For help using NUnit or general information...

The NUnit forums and mailing lists are the best place to start. They are monitored by the NUnit developers and other experienced users. Describe your problem clearly and be sure to indicate the version of NUnit you are using.

To report a Bug...

Submit the problem to our Bug List after checking that it hasn't already been reported. Be sure to indicate the version of NUnit you are using. If you aren't sure that a problem is a bug, ask on one of the forums or mailing lists first. Fixes in more recent versions of NUnit are listed in our Release Notes on this site. Problems we are working on are listed on the Known Problems page on the developer wiki.

To request a new feature...

Look at the NUnit Roadmap to see if we're already planning to implement a similar feature. If not, submit it using the Feature Request List or by sending email to Review the list first to see to see if anyone else has requested the feature. In your request explain why your feature is needed and how you would like to see it work.

To discuss or contribute to NUnit development...

Join the list nunit-developer list.

To contact the developers directly, email...

Charlie Poole at charlie AT nunit DOT com
Michael C. Two at mctwo AT thoughtworks DOT com