervalue: value in points * @unit: unit to convert to * * Needed for gnome-paper-selector. * converts from value represented in points * to value represented in given units. * * Returns: value in points **/ double gnome_paper_convert_to_points (double othervalue, const GnomeUnit *unit) { g_return_val_if_fail (unit, othervalue); return othervalue * unit->factor; } /** * gnome_unit_convert: convert from one set of units to another * @value: the value in the `from' units * @from: the unit to convert from * @to: the unit to convert to * * Convert from one set of units to another set. * * Returns: the value in the `to' units **/ double gnome_unit_convert (double othervalue, const GnomeUnit *from, const GnomeUnit *to) { g_return_val_if_fail (from != NULL, othervalue); g_return_val_if_fail (to != NULL, othervalue); g_return_val_if_fail (to->factor != 0, othervalue); return othervalue * from->factor / to->factor; }