ZeroInflationIndex Class Reference

#include <ql/indexes/inflationindex.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ZeroInflationIndex:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Base class for zero inflation indices.

Public Member Functions

 ZeroInflationIndex (const std::string &familyName, const Region &region, bool revised, bool interpolated, Frequency frequency, const Period &availabilityLag, const Currency &currency, const Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure > &ts=Handle< ZeroInflationTermStructure >())
 Always use the evaluation date as the reference date.
Rate fixing (const Date &fixingDate, bool forecastTodaysFixing=false) const
< ZeroInflationTermStructure
zeroInflationTermStructure () const

Member Function Documentation

Rate fixing ( const Date fixingDate,
bool  forecastTodaysFixing = false 
) const [virtual]

Forecasting index values requires an inflation term structure. The inflation term structure (ITS) defines the usual lag (not the index). I.e. an ITS is always relatve to a base date that is earlier than its asof date. This must be so because indices are available only with a lag. However, the index availability lag only sets a minimum lag for the ITS. An ITS may be relative to an earlier date, e.g. an index may have a 2-month delay in publication but the inflation swaps may take as their base the index 3 months before.

Implements InflationIndex.