NOTE: This file isn't really used any more and is sort of just hanging around. Half of it doesn't apply any more. Consider it stored for archival purposes. Just testing SVN really. Found the most useless file I could to change... ------------------------- There are something which don't have complete documentation, or features that aren't completly finnished. Here is a little bit of information about them... There are some new commands that have been added... ROUND_CONSOLE MESSAGE_5 ROUND_CONSOLE MESSAGE_4 ROUND_CONSOLE MESSAGE_3 ROUND_CONSOLE MESSAGE_2 ROUND_CONSOLE MESSAGE_1 ROUND_CENTER_MESSAGE MESSAGE_OF_DAY_5 They need to have some help written up for them, probably not a bad idea to add to config files either. The instant winzone has been changed into an instant deathzone, this needs a switch of some sort, and some more help to go with it. Very primitive completly different remote admin has been added consiting of like 5 commands... ul - User List ku - Kick User # cm - Center Message com - Console Message say - Say The password is currently hard coded to "setpwd" we need to make that a variable. These commands are used by typing in game chat I've been trying to tie this into the standard console commands for a while with no luck, stupid iostreams... Been working on some HUD ideas... It's clunky and takes up half the "Say:" bar, we may want to avoid this somehow, get it streamlined some or something... Currently displays your name, your score, highscore, fps, ping, rubber*100, location, and enimies left alive. Refreshes some parts every second to save on CPU or something like that... In tString I've been working on the formatting with the 0x bits displacing things, hopefully we can fix that display issue, or at worst, disable that feature until it is fixed. Also the scoretable has undergone some repair work, the above being part of that. Also, the text file output has greater spacing or something like that, and a new column to show if someone is alive or dead has been added. That needs the appropriate fill-ins in the language files. New (040609): Added options to language file... There was also a small issue with killing teamates to get points, this has been fixed, but still needs the language file addins. Finally, to the best of everyone's enjoyment, spam protection has done some work on it. It now remembers the last twelve things you have said and the game time you said them at. If you say the same things in 5 seconds, it is ignored until the 5 seconds are up. (On a side note, issues have been observed with pings being unaccurate on servers with a long period of up time. This may be due to the game clock wrapping around maybe? Also, there apear to be some issues with the silence menu not working at some times which should be checked into. And with the HUD someone (name escapes me at this moment) has done some graphical work and has managed to figure out speed.) RIGHT! I'm 90% sure that's all I've changed... Hope it looks good! Edit: Argh! Keep forgetting things! There are several name based cheats/exploits we need to fix. These would include the "has entered the game" exploit and the talk as someone else exploit. Edit (040609): We gotta remember for that any new console config items we add, we have to add help descriptors too... -------------------