* New upstream release (Closes: #720680) * Drop debian/patches/minor_typo_manpage.diff (no more needed) * debian/control: Point Vcs-{Browser,Git} to anonscm.debian.org * debian/lintian-overrides: Removed since sslh use fortified functions * debian/watch: update pattern from sepwatch * debian/default: change default ip to <change-me> to force the user to properly set it, thanks Marc Haber (Closes: #720674) * debian/control: Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.5 (no changes needed) * debian/README.Debian: change configuration examples as sslh can now handle XMPP, OpenSSH and OpenVPN servers (Closes: #730098) * debian/logcheck.ignore.server: Update pattern, thanks Richard van den Berg (Closes: #705430) * debian/patches/disable_valgrind_launch.diff: Don't use valgrind in tests * Provide systemd support: + debian/sslh.service, based on upstream scripts/systemd.sslh.service + debian/rules: use "--with systemd" flag in debhelper generic call + debian/control: Build-Depends on dh-systemd