
LassoNameIdentifierMapping — Liberty Enabled Client and Proxy Profile (ID-FF)


struct              LassoNameIdentifierMapping;
LassoNameIdentifierMapping * lasso_name_identifier_mapping_new
                                                        (LassoServer *server);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_request_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_response_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);
void                lasso_name_identifier_mapping_destroy
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_init_request
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *targetNamespace,
                                                         gchar *remote_providerID);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_request_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *request_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_response_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *response_msg);
lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_validate_request
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);



struct LassoNameIdentifierMapping

struct LassoNameIdentifierMapping {
	LassoProfile parent;

	gchar *targetNameIdentifier;

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_new ()

LassoNameIdentifierMapping * lasso_name_identifier_mapping_new
                                                        (LassoServer *server);

Creates a new LassoNameIdentifierMapping.

server :

the LassoServer

Returns :

a newly created LassoNameIdentifierMapping object; or NULL if an error occured

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_request_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);

Builds a name identifier mapping request message.

  • If it is a SOAP method, then it builds the request as a SOAP message, optionally signs his node, sets msg_body with that message and sets msg_url with the SOAP Endpoint URL

  • If it is a HTTP-Redirect method, then it builds the request as a query string message, optionally signs it and sets msg_url to that URL.

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_build_response_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);

Builds a name identifier mapping response message.

  • If it is a SOAP method, then it builds the response as a SOAP message, optionally signs his node, sets msg_body with that message and sets msg_url with the register name identifier service return URL.

  • If it is a HTTP-Redirect method, then it builds the response as a query string message, optionally signs it and sets msg_url to that URL.

If private key and certificate are set in server object it will also signs the message (either with X509 if SOAP or with a simple signature for query strings).

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_destroy ()

void                lasso_name_identifier_mapping_destroy
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);

Destroys a LassoNameIdentifierMapping object.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_init_request ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_init_request
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *targetNamespace,
                                                         gchar *remote_providerID);

Initializes a new lib:NameIdentifierMappingRequest request.

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

targetNamespace :

the request targetNamespace

remote_providerID :

the providerID of the identity provider.

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_request_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_request_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *request_msg);

Processes a lib:NameIdentifierMappingRequest message. Rebuilds a request object from the message and optionally verifies its signature.

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

request_msg :

the name identifier mapping request message

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_response_msg ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_process_response_msg
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping,
                                                         gchar *response_msg);

Processes a lib:NameIdentifierMappingResponse message. Rebuilds a response object from the message and optionally verifies its signature.

If the response depicts Success it will also sets targetNameIdentifier.

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

response_msg :

the name identifier mapping response message

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.

lasso_name_identifier_mapping_validate_request ()

lasso_error_t       lasso_name_identifier_mapping_validate_request
                                                        (LassoNameIdentifierMapping *mapping);

Checks profile request with regards to message status and principal federations, update them accordingly and prepares a lib:NameIdentifierMappingResponse accordingly.

mapping :

a LassoNameIdentifierMapping

Returns :

0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.