
  • Committer: Bazaar Package Importer
  • Author(s): Rafael Laboissiere, Rafael Laboissiere, Ondrej Certik
  • Date: 2008-02-21 14:46:50 UTC
  • mfrom: (1.1.2 upstream) (5.1.1 hardy)
  • Revision ID: james.westby@ubuntu.com-20080221144650-tgeppgj0t7s759i8
Tags: 3.1.0-3
[ Rafael Laboissiere ]
* Upload to unstable

[ Ondrej Certik ]
* XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes field added
* Ondrej Certik added to uploaders
Filename Latest Rev Last Changed Committer Comment Size
AMD 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
BTF 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CAMD 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CCOLAMD 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CHOLMOD 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
COLAMD 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CSparse 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CXSparse 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
CXSparse_newfiles 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
debian 2 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Initial Release Diff
KLU 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
LDL 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
LINFACTOR 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 Diff
MATLAB_Tools 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 Diff
MESHND 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 Diff
RBio 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
SSMULT 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 Diff
UFcollection 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
UFconfig 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
UMFPACK 1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 2.3.1 Diff
Contents.m 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 6.9 KB Diff Download File
File CSparse_to_CXSparse 1.1.1 17 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.0.0 9.5 KB Diff Download File
CXSparse_newfiles.tar.gz 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 561 KB Diff Download File
Makefile 6 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer [ Rafael Laboissiere ] * Upload to unstable [ Ond 2.8 KB Diff Download File
README.txt 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 4.7 KB Diff Download File
SuiteSparse_demo.m 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 2.5 KB Diff Download File
SuiteSparse_install.m 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 8.2 KB Diff Download File
SuiteSparse_test.m 1.1.2 16 years ago Bazaar Package Importer Import upstream version 3.1.0 6.3 KB Diff Download File