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Viewing changes to meeting_notes/Meeting_Log_01042011.html

  • Committer: Toast McFarland
  • Date: 2011-01-08 00:17:00 UTC
  • Revision ID: daimoneze@gmail.com-20110108001700-mp6udvx6g6co6nad
Added current meeting_notes foler.

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Lines of Context:
[19:45] * Now talking in #osdf
b"<br/><br/>[19:45] * Topic is 'The Open Source Democracy Foundation || http://www.theosdf.org | http://reddit.com/r/rpac'"
b'<br/><br/>[19:45] * Topic set by moparx on Monday, 06 December 2010 at 23:49:03'
b'<br/><br/>[19:45] * Statistics: 2 Ops, 6 Users (Total: 8)'
b'<br/><br/>[19:45] * ChanServ sets mode +o legendairy'
b"<br/><br/>[19:45] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> hey legendairy"
b"<br/><br/>[19:45] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> Hey, how's it going?"
b"<br/><br/>[19:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> Not too bad."
b"<br/><br/>[19:48] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> Cool, cool."
b'<br/><br/>[20:42] * zeto28 (~spamtest@p3EE29E8F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #osdf'
b"<br/><br/>[20:52] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> hey everyone"
b"<br/><br/>[20:52] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> we'll get started in about 10 mins"
b"<br/><br/>[20:55] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> pardonmyfranton: reminder - you wanted to talk about a podcast tonight."
b"<br/><br/>[20:55] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> haha, thank you!"
b"<br/><br/>[20:56] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> okay, tell me what you guys think..."
b"<br/><br/>[20:56] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I have a document with all of our annoucements"
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast&gt;</span> whoa, what's happening?"
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast&gt;</span> oh, and hi all. Happy new year."
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I could give you guys all the link and you wouldn't have to wait to read what I cut/paste"
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> (and I'd include the text of the doc on the the logs"
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> )"
b"<br/><br/>[20:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> or just do it our normal way"
b"<br/><br/>[20:58] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> on the one hand, it'd be easier to just read direct from the link... on the other hand, cut/paste ensures everyone is on the same page- I could go either way"
b"<br/><br/>[20:58] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I'll just cut/paste"
b'<br/><br/>[21:02] * biblianthrope (4394329e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #osdf'
b"<br/><br/>[21:02] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> here's a question: do you guys still find these meetings useful?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:02] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> It's the best way to get everyone in one place."
b"<br/><br/>[21:02] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> we've just had a couple of holidays... it's kind of hard to determine usefulless or lack-thereof immediately after holidays"
b"<br/><br/>[21:03] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> agreed"
b"<br/><br/>[21:03] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> but as opposed to sending a link and saying: here's everything we're doing!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:03] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I just want to make sure no one ever feels like their time is being wasted"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> i don't like irc for several reasons, but i think it might be the best we have at this point.  for the current task of connecting people all over the continent, anyway"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> I don't think we are wasting time."
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> in true open-source fashion, if people's times were being wasted, they'd just stop showing up :-)"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> haha, true"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> that is true"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> kind of a sad way to go out, though"
b"<br/><br/>[21:04] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> Tuesday @ 6pm...crickets"
b"<br/><br/>[21:05] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> okay, speaking of not wasting time, let's get started"
b"<br/><br/>[21:05] * moparx has changed the topic to 'The Open Source Democracy Foundation || http://theosdf.org | http://reddit.com/r/rpac | [MEETING IN PROGRESS]'"
b"<br/><br/>[21:05] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> Google doc of announcements: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShT_AHGRnA8Tu-lGOPbBTxw7P30wINyT1uqzvMl0Wnw/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJnfuIAN"
b"<br/><br/>[21:05] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> Welcome! This discussion is moderated. While we don't want to make it all about the rules and procedure we do ask you follow some simple guidelines. When you wish to speak please type: !!! I'll be the moderator. Please wait for me to select you to speak. When you are done please type: +++ To keep things moving along and the meeting productive we ask you follow these simple steps."
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I want to catch everyone up to speed.  We\xe2\x80\x99re going to be busy:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 1) We have an album fundraiser going on: http://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/evkps/compile_from_source_2011_a_musical_interweb/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 2) We\xe2\x80\x99ve started Round 2 of our Logo Proposals: http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/OSDF_Graphic_Resources"
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 3) Starting next week, we\xe2\x80\x99re going to start making and sending Valentines to Al Franken and a TBD Republican Rep: http://forum.theosdf.org/index.php?topic=17.0"
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 4) I\xe2\x80\x99m talking to Free Press on Thursday to see what our next move will be: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpac/comments/ewb94/the_osdf_is_talking_with_free_press_this_week/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:06] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 5) There is a lot more content on the Wiki: http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page ...Including names and experience of everyone who\xe2\x80\x99s volunteered:http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Volunteer_Contact_Info  If you like to get in contact with anyone, shoot and email to volunteer@theosdf.org and we\xe2\x80\x99ll put people in touch."
b"<br/><br/>[21:07] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 6) We\xe2\x80\x99re going to start up a (probably bi-monthly) podcast.  David is going to be heading that up.  I'll ask David to share after annoucements."
b"<br/><br/>[21:07] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 7) On Friday, myself and perhaps a few others are going to have a conversation with National Field to see if their system could maybe fit our needs: http://nationalfield.org/product/  We would definitely like to get everything on one interface."
b"<br/><br/>[21:07] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> He\xe2\x80\x99ll be following up with me tomorrow with more detailed plans: http://forum.theosdf.org/index.php?topic=16.0"
b"<br/><br/>[21:07] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> ooops: 8) Alex, the head of our IRL/College organizing is putting together organizers for schools and regions."
b"<br/><br/>[21:08] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 9) Our Policy Team is getting rolling for the new year, you can see here where they are headed: http://forum.theosdf.org/index.php?topic=22.0"
b"<br/><br/>[21:08] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 10) I\xe2\x80\x99m going to send an email to NYU Journalism Professor, Jay Rosen with some interview questions for my HuffPo blog.  If you\xe2\x80\x99d like to comment, please do: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpac/comments/et6dn/soliciting_questions_for_professor_jay_rosen_for/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:08] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 11) John, our blog editor-and-chief has put a call out for blog submissions: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpac/comments/ew8tn/osdf_needs_your_writing/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:08] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 12) If anyone has video ideas, this is the place to put them: http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Video_Resources"
b"<br/><br/>[21:08] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 13) I had a conversation with a DC lobbyist the other day about how the OSDF can be influential and really have an impact."
b"<br/><br/>[21:09] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> look here for those: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShT_AHGRnA8Tu-lGOPbBTxw7P30wINyT1uqzvMl0Wnw/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJnfuIAN"
b"<br/><br/>[21:09] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> 14) Once again, the prospect of adding another issue has been brought up.  It originated here: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpac/comments/eq34j/so_now_what/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:10] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> a more detailed outline is, again, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShT_AHGRnA8Tu-lGOPbBTxw7P30wINyT1uqzvMl0Wnw/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJnfuIAN"
b"<br/><br/>[21:10] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> that's it--only 14 announcements!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:10] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> first, if David is here, I'd like him to share his thoughts on the podcast+++"
b'<br/><br/>[21:11] * RobFundAndHellRa (4086e180@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #osdf'
b"<br/><br/>[21:11] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> hmmm, maybe he's not in"
b"<br/><br/>[21:12] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> do we have any heads up departments with updates?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:12] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:12] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> biblianthrope:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:12] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;RobFundAndHellRa&gt;</span> my connection is slow, sorry if I miss anything"
b'<br/><br/>[21:13] <span style=\'color:#A82F2F\'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> I don\'t have a whole lot to update at this moment, but I would like to put out a call for interested volunteers to do some of the "reddit monitoring" that I\'ve been doing'
b"<br/><br/>[21:14] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> specifically, this means keeping tabs on the Net Neutrality-related discussions that happen (and there are tons), and saving the best for more coordinated outreach methods"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> if there are any interested parties, i can explain more"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> and i will put out a call to the rest of the volunteers via email as well"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> any tech people with updates?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:15] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> moparx:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:16] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> - Drupal 7 comes out tomorrow so we will be looking into upgrading that soon."
b"<br/><br/>[21:16] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> - I'll be moving the Wiki to wiki.theosdf.org sometime soon."
b"<br/><br/>[21:17] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> and There is an OSDF account and group on Identi.ca now in case anyone uses that site"
b"<br/><br/>[21:17] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:17] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;zeto28&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:17] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> zeto28:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:17] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;zeto28&gt;</span> will the wiki be migrated to a new server, or will you just make a DNS/HTTP redirect?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:18] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> migration"
b"<br/><br/>[21:18] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:18] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> obviously, there were lots of announcements--if there are any questions that can't wait for a comment on /rpac or the forum, the floor is open+++"
b'<br/><br/>[21:19] * muggafugga (~mf@ip72-223-92-146.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #osdf'
b'<br/><br/>[21:19] * TheRealToast_ (~therealto@ has joined #osdf'
b"<br/><br/>[21:19] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> hi"
b"<br/><br/>[21:19] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:19] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> legendairy:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:19] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> Hey everyone, just a quick update from the finance side of things."
b"<br/><br/>[21:20] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> We're working on getting a bank account running for our outfit, but thanks to the Patriot Act, it's a lot more complicated than we'd like."
b"<br/><br/>[21:21] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> However, we are pursuing an account with either CitiBank or Bank of America and it should be up and running in a very short time. We'll be able to take donations as soon as that goes live.+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:21] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> if anyone ever has a suggest, please do not hesitate to email or ping me..."
b"<br/><br/>[21:22] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span>  meeting happening?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:22] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> I want to make sure silence isn't indifference"
b"<br/><br/>[21:23] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> !!! was there an open question? +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:23] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:23] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> (I opened the floor)"
b"<br/><br/>[21:23] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> criswell:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:24] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> I was just curious (because I'm an instigator :-) what the logic was behind CitiBank/BofA as possible choices? (if I'm opening a wound, feel free to have 'no comment' be the answer)+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:25] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> legendairy, that's you, sir"
b"<br/><br/>[21:25] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> !!!did you cover the volunteer resources people are making available yet?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:26] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> muggafugga: pardonmyfranton: 5) There is a lot more content on the Wiki: http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page ...Including names and experience of everyone who\xe2\x80\x99s volunteered:http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Volunteer_Contact_Info  If you like to get in contact with anyone, shoot and email to volunteer@theosdf.org and we\xe2\x80\x99ll put people in touch.+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:27] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> just in case Legendairy went AFK, the choice of bank was just based on what would be best for a non-profit corp. based in MA"
b"<br/><br/>[21:28] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> National reach, easiest to start an account, FDIC insurance, attractive offers for non-profits (low rates, few minimal account balance restrictions, low transaction costs)."
b"<br/><br/>[21:28] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> !!!what is the bank for?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:28] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> At least, those were the major points. We wanted to go with HSBC, but they didn't have an account to suit our purposes. I also would have liked a Credit Union, but those aren't quite as great for small business orgs.+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:28] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> !!!okay, just wanted you to be aware of possible connections to anti-net-neutrality lobbying firms :-) +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:29] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> If the bank interferes with our account because they don't approve of our political stance, I'm certain we'll have a wonderful lawsuit to gain all sorts of coverage. +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:29] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> The bank is so that we can accept contributions. +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:30] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> !!!then pick bank of america :-D+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:30] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> !!! why do we need a bank? can we not use USAA? +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:31] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> I am not a member of the military.+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:31] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> !!! you don't need to be a member of the military for some of their services +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:31] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:31] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> TheRealToast:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> Frew, that's true. However, we are registering as a corporation with a Employer Identification Number, and so we cannot open a simple personal banking account.+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> Typing !!! And proceeding to speak defeats the purpose of using !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> thank you toast"
b"<br/><br/>[21:32] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> muggafugga:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:33] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> i have a lot of isp performance data available, how can i get on the volunteer page?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:34] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Volunteer_Resources +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:34] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:34] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:34] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> legendairy:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:36] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;legendairy&gt;</span> If anyone has any further questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me or post on the forum under the Finance discussion heading. I would be glad to field all questions and comments, and suggestions are always considered above all. After all, this is your organization. +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:37] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:37] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> biblianthrope:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:37] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> i can't quite parse what muggafugga was saying about ISP performance data"
b"<br/><br/>[21:37] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> muggafugga, would you mind elaborating? +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:38] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> sure"
b"<br/><br/>[21:39] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> its actualy my emplyers data and i would need to speak with them before making any commitments, but if its something that could be used in a constructive way i think they would be fine with it"
b"<br/><br/>[21:40] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> we run bit torrent trackers and provide download services to publishers"
b"<br/><br/>[21:40] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> i manage a bi system where we do all of our analytics"
b"<br/><br/>[21:41] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;muggafugga&gt;</span> is there anything in particular you are curious about?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:42] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> may I table more detailed discussion, for the moment?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:42] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> looks like reddit is getting ddos'd or i would link to the post, but is that part of the conversation about what ISPs are available throughout the US and their bandwidth share, so to speak?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:42] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> oh"
b"<br/><br/>[21:42] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> sure"
b"<br/><br/>[21:42] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> !!! (reddit is up for me) +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:43] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> (yeah, mine JUST came back)"
b"<br/><br/>[21:43] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> are there any other matter for official discussion?  We can move to more informal conversation after the meeting adjourns+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:43] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:44] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> Apart from migration to drupal 7 and theming, how ready is drupal to beco"
b"<br/><br/>[21:44] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> Sorry, small keyboard"
b"<br/><br/>[21:45] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> ...becoming the active cms? (didn't mean to hit return back there)"
b"<br/><br/>[21:45] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> unfortunately, Andrew isn't here, but I think he'd have the best answer"
b"<br/><br/>[21:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> moparx:"
b"<br/><br/>[21:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> On the tech side the drupal install is ready to go aside from civicrm and a theme"
b"<br/><br/>[21:46] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> +++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:47] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> anything else?+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:48] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> all right then, I move to adjourn+++"
b"<br/><br/>[21:48] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;biblianthrope&gt;</span> second"
b"<br/><br/>[21:48] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;moparx&gt;</span> agreed"
b"<br/><br/>[21:48] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;TheRealToast_&gt;</span> Bam!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;zeto28&gt;</span> k"
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> meeting adjourned"
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] * moparx has changed the topic to 'The Open Source Democracy Foundation || http://theosdf.org | http://reddit.com/r/rpac'"
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> log?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> I can get you one if you need it"
b'<br/><br/>[21:49] * criswell logs everything, in every channel he is in'
b"<br/><br/>[21:49] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> it's just needs to get on the site"
b"<br/><br/>[21:50] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> right... want mine?"
b'<br/><br/>[21:50] * RobFundAndHellRa has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)'
b"<br/><br/>[21:50] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> unless someone else has something cleaner formatted (mine is straight text from irssi)"
b"<br/><br/>[21:51] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> yeah, sure: egeller@theosdf.org"
b"<br/><br/>[21:52] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> so, if you're committed enough sit through these meetings, then I ask you to comment on some stuff from the announcements"
b"<br/><br/>[21:52] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> make your voice heard!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:52] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> !!!"
b"<br/><br/>[21:53] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> you can just chat freely"
b"<br/><br/>[21:53] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> ah okay"
b"<br/><br/>[21:53] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> now that the meeting is out"
b"<br/><br/>[21:53] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> do we have any projects started?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:54] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> technical or otherwise?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:54] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;frewsxcv&gt;</span> technical. programming projects?"
b"<br/><br/>[21:54] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> http://www.theundermine.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page"
b'<br/><br/>[21:55] <span style=\'color:#A82F2F\'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> "contributing code"'
b'<br/><br/>[21:55] <span style=\'color:#A82F2F\'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> "contributing code"'
b"<br/><br/>[21:55] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> content*"
b'<br/><br/>[21:55] <span style=\'color:#A82F2F\'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> "drupal config"'
b"<br/><br/>[21:55] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> and if you have any ideas on something you want to work on, let me know and let's get them going"
b"<br/><br/>[21:56] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;zeto28&gt;</span> I have a question regarding the National Field thing"
b"<br/><br/>[21:56] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> erm... the #osdf log file did this to my terminal http://i.imgur.com/rSaII.png"
b"<br/><br/>[21:56] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;criswell&gt;</span> pardonmyfranton: may take me a bit :-/"
b"<br/><br/>[21:57] <span style='color:#A82F2F'>&lt;pardonmyfranton&gt;</span> go for it"
b'\\ No newline at end of file'