PiecewiseYieldCurve Class Template Reference
[Term structures]

#include <ql/termstructures/yield/piecewiseyieldcurve.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for PiecewiseYieldCurve:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

template<class Traits, class Interpolator, template< class, class, class > class Bootstrap = IterativeBootstrap>
class QuantLib::PiecewiseYieldCurve< Traits, Interpolator, Bootstrap >

Piecewise yield term structure.

This term structure is bootstrapped on a number of interest rate instruments which are passed as a vector of handles to RateHelper instances. Their maturities mark the boundaries of the interpolated segments.

Each segment is determined sequentially starting from the earliest period to the latest and is chosen so that the instrument whose maturity marks the end of such segment is correctly repriced on the curve.

The bootstrapping algorithm will raise an exception if any two instruments have the same maturity date.

  • the correctness of the returned values is tested by checking them against the original inputs.
  • the observability of the term structure is tested.

FittedBondCurve.cpp, FRA.cpp, and swapvaluation.cpp.

Public Member Functions

 PiecewiseYieldCurve (const Date &referenceDate, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< typename Traits::helper > > &instruments, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Real accuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator())
 PiecewiseYieldCurve (Natural settlementDays, const Calendar &calendar, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< typename Traits::helper > > &instruments, const DayCounter &dayCounter, Real accuracy=1.0e-12, const Interpolator &i=Interpolator())
YieldTermStructure interface
Date maxDate () const
const std::vector< Time > & times () const
const std::vector< Date > & dates () const
const std::vector< Real > & data () const
std::vector< std::pair< Date,
Real > > 
nodes () const
Observer interface
void update ()


class Bootstrap< PiecewiseYieldCurve< Traits, Interpolator, Bootstrap >, Traits, Interpolator >
class BootstrapError< PiecewiseYieldCurve< Traits, Interpolator, Bootstrap >, Traits, Interpolator >

Member Function Documentation

void update (  )  [virtual]

This method must be implemented in derived classes. An instance of Observer does not call this method directly: instead, it will be called by the observables the instance registered with when they need to notify any changes.

Reimplemented from LazyObject.