Package vita :: Package modules :: Package s3 :: Module s3aaa :: Class AuthS3
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Class AuthS3

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S3 extensions of the class

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, environment, deployment_settings, db=None)
Initialise parent class & make any necessary modifications
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__get_migrate(self, tablename, migrate=True) source code
define_tables(self, migrate=True)
to be called unless tables are defined manually
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login_bare(self, username, password)
Logs user in
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Set a Cookie to the client browser so that we know this user has registered & so we should present them with a login form instead of a register form
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login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
Overrides Web2Py's login() to use custom flash styles & utcnow
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register(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
Overrides Web2Py's register() to add new functionality:
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s3_register(self, form)
S3 framework function
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s3_link_to_person(self, user=None)
Links user accounts to person registry entries
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s3_approver(self, user)
Returns the Approver for a new Registration & the organisation_id field
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verify_email(self, next=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
action user to verify the registration email, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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s3_update_staff_membership(self, record, delete=False)
Updates the staff's memberships of the roles associated with the organisation and/or site instance record which the staff is a component of Called from onaccept & ondelete
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s3_site_resource(self, site_id)
Returns the prefix, resource and id which a site refers to
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Check whether the user is currently logged-in...
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s3_has_role(self, role)
Check whether the currently logged-in user has a role
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s3_group_members(self, group_id)
Get a list of members of a group
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s3_user_to_person(self, user_id)
Get the person_id for a given user_id
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s3_person_to_user(self, person_id)
Get the user_id for a given person_id
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Get the person record ID for the current logged-in user
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s3_has_permission(self, method, table, record_id=0)
S3 framework function to define whether a user can access a record in manner "method" Designed to be called from the RESTlike controller
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s3_accessible_query(self, method, table)
Returns a query with all accessible records for the current logged in user
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s3_has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)
Checks if user is member of group_id or role
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has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)
Checks if user is member of group_id or role
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s3_requires_membership(self, role)
Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id.
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requires_membership(self, role)
Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id.
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s3_create_role(self, role, description, *acls)
Back-end method to create roles with ACLs
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s3_update_acl(self, role, c=None, f=None, t=None, oacl=None, uacl=None)
Back-end method to update an ACL
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s3_make_session_owner(self, table, record_id)
Makes the current session owner of this record
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s3_session_owns(self, table, record_id)
Checks whether the current session owns a record
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, environment, deployment_settings, db=None)

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Initialise parent class & make any necessary modifications

__get_migrate(self, tablename, migrate=True)

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define_tables(self, migrate=True)

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to be called unless tables are defined manually


   # defines all needed tables and table files
   # UUID + "_auth_user.table", ...

   # defines all needed tables and table files
   # "myprefix_auth_user.table", ...

   # defines all needed tables without migration/table files

login_bare(self, username, password)

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Logs user in

  • extended to understand session.s3.roles


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Set a Cookie to the client browser so that we know this user has registered & so we should present them with a login form instead of a register form

login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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Overrides Web2Py's login() to use custom flash styles & utcnow

a login form

register(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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Overrides Web2Py's register() to add new functionality:

  • Checks whether registration is permitted
  • Custom Flash styles
  • Allow form to be embedded in other pages
  • Optional addition of Mobile Phone field to the Register form
  • Optional addition of Organisation field to the Register form
  • Lookup Domains/Organisations to check for Whitelists &/or custom Approver
a registration form

s3_register(self, form)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be used as an onaccept callback for register()

Whenever someone registers, it:

  • adds them to the 'Authenticated' role
  • adds their name to the Person Registry
  • creates an entry in the Org_Staff table

s3_link_to_person(self, user=None)

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Links user accounts to person registry entries

Policy for linking to pre-existing person records:

If and only if:

  • a person record with exactly the same first name and last name exists, which has a contact information record with exactly the same email address as used in the user account, and which is not linked to another user account, then this person record will be linked to this user account,


  • a new person record is created, and a new email contact record with the email address from the user record is registered for that person

s3_approver(self, user)

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Returns the Approver for a new Registration & the organisation_id field

verify_email(self, next=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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action user to verify the registration email, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

.. method:: Auth.verify_email([next=DEFAULT [, onvalidation=DEFAULT
    [, onaccept=DEFAULT [, log=DEFAULT]]]])

s3_update_staff_membership(self, record, delete=False)

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Updates the staff's memberships of the roles associated with the organisation and/or site instance record which the staff is a component of Called from onaccept & ondelete

s3_site_resource(self, site_id)

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Returns the prefix, resource and id which a site refers to

To Do: Should this functionality be shifted to the super entity code? (But then can't be visible from Auth)


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Check whether the user is currently logged-in
- tries Basic if not

s3_has_role(self, role)

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Check whether the currently logged-in user has a role

  • role - can be integer or a name

s3_group_members(self, group_id)

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Get a list of members of a group

  • group_id - the group record ID
a list of the user_ids for members of a group

s3_user_to_person(self, user_id)

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Get the person_id for a given user_id

  • user_id - the user record ID
the person record ID for this user ID

Note: unsafe method - do not expose to users

s3_person_to_user(self, person_id)

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Get the user_id for a given person_id

  • person_id - the person record ID
the user record ID associated with this person record

Note: unsafe method - do not expose to users


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Get the person record ID for the current logged-in user

s3_has_permission(self, method, table, record_id=0)

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S3 framework function to define whether a user can access a record in manner "method" Designed to be called from the RESTlike controller

  • table - the table or tablename

Note: This is planned to be rewritten:

s3_accessible_query(self, method, table)

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Returns a query with all accessible records for the current logged in user

Note: This method does not work on GAE because it uses JOIN and IN

s3_has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)

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Checks if user is member of group_id or role

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()

has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)

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Checks if user is member of group_id or role

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()

s3_requires_membership(self, role)

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Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated.

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()
  • Administrators (id=1) are deemed to have all roles

requires_membership(self, role)

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Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated.

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()
  • Administrators (id=1) are deemed to have all roles

s3_create_role(self, role, description, *acls)

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Back-end method to create roles with ACLs

s3_update_acl(self, role, c=None, f=None, t=None, oacl=None, uacl=None)

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Back-end method to update an ACL

s3_make_session_owner(self, table, record_id)

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Makes the current session owner of this record

s3_session_owns(self, table, record_id)

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Checks whether the current session owns a record