by Xavier Danaux
Implemented the icon set selection mechanism |
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%% start of file `moderncviconsletters.sty'.
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%% Copyright 2013-2013 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com).
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% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
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% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
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% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.
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% identification
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\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} |
by Xavier Danaux
Release 1.4.0 |
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\ProvidesPackage{moderncviconsmarvosym}[2013/03/28 v1.4.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter icons: letters] |
by Xavier Danaux
Implemented the icon set selection mechanism |
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% required packages
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% MarVoSym font
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\newcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{} |
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% \renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontspec{MarVoSym}\char#1}}
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\renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontfamily{mvs}\fontencoding{U}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont\char#1}} |
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% symbols definition
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by Xavier Danaux
Added a command to showcase social accounts |
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\renewcommand*{\labelitemi} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\marvosymbol{123}}} % equivalent to \Neutral from marvosym package; alternative: \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{ding}\selectfont\tiny\symbol{'102} |
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%\renewcommand*{\labelitemii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\bfseries-}} % no change from default in moderncv.cls
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%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\rmfamily\textperiodcentered}}% no change from default in moderncv.cls
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%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiv} {\labelitemiii} % no change from default in moderncv.cls
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\renewcommand*{\addresssymbol} {} |
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\renewcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{M}}~}% 1em is the width of the M capital in most fonts |
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\renewcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{T}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\faxphonesymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{F}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\emailsymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{E}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\homepagesymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{W}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol}{\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{in}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{tw}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol} {\hbox to 1.1em{\textbf{gh}}~} |
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\renewcommand*{\listitemsymbol} {\labelitemi~} |
by Xavier Danaux
Implemented the icon set selection mechanism |
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\endinput |
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%% end of file `moderncviconsletters.sty'.