MCEuropeanHestonEngine Class Template Reference
[Vanilla option engines]

#include <ql/pricingengines/vanilla/mceuropeanhestonengine.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MCEuropeanHestonEngine:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class RNG = PseudoRandom, class S = Statistics>
class QuantLib::MCEuropeanHestonEngine< RNG, S >

Monte Carlo Heston-model engine for European options.

the correctness of the returned value is tested by reproducing results available in web/literature

Public Types

typedef MCVanillaEngine
< MultiVariate, RNG, S >

Public Member Functions

 MCEuropeanHestonEngine (const boost::shared_ptr< HestonProcess > &, Size timeSteps, Size timeStepsPerYear, bool antitheticVariate, Size requiredSamples, Real requiredTolerance, Size maxSamples, BigNatural seed)

Protected Member Functions

< path_pricer_type > 
pathPricer () const