Yvon Tanguy
2012-12-16 19:16:57 UTC
Revision ID:
Bug fixed, in both releases.
- Fix crash when unselecting a main DB in the download activity
- Fix a double crash, if the learn writing activity crash: Android start the learn writing menu activity, without init (Common.init())
- Fix double display of english language in online dictionary activity, when selecting languages.
- Cukcake: Better white on black menu. But there is layout problems for android 1.5 & 1.6....
- Simpler preferences migration code.
- DictionaryOnlineActivity: Fix service id change between 2 install, which leads to a crash (resource not found)
- DictionaryOnlineActivity: Restore android default user agent, instead of Firefox 17 on Ubuntu...
- DictionaryBase: set a request focus on the edit text, when started.