@echo off echo Making some environment settings echo -------------------------------- rem set QTDIR=%QTDIR%_static ::set QTDIR=C:\Programmierung\qt.4.4.3_gpl_static set QTDIR=F:\Qt\qt.4.4.3_gpl_static set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Programme\Informat\MingW\bin;D:\Programme\Tools\7-Zip set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;C:\Programmierung\MingW\bin;%PATH%;C:\Programme\7-Zip set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\System32 set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++ echo Done. echo. set warningsoccurred=false echo Calling qmake echo ------------- qmake IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Calling make release echo -------------------- make release >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Delete old release dir and create new one echo ----------------------------------------- rmdir UniversalIndentGUI_win32 /S /Q IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR md UniversalIndentGUI_win32 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR cd UniversalIndentGUI_win32 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR md translations IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR md indenters IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR md doc IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR cd doc md images IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR cd .. md config IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR cd .. echo Done. echo. echo Copying the indenter executables and example file to the release indenters dir echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR %%A IN ( astyle.exe, astyle.html, bcpp.exe, bcpp.txt, csstidy.exe, gc.exe, gc.txt, indent.exe, libiconv-2.dll, libintl-2.dll, indent.html, JsDecoder.js, perltidy, PerlTidyLib.pm, phpStylist.php, phpStylist.txt, rbeautify.rb, ruby_formatter.rb, shellindent.awk, tidy.exe, tidy.html, uncrustify.exe, uncrustify.txt, xmlindent.exe, xmlindent.txt ) DO ( if not exist .\indenters\%%A ( echo WARNING!! File .\indenters\%%A not found! set warningsoccurred=true ) else ( copy .\indenters\%%A .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\indenters\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR ) ) echo Done. echo. echo Copying the indenter example files to the release indenters dir echo --------------------------------------------------------------- copy .\indenters\example.* .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\indenters\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Copying the indenter uigui ini files to the release indenters dir echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- copy .\indenters\uigui_*.ini .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\indenters\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Copying the default highlighter ini files to the release config dir echo ------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR %%A IN ( UiGuiSyntaxHighlightConfig.ini ) DO ( if not exist .\config\%%A ( echo File .\config\%%A not found! goto ERROR ) copy .\config\%%A .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\config\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR ) echo Done. echo. echo Copying some other files (README, CHANGELOG etc) echo ------------------------------------------------ FOR %%A IN ( CHANGELOG.txt, LICENSE.GPL, INSTALL.txt, readme.html ) DO ( if not exist .\%%A ( echo File .\%%A not found! goto ERROR ) copy .\%%A .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR ) echo Done. echo. echo Copying the translation files to the release translation dir echo ------------------------------------------------------------ copy .\translations\*.qm .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\translations\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Copying doc and UniversalIndentGUI.exe to release dir echo ----------------------------------------------------- copy .\doc\iniFileFormat.html .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\doc\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR copy .\doc\images\* .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\doc\images\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR copy .\release\UniversalIndentGUI.exe .\UniversalIndentGUI_win32\ >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR echo Done. echo. echo Packing the whole release dir content echo ------------------------------------- cd UniversalIndentGUI_win32 7z.exe a -tzip UniversalIndentGUI_1.0.2_win32.zip >NUL IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERROR cd .. echo Done. echo. :SUCCESS echo Everything completed successfull! IF "%warningsoccurred%" == "true" echo "===> But there were some warnings. Please have a look." goto END :ERROR echo. echo Something during the above step went wrong! See output error message, if any. goto END :END pause