**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 OpenIntents.org * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * **************************************************************************** OpenIntents defines and implements open interfaces for improved interoperability of Android applications. To obtain the current release, visit http://www.openintents.org --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.9.0 date: 2008-09-05 - upgrade to Android SDK 0.9. - updated Sensors class to SensorManager and SensorListener --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.7 date: 2008-04-19 new features: - added new activity to insert default locations, news feeds, and an mp3 at program start (issue #91, 97, 125) - added copyright notice for maps and shopping list font (issue #106) changes: bug fixes: - shopping list - add alert shows tag (issue #115) - alert bug fixes (issues #92, 94, 113, 114, 120, 121) - shopping list bug fixes (issues #107, 115, 119) - Magnolia tagging bug fixes (issues #101, 102) --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.6 date: 2008-04-09 - FavoriteLocations sample application removed, its functionality moved into the core. - Base issues fixed (issues #61, 62, 90, 98) - Improved locations, extras for locations, distance to current location, copyright notice (issues #56, 60, 72, 86, 88, 89, 95) - Renamed ContentBrowser in TagBrowser, and several issues fixed (issues #17, 25, 29, 30, 42, 71, 73, 74, 79, 81, 99, 100) - Shopping list: Added GTalk support, themes, and location alert (issues #20, 65, 66). --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.5 date: 2008-03-28 new features: - support for bolt ( http://code.google.com/p/android-bolt/ ). (issue #36) - new Media player and Media browser for audio and video, internal and from SD card. (issue #59) - Content browser: - MultiWordAutoComplete widget for tagging. - ContextMenu (issue #22) - Tag Cloud (issue #31) - new (alpha) Alert Framework. changes: - NewsreaderServiceSettings moved to core. - 'List of tags' and 'add tag' merged (issue #57). bug fixes: - Magnolia updated. - Locations updated (issues #5, 9, 10, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58) - Add location alert. - Extras for locations. - SensorSimulator testing pane: issues resolved (issues #43, 46). --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.4 date: 2008-03-12 for: Android SDK m5-rc15 new features: - unit testing with Android-Positron. - JavaDoc. - Shopping list PICK_ACTION added (issue #20). - SensorSimulator Settings (tab Testing) now supports sensor update rates. bug fixes: - GPS access permissions set correctly (issues #32, 38). - Content browser list sizes adapted, bugs fixed (issues #14, 15, 19, 21). - SensorSimulator Settings saves IP and socket settings on leaving (issue #39). --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.3 date: 2008-02-24 for: Android SDK m5-rc14 new features: - Update to Android SDK m5. - Content browser implemented. - New icons in the new Android style. - Visual appearance of applications (shopping list) and menus adjusted. - Main view of OpenIntents is an icon grid on tabs. This replaces the plain activity list. --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.2 date: 2008-01-28 for: Android SDK m3-rc37a new features: - SensorSimulator - tools/SensorSimulator: standalone Java application - connect through SensorSimulatorView - set global connection settings - test connection to SensorSimulator - samples/OpenGLSensors - Displays pyramid that always points up, regardless how you hold the phone. - Works with accelerometer and orientation sensor. - Displays bar magnet for compass sensor. --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.1 date: 2008-01-07 for: Android SDK m3-rc37a new features: - ShoppingList - add items to list - mark items (displayed as strike-through) - clean up list (remove marked items) - create new list - delete list known issues: - no automatic scrolling for very long shopping lists --------------------------------------------------------- release: 0.1.0 date: 2007-12-19 for: Android SDK m3-rc37a features: - LocationsProvider - TagsProvider - TagView for OpenIntent.TAG action use cases: - view locations: 1) select "show locations" 2) add current location to database (using menu) - view and add tags 1) select "show tags" 2) enter tag and content in text fields (or select tag from list of content) 3) click "add" - use OpenIntent.TAG 1) create a new application, import OpenIntents-n-n-n.jar 2) create an Intent with action = OpenIntent.TAG and uri = Tags.CONTENT_URI 3) add content to Intent using putExtrag(Tags.QUERY_URI, myContentToTag) 4) startSubActivity using the Intent 5) return code is Activity.RESULT_OK if a tag has been added to the myContentToTag know issues: - LocationsProvider: remove location from database not possible. - TagsProvider: remove tags and content from database not possible.