
GdictSourceChooser — Display the list of available sources


GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_new            (void);
GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_new_with_loader
                                                        (GdictSourceLoader *loader);
GdictSourceLoader * gdict_source_chooser_get_loader     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);
void                gdict_source_chooser_set_loader     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         GdictSourceLoader *loader);
gchar **            gdict_source_chooser_get_sources    (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         gsize *length);
gint                gdict_source_chooser_count_sources  (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);
gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_has_source     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);
void                gdict_source_chooser_refresh        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);
gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_select_source  (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);
gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_unselect_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);
gchar *             gdict_source_chooser_get_current_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);
gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_set_current_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);
GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_add_button     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *button_text);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GdictSourceChooser implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkOrientable.


  "count"                    gint                  : Read
  "loader"                   GdictSourceLoader*    : Read / Write / Construct


  "selection-changed"                              : Run Last
  "source-activated"                               : Run Last


GdictSourceChooser is a widget that shows the list of available dictionary sources using a GdictSourceLoader instance as a model. It can be used to allow choosing the current dictionary source.

GdictSourceChooser is available since Gdict 0.12.



typedef struct _GdictSourceChooser GdictSourceChooser;


typedef struct {
  void (*source_activated)  (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                             const gchar        *source_name,
                             GdictSource        *source);
  void (*selection_changed) (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);
} GdictSourceChooserClass;

gdict_source_chooser_new ()

GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_new            (void);

Creates a new GdictSourceChooser widget. This widget can be used to display the list of available dictionary sources.

Returns :

the newly created GdictSourceChooser widget.

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_new_with_loader ()

GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_new_with_loader
                                                        (GdictSourceLoader *loader);

Creates a new GdictSourceChooser widget and sets loader as the GdictSourceLoader object to be used to retrieve the list of available dictionary sources.

loader :

a GdictSourceLoader

Returns :

the newly created GdictSourceChooser widget.

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_get_loader ()

GdictSourceLoader * gdict_source_chooser_get_loader     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);

Retrieves the GdictSourceLoader used by chooser.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

Returns :

a GdictSourceLoader or NULL is none is set

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_set_loader ()

void                gdict_source_chooser_set_loader     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         GdictSourceLoader *loader);

Sets the GdictSourceLoader to be used by the source chooser widget.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

loader :

a GdictSourceLoader or NULL to unset it

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_get_sources ()

gchar **            gdict_source_chooser_get_sources    (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         gsize *length);

Retrieves the names of the available dictionary sources.

chooser :

a GdictSouceChooser

length :

return location for the length of the returned vector

Returns :

a newly allocated, NULL terminated string vector containing the names of the available sources. Use g_strfreev() when done using it.

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_count_sources ()

gint                gdict_source_chooser_count_sources  (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);

Retrieve the number of available dictionary sources.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

Returns :

the number of available sources, or -1 if no GdictSourceLoader has been set

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_has_source ()

gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_has_source     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);

Checks whether chooser has a dictionary source named source_name.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

source_name :

the name of a dictionary source

Returns :

TRUE if the dictionary source was found

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_refresh ()

void                gdict_source_chooser_refresh        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);

Forces a refresh on the contents of the source chooser widget

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_select_source ()

gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_select_source  (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);

Selects the dictionary source named source_name inside chooser. The selection is moved but the row containing the dictionary source is not activated.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

source_name :

the name of a dictionary source

Returns :

TRUE if the source was found and selected

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_unselect_source ()

gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_unselect_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);

Unselects source_name inside chooser.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

source_name :

the name of a dictionary source

Returns :

TRUE if the source was found and unselected

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_get_current_source ()

gchar *             gdict_source_chooser_get_current_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser);

Retrieves the currently selected source.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

Returns :

a newly allocated string containing the name of the currently selected source. Use g_free() when done using it

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_set_current_source ()

gboolean            gdict_source_chooser_set_current_source
                                                        (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *source_name);

Sets the current dictionary source named source_name. The row of the source, if found, will be selected and activated.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

source_name :

the name of a dictionary source

Returns :

TRUE if the source was found

Since 0.12

gdict_source_chooser_add_button ()

GtkWidget *         gdict_source_chooser_add_button     (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                         const gchar *button_text);

Adds a GtkButton with button_text to the button area on the bottom of chooser. The button_text can also be a stock ID.

chooser :

a GdictSourceChooser

button_text :

text of the button

Returns :

the newly packed button.

Since 0.12

Property Details

The "count" property

  "count"                    gint                  : Read

The number of available dictionary sources, or -1 if no GdictSourceLoader is set.

Allowed values: >= -1

Default value: -1

Since 0.12

The "loader" property

  "loader"                   GdictSourceLoader*    : Read / Write / Construct

The GdictSourceLoader used to retrieve the list of available dictionary sources.

Since 0.12

Signal Details

The "selection-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)      : Run Last

The ::selection-changed signal is emitted each time the selection inside the source chooser widget has been changed.

chooser :

the GdictSourceChooser that received the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.12

The "source-activated" signal

void                user_function                      (GdictSourceChooser *chooser,
                                                        gchar              *source_name,
                                                        GdictSource        *source,
                                                        gpointer            user_data)        : Run Last

The ::source-activated signal is emitted each time the user activates a row in the source chooser widget, either by double clicking on it or by a keyboard event.

chooser :

the GdictSourceChooser that received the signal

source_name :

the name of the activated source

source :

the activated GdictSource

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.12