
gimpui — Common user interface functions. This header includes all other GIMP User Interface Library headers.


void                gimp_ui_init                        (const gchar *prog_name,
                                                         gboolean preview);
GdkWindow *         gimp_ui_get_display_window          (guint32 gdisp_ID);
GdkWindow *         gimp_ui_get_progress_window         (void);
void                gimp_window_set_transient           (GtkWindow *window);
void                gimp_window_set_transient_for_display
                                                        (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         guint32 gdisp_ID);


Common user interface functions. This header includes all other GIMP User Interface Library headers.


gimp_ui_init ()

void                gimp_ui_init                        (const gchar *prog_name,
                                                         gboolean preview);

This function initializes GTK+ with gtk_init() and initializes GDK's image rendering subsystem (GdkRGB) to follow the GIMP main program's colormap allocation/installation policy.

It also sets up various other things so that the plug-in user looks and behaves like the GIMP core. This includes selecting the GTK+ theme and setting up the help system as chosen in the GIMP preferences. Any plug-in that provides a user interface should call this function.

prog_name :

The name of the plug-in which will be passed as argv[0] to gtk_init(). It's a convention to use the name of the executable and _not_ the PDB procedure name.

preview :

This parameter is unused and exists for historical reasons only.

gimp_ui_get_display_window ()

GdkWindow *         gimp_ui_get_display_window          (guint32 gdisp_ID);

Returns the GdkWindow of a display window. The purpose is to allow to make plug-in dialogs transient to the image display as explained with gdk_window_set_transient_for().

You shouldn't have to call this function directly. Use gimp_window_set_transient_for_display() instead.

gdisp_ID :

Returns :

A reference to a GdkWindow or NULL. You should unref the window using g_object_unref() as soon as you don't need it any longer.

Since GIMP 2.4

gimp_ui_get_progress_window ()

GdkWindow *         gimp_ui_get_progress_window         (void);

Returns the GdkWindow of the window this plug-in's progress bar is shown in. Use it to make plug-in dialogs transient to this window as explained with gdk_window_set_transient_for().

You shouldn't have to call this function directly. Use gimp_window_set_transient() instead.

Returns :

A reference to a GdkWindow or NULL. You should unref the window using g_object_unref() as soon as you don't need it any longer.

Since GIMP 2.4

gimp_window_set_transient ()

void                gimp_window_set_transient           (GtkWindow *window);

Indicates to the window manager that window is a transient dialog associated with the GIMP window that the plug-in has been started from. See also gimp_window_set_transient_for_display().

window :

the GtkWindow that should become transient

Since GIMP 2.4

gimp_window_set_transient_for_display ()

void                gimp_window_set_transient_for_display
                                                        (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         guint32 gdisp_ID);

Indicates to the window manager that window is a transient dialog associated with the GIMP image window that is identified by it's display ID. See gdk_window_set_transient_for() for more information.

Most of the time you will want to use the convenience function gimp_window_set_transient().

window :

the GtkWindow that should become transient

gdisp_ID :

display ID of the image window that should become the parent

Since GIMP 2.4

See Also

gtk_init(), gdk_set_use_xshm(), gdk_rgb_set_min_colors(), gdk_rgb_set_install(), gdk_rgb_get_visual(), gdk_rgb_get_cmap(), gtk_widget_set_default_visual(), gtk_widget_set_default_colormap(), gtk_preview_set_gamma().