Bazaar Package Importer
Steve Langasek
2009-01-28 02:35:42 UTC
(0.25.12 lenny)
Revision ID:
Tags: 2:3.2.5-4ubuntu1
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
+ debian/patches/VERSION.patch:
- setup SAMBA_VERSION_SUFFIX to Ubuntu.
+ debian/smb.conf:
- add "(Samba, Ubuntu)" to server string.
- comment out the default [homes] share, and add a comment about
"valid users = %S" to show users how to restrict access to
\\server\username to only username.
- Set 'usershare allow guests', so that usershare admins are
allowed to create public shares in addition to authenticated
- add map to guest = Bad user, maps bad username to guest access.
+ debian/samba.postinst:
- When populating the new samabshare group, it is not an error
if the user simply does not exist; test for this case and let
the install continue instead of aborting.
+ debian/samba-common.config:
- Do not change priority to high if dhclient3 is installed.
- Use priority medium instead of high for the workgroup question.
+ debian/mksambapasswd.awk:
- Do not add user with UID less than 1000 to smbpasswd.
+ debian/control:
- Depend on lsb-base >= 3.2-14, which has the status_of_proc()
- Make libpam-smbpasswd depend on libpam-runtime to allow
libpam-smbpasswd for auto-configuration.
- Make libwbclient0 replace/conflict with hardy's likewise-open.
+ debian/samba.init:
- Add a 'status' action.
+ debian/libpam-smbpass.pam-config, debian/libpam-smbpass.postinst,
debian/libpam-smbpass.prerm, debian/libpam-smbpass.files,
- Provide a config block for the new PAM framework to auto-configure
+ debian/rules:
- enable "native" PIE hardening.
+ Add ufw integration:
- Created debian/samba.uwf.profile
- debian/rules, debian/samba.dirs, debian/samba.files: install
- debian/control: have samba suggest ufw
+ debian/patches/last-char-truncation.patch:
- Fix compatibility issue with NAS boxes still using Samba 2.2 and
+ debian/winbind.files:
- include additional files
+ debian/winbind.init:
- Add a PID variable and a 'status' action.
* Dropped changes:
- don't worry about handling upgrades from feisty or edgy, since
users should have upgraded to the hardy version first so this
transition is now finished.
* Fixes LP: #264943 and LP: #286119.