* New upstream snapshot. - cloud-config support for configuring apt-proxy - selection of local mirror based on presense of 'ubuntu-mirror' dns entry in local domain. (LP: #897688) - DataSourceEc2: more resilliant to slow metadata service (LP: #894279) - close stdin in all programs launched by cloud-init (LP: #903993) - revert management of /etc/hosts to 0.6.1 style (LP: #890501, LP: #871966) - write full ssh keys to console for easy machine consumption (LP: #893400) - put INSTANCE_ID environment variable in bootcmd scripts - add 'cloud-init-per' script for easily running things with a given freq (this replaced cloud-init-run-module) - support configuration of landscape-client via cloud-config (LP: #857366) - part-handlers now get base64 decoded content rather than 2xbase64 encoded in the payload parameter. (LP: #874342)