* New upstream release * Refresh patch debian/patches/manpages.diff (hyphen as minus) * Recommends groff-base instead of depends on it (Closes: #698622) * debian/patches/kfreebsd_character_devices.diff: all devices are characters devices on kFreeBSD, thanks Jeff Epler (Closes: #696813) * Run test suite at build time, thanks Michael Terry (Closes: #695173) + debian/patches/fix-change_disk_uid-test.diff: exit with 1 in case of error + debian/rules: launch gdisk_test.sh test script in override_dh_auto_test * Build a second gdisk package without Unicode support (Closes: #702544): + debian/control + debian/doc-base + debian/docs (same content) + debian/manpages (same content) * Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.4 (no changes needed)