Daniel Holbach
2014-12-08 09:12:39 UTC
Revision ID:
* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #1400150) Remaining changes:
- debian/patches/02-Remove-redundent-key-label-information.patch:
+ Fix keys that display too much information.
- debian/rules:
+ Update package names to match soname.
- debian/watch:
+ Watch for unstable versions.
* Fix gkbd-capplet description. Closes: #691143.
* Update homepage
* New upstream release.
* Rename package libgnomekbd7 -> libgnomekbd8 for new SONAME
* Update debian/libgnomekbd8.symbols
* Add gnome-common to build-depends to properly regenerate configure
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4
* debian/patches/02-Remove-redundent-key-label-information.patch:
- Fix keys that display too much information LP: #1025508
* New upstream stable release
* New upstream release
* New upstream release
* debian/control:
- Use standards version 3.9.3
- Update package names to match soname
* debian/rules:
- Update package names to match soname
* debian/libgnomekbd8.symbols:
- Updated
* debian/watch:
- Watch for unstable versions
* New upstream release.
* debian/gkbd-capplet.install: Drop *.ui files which do not exist any more.
* debian/libgnomekbd7.symbols: Dropped obsolete plugin symbols.
* New upstream development release.
* Change section of gir1.2-gkbd-3.0 to introspection.
* Remove old Provides which are no longer necessary.
* Remove old Conflicts/Replaces.
* Re-wrap dependencies.
* Bump (Build-)Depends on libxklavier-dev to (>= 5.2).
* Drop explicit Build-Depends on the gir1.2-* packages, they are pulled via
the corresponding -dev packages.
* debian/watch: Switch to .bz2 tarball and fix regex so latest directory is
correctly detected
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
- Link against -lm for sincos. Closes: #640445
* debian/watch:
- Switch to .xz tarballs.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
- Update Build-Depends on debhelper.
- Strip debian/tmp/ from .install files.
* debian/control.in:
- Set pkg-gnome-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org as Maintainer.
- Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2. No further changes.
* Make the -dev package depend on the gir package.
* New upstream release.
* debian/libgnomekbd7.symbols: Adjust .symbols file
* debian/libgnomekbd-common.install:
- Install /usr/share/GConf/gsettings and /usr/share/libgnomekbd/icons
- Add libatk1.0-dev (>= 1.32.0-2~) build-dep to be sure we have .gir file
* New upstream release.
* debian/control.in: fix libxklavier-dev dep libgnomekbd-dev
* debian/libgnomekbd7.symbols: update for changed symbols.
* New upstream release.
+ debian/libgnomekbd7.symbols: update for new and changed symbols.
+ debian/control.in: update build-depend on libxklavier.
* debian/control.in:
- Rename gir1.2-gnomekbd-3.0 to gir1.2-gkbd-3.0, add C/R/P accordingly
- Add Vcs-* fields
* debian/copyright: Fix copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright
to please lintian
* debian/control.in:
- Update for the new gtk+ package names.
* debian/control,debian/rules:
+ add gir1.2-gnomekbd-3.0
* debian/gir1.2-gnomekbd-3.0.install,libgnomekbd-dev.install
+ install gir and typelib
* debian/rules:
+ call dh_girepository
+ enable introspection support
* debian/control.in:
+ Improve the package description.
+ Drop obsolete dpkg-dev build dependency.
+ Don't use tabs for padding.
* debian/control.in,
+ Let CDBS call dh_girepository for us.
* New upstream release.
+ debian/patches/100_gdkwindow_patch.patch:
- Removed, fixed upstream.
+ debian/control.in:
- Bump libgtk3.0-dev requirement.
* debian/libgnomekbd7.symbols:
+ Add a symbols file.
* debian/rules:
+ Fail the build if the symbols file is outdated.
+ Always depend on the latest upstream version on the shlibs file.
+ debian/patches/100_gdkwindow_patch.patch:
+ Added. Fix build with gtk 2.91.6 (from git). Based on the ubuntu
libgnomekbd package.
* debian/control.in: Bump build-depend on gtk to >= 2.91.6
* New upstream release.
+ Fixes build with latest gtk+3. Closes: 605896.
+ debian/patches/0001-Add-gio-to-the-required-pkg-config-modules.patch:
- Removed, merged upstream.
+ debian/patches/01_requires_private.patch:
- Updated.
* debian/rules: Add list-missing
* debian/libgnomekbd-common.install: Install schemas file
* (Closes: 606361) gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in
* New upstream release
* debian/patches/10_null_style_crasher.patch
+ Removed, fixed upstream
* debian/patches/99_ltmain_as-needed.patch
+ Removed, use dh-autoreconf instead
* Bumped soname from 4 to 7
* debian/patches/0001-Add-gio-to-the-required-pkg-config-modules.patch
+ Added. Fix compilation with --as-needed
* 10_null_style_crasher.patch: stolen from upstream git. Fix a crasher
when there is a font declared but no style. Closes: #589391.
* New upstream translation and bugfix release.
* Switch to 3.0 source format.
* 02_layout_crash.patch: dropped, merged upstream.