
Class GraphUndoManager

  extended byjavax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
      extended byjavax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
          extended byjavax.swing.undo.UndoManager
              extended byorg.jgraph.graph.GraphUndoManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, Serializable, UndoableEdit, UndoableEditListener

public class GraphUndoManager
extends UndoManager

An UndoManager that may be shared among multiple GraphLayoutCache's.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
RedoName, UndoName
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean canRedo(Object source)
          Overridden to preserve usual semantics: returns true if a redo operation would be successful now for the given view, false otherwise
 boolean canUndo(Object source)
          Overridden to preserve usual semantics: returns true if an undo operation would be successful now for the given view, false otherwise
protected  UndoableEdit editToBeRedone(Object source)
protected  UndoableEdit editToBeUndone(Object source)
protected  UndoableEdit nextEditToBeRedone(UndoableEdit current)
          Returns the the next significant edit wrt to current to be redone if redo is called.
protected  UndoableEdit nextEditToBeUndone(UndoableEdit current)
          Returns the the next significant edit wrt to current to be undone if undo is called.
 void redo(Object source)
          If this UndoManager is inProgress, redoes the last significant UndoableEdit with respect to source or after, and all insignificant edits up to it.
 void undo(Object source)
          If this UndoManager is inProgress, undo the last significant UndoableEdit wrt to source, and all insignificant edits back to it.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.undo.UndoManager
addEdit, canRedo, canUndo, canUndoOrRedo, discardAllEdits, editToBeRedone, editToBeUndone, end, getLimit, getRedoPresentationName, getUndoOrRedoPresentationName, getUndoPresentationName, redo, redoTo, setLimit, toString, trimEdits, trimForLimit, undo, undoableEditHappened, undoOrRedo, undoTo
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.undo.CompoundEdit
die, getPresentationName, isInProgress, isSignificant, lastEdit
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GraphUndoManager()
Method Detail


public boolean canUndo(Object source)
Overridden to preserve usual semantics: returns true if an undo operation would be successful now for the given view, false otherwise


public boolean canRedo(Object source)
Overridden to preserve usual semantics: returns true if a redo operation would be successful now for the given view, false otherwise


public void undo(Object source)
If this UndoManager is inProgress, undo the last significant UndoableEdit wrt to source, and all insignificant edits back to it. Updates indexOfNextAdd accordingly.

If not inProgress, indexOfNextAdd is ignored and super's routine is called.

See Also:


protected UndoableEdit editToBeUndone(Object source)


protected UndoableEdit nextEditToBeUndone(UndoableEdit current)
Returns the the next significant edit wrt to current to be undone if undo is called. May return null.


public void redo(Object source)
If this UndoManager is inProgress, redoes the last significant UndoableEdit with respect to source or after, and all insignificant edits up to it. Updates indexOfNextAdd accordingly.

If not inProgress, indexOfNextAdd is ignored and super's routine is called.


protected UndoableEdit editToBeRedone(Object source)


protected UndoableEdit nextEditToBeRedone(UndoableEdit current)
Returns the the next significant edit wrt to current to be redone if redo is called. May return null.


Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Gaudenz Alder. All rights reserved.